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Health Epidemics: Bioweapons, coronavirus..

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MIT recently developed a quantum-dot based vaccine tracking system because of a request from Bill Gates.

Posted : March 30, 2020 11:44 PM
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Boom goes the dymamite! Luc Montagnier is coming out publicly about his findings pointing to a manipulated, man-made virus bioengineered with HIV rNA sequences. He shares his speculations about the geopolitics implications as well.
There’s a heated TV 30min segment of him explaining it in French only unfortunately:

Posted : April 17, 2020 7:05 PM
Posts: 1023
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So it looks like the virus is likely a leak from a lab in Wuhan that was using coronavirus to make an HIV vaccine with US finding.

Posted : April 25, 2020 7:13 PM
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shamangineer wrote: So it looks like the virus is likely a leak from a lab in Wuhan that was using coronavirus to make an HIV vaccine with US finding.

You mean its NOT bat soup?!?
All these media Docs that looked into their crystal ball, I mean microscope, and said its Flu, AIDS, SARS etc. were right with no foreknowledge? And I'm a Chinese fighter pilot.

Posted : April 26, 2020 12:40 AM
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This latest interview with Pr. Luc Monagnier is unfortunately only in French (~40mins). But here are some notes I took from the exchange:

- Natural viruses don't usually survive wide climate differences: the fact that covid was able to spread from Wuhan (China) all the way to the Swiss Alps and in-between is a tell-tale of human manipulation (of the virus).

- USA & French funding that went into the Wuhan P4 lab. The French especially initiated the partnership that led to the development of the lab.

- HIV sequences found within Covid is a sure sign of human tampering with biology. Specifically, the HIV sequence was in a "hidden" innocuous area of the genome, that is rapidly disolves. It also makes no sense that bats would carry HIV genomes in them, making the animal-human hypothesis unlikly.

This sequence however, is apparently not able to infect HIV symptoms to patients (a good news in other words). Further, Pr Montagnier also says that this could've escaped the lab after working on a potential vaccine (for HIV, or for coronavirus? didn't catch it), and accidentally escaped the lab. He stressed that P4 standards are extremely burdening and it's not out of the realms that it could've happened.
He states also that research into biological manipulation is akin to playing Sorcerer's Apprentice, and it should be prohibited internationally.

Last but not least, he sees lots of potential to fight viruses using EMF radiations of certain frequencies, but that unfortunately France is not friendly towards this field of research.

The journalist asked Montagnier about comments allegedly made by another nobel prize winner from Japan, Tasuko Honjo, but he refutes having made those claims, so prob not worth mentioning here.

I don't mean to dwell too much since everyone's surely tired of reading about corona. But it strikes me as curious that:

(1) I haven't heard anyone else talk about the HIV thread. And I'd certainly put my eggs on Montagnier's basket given his previous deed.
(2) Despite the corporate-propaganda's focus on "China Virus", it seems like foreign hands with the CCP were at play. This leads me to believe they're really eager to push us into a war (which will be mutually assured destruction), including the mediocre attempt at fake-ass disclosure of UFO footages, which I suspect is more of "look at what we have, Xi" than an attempt to disclose antigrav technology to the public.

The most important part that we're now witnessing is the roll-out of a cashless, physically distanced, and explicit-voluntary mass-surveillance society. Time will tell..

Posted : April 30, 2020 8:25 PM
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Despite the latest CCP propaganda about Covid being eradicated in China, it seems that they've announced 6 new cases of covid.
6 new cases leading to 11 million or all of Wuhan's inhabitants being tested. Absurd doesn't quite catch the situation here..

My take on this, is that what they really want is mass testings to have a clear database of who's-who.
Seeing that almost everything China did, the western governments later followed (via WHO), I'm predicting that they will soon unleash a "2nd wave surge" and use that to justify everyone to be tested.
And any square peg that doesn't fit the round hole will automatically and conveniently be "positive".

Not something I look forward to, but unless the prevailing winds change directions, that's where it seems to be headed.

PS: I'm still on the fence about what to make of covid and if there's really such a thing as some have been pointing out (i.e., Icke, andy kauffman, etc.) but it is at least as real as santa claus is (that is, in the collective consciousness)

My biggest pet-peeve is: What exactly are they testing? My understanding is, they're testing for immune responses to tell whether you've had covid or not. I hope I'm wrong, because that makes absolutely no sense. One can have an immune response with anything these days (histamines, sugar, EMF, allergies...) There's no doctor refuting any of the claims made by Icke regarding this in his interviews with Rose on LondonReal, and hence, the lack of utter credibility by the mainstream.

Trying to find explanations:

On the other hand, you've got Dr Luc Montagnier whom I tend to put my trust in(he's a nobel prize virologist after his discovery of the HIV virus), and he's saying there are traces of HIV in the Covid. Therefore, it presumes a covid virus in the first place, right?

At this point, I'm not smart enough to bridge those two conflicting points together. Time will tell...

Posted : May 12, 2020 2:44 PM
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We've come a long way since I last posted here.
The latest episode of Unlimited Hangout by Whitney Webb interviewing Catherine Austin-Fitts is worth sharing here.
They discuss the current Covid situation, the coming reset plans (Basic income, digital currencies), and fraudulent OpWarpSpeed "vaccines" being released to the public.
To be fair, it's nothing you haven't already heard on THC. Still CAS always brings the big guns, and her optimism is just what we need in these times.

Podcast is available on WB's Patreon account (support great journalists!), and I hope she doesn't mind me linking it here 😉

Posted : January 20, 2021 9:58 AM
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