Inquiry into Human trafficking and child abuse: Epstein, ITNJ..
I wanted to post a thread here about the recent work done by the ITNJ to inquire about human trafficking and the systemic child sex abuse epidemic going on. I actually think this is a big step forward to bringing down the cabal's dark operation.
ITNJ just released on their website and Youtube the videos of the hearing and the testimonies of some of the survivors and witnesses. Amongst the first round of them include: Kristy Allen (MK-Ultra/SRA survivor); Ronald Bernard (former Elite Banking insider) and Jay Parker (SRA Surviror) who was recently on the THC.
I just went through half the hearing, and it's very detailed accounts of horrific stuff, but suffice to say, this is a very rare opportunity to document such testimonies, with such a dedicated team including Robert David Steele, Cynthia McKinney, William Binney, etc.
I will be updating this post with more information in the days to come. In the meantime, you can visit the website, go see the videos for yourself, and spread the word. Peace y'all.

great to see some collaboration and action to fight this epidemic!!
thanks for sharing enjoypolo I'll be sharing in some Australian groups

Just upping this post to share this morning's breaking news:
Clare Bronfman, billionaire heiress of Edgar Bronfman Sr, head of Seagram (and Warner Bros?) arrested in NXIVM case:

enjoypolo wrote: Just upping this post to share this morning's breaking news:
Clare Bronfman, billionaire heiress of Edgar Bronfman Sr, head of Seagram (and Warner Bros?) arrested in NXIVM case:
Good find!
Gotta give big mad props to RT for having Ben Swann to discuss this. It's as if things are finally shifting a bit.

I dunno about you guys, but this video made me chuckle.
It's clip taken from the recent subpoena of Google CEO testifying. The irony of the situation is quite hilarious, and maybe there's an unknown agenda being played (limited hangout as they say). Who knows, I enjoy it regardless.

I'm sure many remember the saga regarding Youtube and their creepy disney-like animations with sexually, and/or violence suggestive videos.
I just stumbled upon this video that's making the rounds of Reddit like wildfire for exposing Youtube's "loophole" that allows pedos to literally drown on children footages. It's sickening, and the guy is clearly upset at the situation.
I'm not so surprised at this point, but I am surprised at how it's #1 on /r/Video, and the almost million views in under 24hrs. Needless to say, this guy's account will probably be removed very swiftly..
EDIT: Since I'm on this topic now, I've been speculating that for a while now, that many of these seemingly innocent entertainment platforms have a very dark underbelly. But here's where it gets darker:
- One of them is called with over +100m users. Interestingly, the app is based in Shanghai, with offices in Santa Monica. After numerous allegations of predators using the app to "groom" children, its now changing its name to TikTok. How convenient.
- Kik messenger is Canadian-based app platform that's dubbed, according to this Forbe's article, as a "predator's paradise"
I'll stop here because it's fruitless to go down this rabbit hole. But the point is, these apps now make it so easy for strangers to come into a household, it's pretty crazy. Something to consider if you have kids.
I hear some of my younger colleagues at work using these apps, and I'm like face-palming myself thinking what a clue-less bunch.
What's worse is that these are very lucrative business (Kik is "valued" at $1Bn), could it just be an "accident" that occurred? I think we can agree that are no such things as coincidences.

The last few days have given me some chuckles seeing Joe Biden in the spotlight for his inappropriate behaviour.
What made me smile was Trump's tweet taking a stab at him. Gotta admit, kinda funny.
Jokes aside, how could anyone take so long to wake up to the reality, when there are tons of videos of creepy uncle joe on Youtube hugging senators families, not the least their children. Anyway, karma is a bitch and I hope these folks get what they deserve.

Courtesy of Greg Carlwood:
Clock is ticking loud...!
PS: quite the surprise, mainstream media is digging into this, making Twitter Moments headlines as well. Probably not for long.
This article’s making the headlines of RT about a “gang” of human traffickers arrested in Italy for brainwashing kids into believing they’ve been abused by their parents.
This was then used as a pretext to send the children into to foster care, where the actual abuses were taking place.
Not only that, the perpetrators included the mayor of the town, social workers and psychologists.
The latter worked for a group aptly called the Hansel & Gretel association.
What a world..!
I didn’t even know of Bella Thorne until I saw her viral clip passed around on Twitter only a few days ago. She’s an actress and former Disney star, with all the dark stuff it entails.
Recently, she wrote and published her biographical book, the life of a wannabe mogul, and was doing an interview, when at the end, during the Q&A, she comes out about her abuses that she suffered when 6-14 yrs (referring I assume to the time of her early career), and how everyone knew and yet still turned the other way.
It’s quite the courage to come out for one, and I wish her the best, since it’ll undeniably come with backlash. A real redpill moment of the masses, since I’m sure her crowd is not the regular THC Joe/Jane.
If anything, it’s rare to see a public figure being so openly honest and candid about the story.
PS: Although she’s careful enough not to name names, she did talk about how lucky she feels to be alive (she’s 21), with younger and younger people falling down. Made wonder what she was alluding to (SRA?)
While I’m at it, allow me to share this news from the DailyBeast, about some Epstein court case documents that are about to be released. 2000 of them.
I find the timing interesting. I follow the Q anons on my sideline with skepticism, but there’s definitely interesting events coinciding with 4th July and military parade.
Tanks on the grounds makes you wonder who they’re for.
To send a strong message to the cabal? Are these threats? Then again, I long gave up any serious delusions about Mr-Drain-The-Swamp playing the unicorn. After all, this is the guy who was just praising Saudi Arabia’s notorious prince, MBS, to be a good friend at the G20 in Osaka.
Anyways, sorry for the rambles folks, but you can’t deny we live in unprecedented times.

