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Info Warfare: DARPA, Big Tech, Surveillance & AI

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Ladies and gentlemen,

I decided to make this thread as a repository, if you so wish, for all things Military-Industrial-Complex related, including but not limited to: Silicon Valley, Cyberwarfare, Cyber censorship and all the ordo ab chao that comes with it.

Dunno if you’re aware of this recent anonymous letter written by an alleged insider of Facebook’s, and one of Mark’s former lover, blowing quite the whistle on the shadowy activities going on.

I must admit that although I have no way of authenticating the author’s claims, the lengthy letter is putting the pieces of the puzzle fit together quite coherently.

Put simply, it’s a jaw-dropping tale of Mark Greenberg (claimed to be his real name) who is nothing more than a MKU’d sociopath who is not only manipulated like a puppet, but claims he has in fact no knowledge of coding at all.

In fact, at the very end of this long letter, the author suggests the new Inspector General should simply ask Mark in court, to write a simple program to point out the deception he’s been allowed to sell all along.

More than this, the anonymous author is predicting that the Cabal is knowingly trying to steer the US Justice Dept’s anti-monopoly investigation to lead to a splintering of Facebook into many different entities, each of them ending up becoming even richer than Facebook itself.
It is, in his words, an analogue to Standard Oil and its break-up, which only ended up making things worse. Not to mention evading any accountability for its illegal actions.

Personally, I found the brief anecdotes about Mark’s intimate tantrums of his childhood abuse quite telling, and almost feel sympathy for the trauma and manipulation that these people have gone through, which is beyond my imagination.

It’s like a remix of the films American Psycho and The Social Network put together.

Seriously though, from the secret society called the Fellowship, to the many alphabet agencies involved in the creation and travesty of the world’s largest human database, if this was ever to be made in a film, it would be historical.

As always, it’s good to ask yourself Cui Bono? Who benefits from this leak? It certainly doesn’t help the perpetrators or Mark himself. What makes me think this is a real insider blowing the whistle is:
1) the person writing this is pretty good at telling the story, which makes sense for an ivy-league educated and higher echelon employee working at that level.

2) the usual suspects present, but also a knowledge of the hidden-hand; folks like Eric Schmidt, DARPA, NSA, even the Queen’s vassals, as well as the Soros funded think tanks like the Atlantic Council and Open Society’s billion dollar contribution. This reads like a veritable cess-pool of archonic forces. There are also intimate details that could only be told from someone very close to Mark (like his sexual fetishes) and his lack of leadership within the company (emperor wears no clothes type of deal)

3) While the members of the Fellowship are not explicitly listed, a lengthy list of people is present, everyone in Silicon valley, MIC, and politicians suggesting knowledge of a vast, underground network of evil fellows (worshippers).

4) last but not least, this sort of letter would quite literally get you killed, and the author at the end acknowledges this fact, which is why he is anonymous. Also, while revealing in its content, it’s not disparaging ad-hominem attacks to Mark and others. It reads more like someone who was involved, but has remorse and sense of guilt and ultimately, moral ethics to come forward before its too late.

However, and this is important, he is willing to testify without immunity (and knowing that he will go down the hole as co-criminal), while knowing how corrupt the Justice Dept is, he is at odds to come forward.

Can you imagine him coming forward on THC with this? One can dream, right?

In that sense, I lean towards this letter being authentic, or honest in its intentions. But always keep the salt handy in case.

Anyways, feel free to post your comments, and, or more stories.
Peace ✌️

Posted : June 20, 2019 9:56 PM
Posts: 318
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Hey mate, good idea for a thread. Not sure if it comes under MIC, but it is certainly surface bubbles of deep state rumbling...

After Epstein gets arrested (hope the fucker gets the fucking chair), JP Morgan ship gets busted with a bills worth of coke!

Posted : July 10, 2019 11:06 PM
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More and more insiders are coming out to speak out on the obvious biases, and consolidation of powers towards the “Deep State” taking place, this one at Google. Kudos

Posted : July 25, 2019 6:33 AM
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Apparently a new Google insider came out publicly to spill the beans on some questionable internal practices, issues like censorship and blacklists of many websites, human raters and discriminatory hiring practices amongst other things.

