Flying saucer technology/Egyptian Paramid as a power generator

Scientific article proposing theories for free energy, anti-gravitation, new look at the pyramids and the caduceus as a design for a machine.

[attachment file=Kukulkan072409PyramidBeam008.jpg]
Kirlian photographs of pyramid and step-pyramid structures.
My understanding is based on the concept of a dynamic ether which would be a compressible fluid medium of light. A flux of ether as it moves through space impinges on a pyramidal structure in proper alignment would generate a spiral vortex in the ether.
I believe the author is right about the rectangular gallerys and chambers being resonance chambers and waveguides and that the air inside was ionized. I think the one bit he missed is an Ark in the King's Chamber's "tomb". My conception is that the Ark is similar to an orgone accumulator and had ORMUS material inside and created pulses of etheric flux at the 1/3 resonance point of the structure.

consider the exposure time of the second kirlian photograph with the spiral helix, this implies a standing wave (resonant) phenomena. Just noticed that.

Very interesting topic! Weren't there supposed to be water flow under the pyramids as well, at one point?
It reminds me of this very interesting experiment.

Indeed, I know about the Kelvin generator. Ever read the book Living Energies? Chapter 6 is dedicated to this type of atmospheric phenomena:
Living Energies, Chapter 6
Possibly another piece in the puzzle, more related to the underground phenomena:
Flowing water energises minerals
When water flows over glass or rock, the chemical changes that occur are more profound than had been previously assumed. Using a sophisticated spectroscopic method, a team from the Mainz-based Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research and the University of Namur in Belgium has discovered that the electric charge of mineral surfaces changes radically under a flow of water, as many ions are preferentially dissolved from the material. The type of mineral involved and the acidity or alkalinity of the flowing water determine whether and how strongly the surface is positively or negatively charged. However, the change in the charge can be so radical that it corresponds to a 100-fold change in the acid concentration. The change in the surface charge is directly linked to electrical activity and consequently changes the energy of the surface and its reactivity. This recent discovery could therefore have consequences for understanding numerous chemical processes in nature and in industry.

Here is an interesting set of pictures, especially when compared with the water's motion in Lord Kelvin’s water drop experiment. There is the possibility this technology could have been used for a "water generator" for the Sonora Airships:
Artists rendition of the above used to perform research for the book The Secrets of Dellschau.
This video shows the water motion really well.

This presentation will briefly summarize the Shape Power phenomenon whereby physical shapes convert the ether to other forces as discovered by Mr. Davidson, followed by research findings of a universal resonance principal where shape, mass, frequency, and other quantities fit into a natural, universal order of creation.
From the book:

Wow, talk of synchronicity. I was organizing my library and found that exact book Shape Power that I had downloaded some time but never checked. I will get to it soon enough, thanks for posting this.
This reminds me of structural cavity resonance in the context of cancelling gravitation as in Grebennikov's flying platform. This has changed my perspective of insects, especially bumblebees and in fact, of shapes and architecture itself.
(Geometry = frequency and vice versa)
Thought I would post this short video in case.
I am fascinated by this whole topic of flying machines using mothernature's work. Cheeers!

Grebbenikov rocks!

Have you read The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean?
It's an interesting text, apparently 36 000 years old.
It has some info on the pyramid and the sphinx.
In short, Thoth traveled from Atlantis when it sank, and went to Khem (Egypt), to bring wisdom to man.
He traveled by spaceship and hid it under the sand, and created a big sign of a lion on top of it.
The pyramid was constructed upon the entrance to the Halls of Amenti, where the 7(or 9) Lords of Light is located.
And inside there is a stone coffin, where the priests can lay down, and their mental powers will be amplified.
Below the pyramid is a tunnel that is blocked by a big stone, this can be opened by he who has the key (not a physical key), and this tunnel will lead to the spaceship under the sphinx. The spaceship also contains the library of Atlantis, and the ship is suppose to be dormant until man will need it to fight off invaders from other worlds.
Im not done with the book yet, so I dont know what the key is yet, but I assume it is knowledge of some sort.
The esoteric information in this book is also in line with what I read in Seth Speaks, by Jane Roberts, which is also a very interesting read.
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