This headline merits to be posted here:
Long story short: Jeffrey Epstein got busted last night in New York City while coming back with his private jet from Paris. He is allegedly going to be charged for human trafficking, as well as pedo-sexual charges which he previously got away with.
Boy, I never thought I'd write those words, but this is indeed making the headlines on a lot of news channels.
For those that don't know who he is, Epstein is big fish. He is the node that connects all the lizard-people into his web, including but not limited to, the Windsors (e.g. Prince Andrew). The so-called Black Book of Epstein, is really a scan of the flight records of a who's-who of people
In fact, I've heard stories (cant remember where) that his private island is an organized crime, black-mailing scheme dungeon filled with surveillance equipment. Not to forget about Lolita Express, with flight records indicating the Clintons had gone there numerous times. El Presidente Trump also been previously quoted as Jeff being his nice pal about a decade ago. Who knows wtf is going on at this point.
One thing's for sure, we're at the cusp of something big. Since the beginning, my belief has been that this whole pedo-thing will be their achille's heel to bring down the house of cards.
The only way I would guess this to be contained, is for Jeffrey to sleep with the fishes.
PS: Here's a detailed article from the Miami Herald regarding the case, and how they've been actively involved in making the 2,000-pages document released to the public.
“This case is being handled by the public corruption unit, and those people don’t typically handle cases involving child exploitation, so there may very well be some bombshells here of other people’s involvement because their role could mean there was some official action that was corrupt or some official acted corrupt in some way,’’ Hakes said.
Read more here:
Interesting times.
Edit: only a few hrs after I wrote this, D. Wilcock published a new article about this, and other recent related events (i.e., ChinaLake & quakes; DARPA whistleblower; Q). Im not a fan of the Q narrative, although I don’t dismiss it either. Overall, each fact brought to the table deserves scrutiny.
While I’m at it, David’s wife, Elizabeth, wrote a wicked article on the spiritual battle going on relating to current affairs, incl. Epstein’s arrest, with the Dawn of a Goddess age. I think it’s fantastic, and her martial arts background weaves in Eastern traditions (i.e., QuanYin)

It’s been 10 days since the news about Epstein broke open, for real.
This article below was retweeted by Julie k. Brown from the Miami Heralds who has spent a good deal investigating the case.
Although ironically from a mainstream publication, Vanity Fair, it reads almost like a Q post:
The questions about Epstein are metastasizing much faster than they can be answered: Who knew what about Epstein’s alleged abuse? How, and from whom, did Epstein get his supposed $500 million fortune? Why did Acosta grant Epstein an outrageously lenient non-prosecution agreement? (And what does it mean that Acosta was reportedly told Epstein “belonged to intelligence”?)
But among the most pressing queries is which other famous people might be exposed for committing sex crimes. “There were other business associates of Mr. Epstein’s who engaged in improper sexual misconduct at one or more of his homes.
We do know that,” said Brad Edwards, a lawyer for Courtney Wild, one of the Epstein accusers who gave emotional testimony at Epstein’s bail hearing. “In due time the names are going to start coming out.” (Attorneys for Epstein did not respond to a request for comment.)Likely within days, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit will release almost 2,000 pages of documents that could reveal sexual abuse by “numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders,” according to the three-judge panel's ruling (emphasis mine)
The article is gold. Even has dirt on Elon Musk/Silicon Valley & Epstein connections.
One thing is for sure, they seem to have thrown him under the bus. Now the play’s on.
Karma is a bitch!
Update: as of July 18: Epstein was just denied bail in NY this morning. Case is building up.
Amongst the stuff found in his $58-M mansion was an Austrian passport with his photo and a false-name he used, with a residence address in Saudi.
The conjecture that Epstein is Mossad agent in a blackmailing op. (thru his wife Maxwell) is getting thicker by the day. Investigative journalist Ben Swann and RT US dropping truth bombs in this segment.
Other pawns in the game are dropping like flies.
I hate to fixate on this, but wow, what a time to be witnessing this. It’s like a coordinated assault to bring down the house of cards.
Do I believe Epstein will sing? Maybe. Any of these guys have a tremendous burden/opportunity for opening up. Not an easy task, but one that will go down in History.

I hesitate to post this, as I know this is a dark, dark rabbit hole. Yet, its also insights that can help overcome the darkness.
Fiona Barnett, an SRA survivor from Australia who has been vocal for the past decade, has just recently written and published her book, Eyes Wide Open, on the matter of child trafficking. Fiona was also one of the witnesses at last years’ ITNJ’s Inquiry in New Westminster.
Her book is available for free in pdf on her website.
I must warn you however, please be aware that this is disturbing content. NSFW fo’ sho.
I have not even read it myself yet, though I have read/followed her talks over the years, including her testimony at the ITNJ.
This is no entertainment, but rather a deep look into the underbelly of the beast.
Having said that, mind-control techniques are probably more relevant today than ever before, given the number of false flags in the news lately.
Another thing I like about Fiona, apart from her extreme integrity, are the alternative narratives she provides. She used to mention about Julian Assange for example (Australian too) and how he comes from high circles too (which begs the question, cui bono?). Speculations aside, I’m always curious to hear what she has to offer.
May these injustices be brought to Light.
Courtesy of ITNJ
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