Glad to see more redemption going on.
Reconciliation and leniency will be required as we shed light on these things, and even encourage others to come forward too.

PS: it looks like Google Gestapo’s harassment team isn’t kidding: sent SWAT teams and bomb squads to intimidate him, prompting him to setup a dead man’s switch in order to secure his life.

So much for Don’t Be Evil, eh?

Posted : August 15, 2019 4:52 AM
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Big few months for Silicon Valley lately:
- Zachary Vorhies was recently on the Sarah Westall's podcast discussing his recent public release of Google documents showing massive interferences and blacklisting against him (and planning on meddling 2020 elections). It's pretty crazy and I'm glad more insiders are getting woke, as well as coming out (refer to post above from Project Veritas). To quit a $200,000 salary-workplace with all the benefits Googlers get, deserves some recognition in this day-and-age.

Anyone interested can access the 950-pages internal documents on Project Veritas' website.

PS: I've taken a look at some of the Fake News docs (although I'm curious about "Censorship" and "Psychological Research" folders more). My first reaction was, how mediocre the slides look are (Freshman undergrad's presentation skills with all the irritating memes) to make their case.
And these are the people working for the biggest tech company, seriously? Boy, we're in trouble..

Most of what I saw seems to focus on manipulating search suggestions after events.
Curiously, some of the examples used include San Bernandino (clue to false flags events, perhaps?).
I'll include some of the screenshots below.

PPS: Some things that caught my eye "Don't try to define near-hate; that definition will come in subsequent meeting" as if Googler's aren't allowed to philosophize on their actions..

Only two documents in the Psy-Research folder. One paper titled:

- Apple contractors leaks suggests Siri's been listening and analyzing queries secretly. Anyone owning an iPhone knows how frustrating and stupid that darpa-assistant can get. Personally, I've always suspected she's unto me. But now the jury is out. Apparently, anything from eavesdropping people having sex; drug deals; to private medical information: all are recorded and analyzed by human-operators for "service improvement".

Craziest thing: they actually apologized. Although it seems trivial, its something they rarely resort to.
It must've been serious..

Call me sadistic, it makes me smile to see Silicon Valley crash and burn in their own cess-pool.
Like any good compost however, out of the ashes, a new, more conscious-minded tech industry might slowly emerge with a more holistic understanding of things. :rolleyes:

Posted : August 31, 2019 7:08 AM
Posts: 474
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a good summary video on that google stressors leak
they noticed people impulse buy more things in stress situations, so they design things to stress people out. and get more ad revenue and products bought.
there will be some big data company rolling up al of the Siri, amazon Google voice recordings to probably design cognitive dissonance adverts or whole shows for Netflix to keep people in that highly stressed out survival mode probably

Posted : September 1, 2019 12:14 AM
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nickzeptepi wrote: a good summary video on that google stressors leak
they noticed people impulse buy more things in stress situations, so they design things to stress people out. and get more ad revenue and products bought.
there will be some big data company rolling up al of the Siri, amazon Google voice recordings to probably design cognitive dissonance adverts or whole shows for Netflix to keep people in that highly stressed out survival mode probably

Brilliant video man. Lots of dark, but useful insights that confirm my preliminary thoughts.

Posted : September 1, 2019 8:16 PM
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Twitter senior exec outed as working for British Psy-op brigade.. Nothing new to see, Five-Eyes working with impunity as always.

Posted : October 2, 2019 8:54 AM
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"The biggest story I've done since my Epstein series is out now. Get acquainted with the shadiest company you've never heard of and why they are so interested in the next US election" --Whitney Webb

As always, an incredible investigation and reportage by Webb, who digs deep into this Israeli cybersecurity company (front) Cybereason, that is brazingly programming a coup during the next US elections. These are people from Unit 8200, a notorious branch of the IDF's cyber-army, involved in offensive cyberattacks against foreign state-actors. This unit is said to be as effective as the NSA, if only on a smaller scale.
Remember also that these are the same perps behind the Stuxnet virus disabled nuclear power plant in Iran, which is quite synchronous with current events. Also with systems dynamics, about predicting social behaviours.. but i digress.

