False Flag Attack coming soon

Perhaps it is a call to stay conscious and present. Perhaps everything is. Are we thinking they (you know, THEY) won't even wait for Nibiru?
But your observations are noteworthy. While I would not invite the tipping of the commonly patronized applecart, was there ever an applecart that so needed tipping?
There's likely a shit storm coming and we're just going to have to ride it out, whatever comes around Tuesday next, or the day before, or after.
I have ridden a typhoon at sea. I would never have gone there voluntarily, but in retrospect, I cannot, and will never, bemoan having experienced the majestic awe in having been there. Whatever the universe is sending my way, I say, "thank you." That said, it's always time to get our house in order. It's always now.

Here in NYC, watching people's faces yesterday after everyone awoke to President Elect Trump, under the overcast murk of the day, it sure felt like the Trump win may have effectively been the false-flag you mention. The effect was very much like the shock of 9/11 and of Hurricane Sandy here. Everyone feels powerless and dejected. Taking the cue from Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine, where tragedy is used to install new bodies of draconian and statist law, when we think of the way that media and polling psychically prepared us for an inevitable continuation of the status quo, perhaps we were being primed for a shock-paralysis. So then the question is, what aside from the Trump win is the strategy being implemented under our noses to beat us further into submission?
I have a hypothesis.
We know by their behavior that FBI, Secret Service and the Peter Thiel-style intelligence contracting community such as Palentir, were all in the bag for Trump. We know that Gawker was effectively destroyed last month by the same forces, too, for what it's worth. Well, immediately after the election results were first announced and just prior to Clinton's concession, Gothamist (and I think all the -ists) posted an article of sponsored content that I'd never seen before. See for yourself in my first attachment.
LeafedIn claims to be a peer to peer network for the "marijuana community," and it incorporates the Anonymous Guy Faulks mask to establish it's anti-establishment street cred, and then urges you to sign up so you can connect to your local dealer on their totally safe anonymous network. The argument the site makes to lure the reader in, is that they're building the community of consumers up so as to resist the inevitable corporate seizure of the marijuana market.
Well, for the rest of the day LeafedIn occupied the banner ad-space of most of the "-ist" sites. And again today they reposted the same sponsored content article. It appears to be an automated post scheduled for 12:00am. I assume they'll post it again tonight. My second attachment shows their banner add today, imploring the local community to sign up with them with the tag, "How to get Weed in NYC." Clearly the timing of the campaign immediately after the election is meant to take advantage of a strong desire to escape from the new traumas, as they are felt by most New Yorkers and most city dwellers.
If you google the company we find that the founder is named Oho Herer, plainly a pseudonym. In a June 24th, 2016 interview with the Marijuana Times dot Org, he had this remarkably prescient thing to say:
"Donald Trump could become president, and out of the blue say marijuana won’t make America great again. You’re always walking on thin ice because there can always be a crackdown."
Then, after claiming to run an "anonymous" service, which we all know from Snowden's leaks is a technical impossibility, when asked about how many users they have: "We are big on company privacy so I can’t give out too much information except to say that we are very happy with our progress so far."
To me this looks like an obviously fraudulent organization under the banner of some major federal operation. Maybe this guy Oho is the real deal and well intended and all, but he's also got a big ad-budget and he's an idiot, because his network will inevitably be used as a mining dragnet to identify pot users, even if he doesn't it want it to be.
So here's my hypothesis. Some agency or combination, maybe FBI and/or DEA, is preparing for a giant federal crackdown, maybe even before Obama leaves the White House, but who knows. The point is that under the banner of Trump's law enforcement-enabling mandate, the feds are about to crack down on States' initiatives at legalization and medicalization across the boards. Pot's threat to big-alcohol, big-medicine, big-pharma, and the DEA is about to go away. That's the strong hypothesis.
The week hypothesis is that there's an effort being made by way of collusion between law enforcement and big tobacco to identify all of the small independent delivery service networks, so that they can disrupt those via arrests, while they still can, in preparation to unleash federal legalization directed by a corporate syndicalist cabal under Washington's control.
There ya have it. Would love to hear your thoughts.

Something tells me the legal states will keep the equilibrium when it's up against your hypothesis. How can they miss seeing the rising tide? And besides, even the drug warriors and prison owners kids are banging the bongs. I can't see them using pot prohibition in this way in the present atmosphere. They will be tuning into political associations before anything like that. If most people keep watching NASCAR and football, the Fascism will stay pretty friendly. If people start clamoring for change, showing themselves to be effective, the boot will come down fast, and the Fascism will be out of the closet (that it's been marking time in since the '50s).
Just one old man's take on it. Interesting times at any rate.

Here is my personal thoughts, predictions and things to look for. I believe that "THEY" were pushing Hillary into the whitehouse because she is so deeply rooted and tied into the preferred narrative that they want to happen but once they recognized the amount of support that Trump had and that Trump called out the agenda they had of rigging the election they started a plan B. They would continue to bash Trump with key agitator issues like race, sexism, how he is not fit to be president, the economy will crash and he will start a war. Then, if he won they could push (pay for and execute) "protests" with false flag engineered riots to follow. This could lead to a Marshall Law situation or provide situations to further implement laws or "orders" to further eat away our rights.
They will also plan an economic collapse once Trump is in office and blame him for it. They love economic slumps and crashes.
Also, I would look for false flag "attacks" that they blame on other (Russia, Korea) nations to provoke a scenario where if Trump does not "fight back" he looks like he is a pussy and if he does attack back he will be blamed on starting a war without proper investigation and another story will come out that the attack was from a different source.
Its pretty obvious that ALL of the "news" outlets have been, and continue to, put down Trump, predict doom and gloom and focus on any protest they can find, and all with mind control tactics. The people of the mainstream media tunnel of terror are sucking all of it up and getting riled up into a frenzy and look to be on a path to be in a state of mind to riot when the media activates trigger commands. We will be a divided nation fighting with each other in a way not witnessed in this country for decades.
These are dire times. "THEY" have their backs against the wall and are desperate to get the narrative back on track. We saw what they are capable of when they are desperate with 9-11. We need to come together and focus on uniting against "THEM" to prevent mass losses of life, economic disasters, protect what is left of our rights, prevent war and prevent other engineered disasters.
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