Hawaii Missile "false alarm"- beta test for public response to global war?

Does anyone else get the feeling that the false alarm that happened in Hawaii on 1/13/18 wasn't as blunderous as we're being made to believe?
It's interesting to me that Hawaii is an isolated state in the US, meaning it shares no borders with the rest of the country's states. In Hawaii you wouldn't be able to drive to the next state over and book a flight out of the country if the airlines were shut down due to the 'threat,' which is supportive of isolated, controlled chaos. You're stuck, operating in fear, with nowhere to run while the clock ticks.
That being said, in my opinion, the recent false alarm could have served as a test to see how the population would respond to an imminent threat. Such as, but not limited to, a ballistic missile from North Korea.
With Hawaii being in the middle of the ocean, this test wouldn't arouse mass, country-wide hysteria, but it could still offer valuable intel on how the public would behave on the mainland during a similar situation.
I'm still formulating this idea as more info about this incident comes out, but I'm extremely dissatisfied with the "employee pressing the wrong button" answer that's been given to us.
To me, this reeks of Psy-op or some other type of malicious Op and I don't believe the answers that we're being given. I would not be surprised if we see a 'ballistic attack' style, false flag operation in the next 6 months to a year...
Let me know your thoughts!

This was exactly my first reaction when I heard about it. Testing the waters / nudging the awareness more & more into the collective mind. I used to live on the Big Island, and I'm so glad I no longer do. It's beautiful, but if anything were to really go down-- bad place to get stuck..

That's what we were thinkin, too. It also made me think about horror movies being used as mind control experiments where people ran from the theatres screaming and throwing up. Interesting they chose Hawaii for this sort of "mistake".
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