I personally only follow the US elections for Andrew Yang, which I'd be damned if he gets elected. But one thing I've noticed is how desperate the establishment picks are, and how unprepared they are for an outsiders.
I say that because it seems likely that the hidden hand's Plan B "Fuck It" would be what's described in the article, meaning:
- Hacking of US infrastructures around polling stations - causing mayhem
- False flag events with number of casualties (as stated in the simulation) - sowing panic
- Martial Law declared - chaos
- Cancellation of US elections
Recipe for a coup d'etat

One point Webb makes in her article, is that in a country as fractured politically as the US, it's really not that hard to take-over the power structure via a coup. Somehow, while reading this, I wondered whether these same people may have had a hand in the Hawaii "fake" missile alert of 2018, that sowed panic, and may have started a serious conflict, if not for the fact that cooler heads prevailed.

Anyhow, Webb is a great journalist, and gotta love her work!

PS: If you like the subject of hacking, and cyber-conflicts, highly highly recommend this documentary Zero Days:

Posted : January 5, 2020 9:35 AM
Posts: 318
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Fucking NASA, man. While the rest of us are inadvertantly bringing about extinction because we forgot our shopping bags that one time, China and India are 'leading the way' in greening the world.

Bias much? Is that why Greta didn't make her way over there to lecture people from her Mega-Yacht? : P

Posted : January 14, 2020 1:44 AM
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We all knew it was going to happen, and indeed, it is. The Silicon Cabal, in this case, Apple, Amazon, Aphabet (Google) seems to have teamed up with White House and Fema, to create a monitoring app for covid symptoms..

It is essentially a western version of what the Chinese have rolled out (based on a 3-color system).

Even scarier is the fact that Alexa is now able to apparently give diagnostics to users to get testing. God knows what else it’s doing behind your back.

So I’m gonna turn off any Siri I have at this point, and hope you choose to the same. This is going downhill very fast (although not surprisingly)

Posted : March 28, 2020 7:30 AM
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I generally stay away from Buzzfeeds, but a new article (its a book promo) about the conditions inside Apple (and to practices common-wide within the Valley) leading to frustrated engineers, is very insightful.
It's no wonder the quality of products, services, and fundamentally, meaningfulness, has drastically dropped..

In part, it talks about the sweatshop conditions of developers being forced to do clean-up works, and the private contractor paradigm. In short, it has every fingerprints of a DoD-Military contractors-type relationship as described by Snowden in his book. It's no wonder everything that comes out of Apple nowadays, literally, is poison. Although to be fair, the author seem to point that this is common-practice for the GAFAs (Google,Apple,FB, Amazon).

It reminds me of this Buckminster Fuller manifesto about the imperative to "shift from making weaponry to making livingry". Reading this manifesto during this crisis, brings out a prophetic vision of Bucky which he had anticipated!

Posted : April 8, 2020 10:11 AM
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*French with english subtitles available

Posting this incredible documentary produced by Arte (a franco-german TV production) on the burgeoning Surveillance state and industry that is rapidly flourishing around the world. Great quality and freshly daring attempts to investigate this shadowy, and sensitive topic.

From Israel's burgeoning corporate AI surveillance industry which operates worldwide in collaboration with governments (including, the city of Nice which is rolling out public facial recognition system after terrorist attacks in 2016) to,

China and the national surveillance apparatus put in place by the regime using tools ranging from: social credit system, AI recognition to full-on city-scale stasi lockdowns in the Western part of China (with a majority muslim population). The shots they were able to get from there will blow your mind (as it did mine). At one point, a french white-hat hacker was able to reverse-engineer a monitoring app used by the police, and is showing how the app works, what type of information they're tracking in the database. A very sensitive topic indeed.

This is a timely addition to my review of the great book by Yasha Levine, and a chilling reminder of what is ahead of the curve if business-as-usual remains.

Posted : May 6, 2020 7:12 PM
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This latest report on Gates by James Corbett Report is B-O-M-B:

Good grace there are still folks like him investigating 😉

Posted : May 19, 2020 8:57 AM
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Another great insight into this comes from investigative journalist Abby Martin who did a great field-report in the West Bank and Tel-Aviv:

Posted : July 14, 2020 7:32 PM
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