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Inquiry into Human trafficking and child abuse: Epstein, ITNJ..

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Jeffrey Epstein found dead in his cell today, allegedly by suicide. Sigh..

It’s not much of a surprise, just a sad day for those seeking justice. Alas, I hope the investigation goes on.

Edit: Whatever happened to suicidewatch? Suspicion reigns as Epstein dies with his secrets - RT

Posted : August 10, 2019 3:41 PM
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It seems the whole Epstein saga is only getting more curious.

This article from yesterday by RDS may shock some people, including myself, about how this could’ve been a staged plot, while Epstein may have been taken off-site, for whatever reasons.

Jordan Sather, probably the most vocal proponent of QAnon out there, shared his hypothesis about JE’s suicide being orchestrated by the White Hats (aka elements in military intelligence working to take down elements of the Deep State).

I’m no fan of the Q stuff, but what do I know?
If RDS is endorsing the theory that Epstein may still be out there (and though he’s still a believer in Mr-Drain-the-Swamp) that gets my attention.
My gut feeling so far only tells me there’s more than meets the eyes.

This is some serious hollywood theatrics at play!

I will say this: 1) there’s every reason to believe Epstein is dead, most likely got wacked as he was too big a liability. No surprises here.
2) However, something is fishy every time MSM reports on a story universally, and almost identically, which is the case since Saturday morning.

Update: here’s a link courtesy from C. Austin-Fitts via Twitter,regarding how hard it would’ve been for JE to take his own life.

Here it is from

Posted : August 12, 2019 4:52 AM
Posts: 47
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nice info bomb dude, will look in to it. the youtube one was scary how fast it goes down the rabbit hole of only children

Tryed the youtube bikini houl for me i just came to random movies with adult people that have sex nude. all the stamps i check looked for 2mins about before i came to movies with the stamps. just adult tho so maybe thay are doing something. or its becuse my accunt is so old it would take some time to change from the full conspirecy / NHL youtube i have atm

Posted : August 12, 2019 4:41 PM
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It’s official, we’re living the rare, sleek Hollywood flick about JE’s sordid career and all the plot twists unfolding as we go.

This one is from Jordan Sather’s Twitter, about the FBI raiding his St James Island home on Monday morning (as I write this):

Freaky stuff! It’s definitely a big moment to live through.

Couple people I recommend to keep you in the loop with various perspectives, but certainly not exhaustive:

Julie K Brown - Investigative journalist from the Miami Herald
Jordan Sather (Destroying the Illusion)
Robert David Steele (website — former Clandestine Services CIA officer and later pioneer for Open-Source-Agency
Catherine Austin-Fitts needs no introduction

Update: Ben Swann is presenting the inconclusive report from the autopsy:

*im spending way too much time on this..

Update 2: This NYT article sheds some interesting details regarding Epstein’s links people like Elon Musk or M.B.S.
Not the type of people you’d necessarily want to hang out with.

8/13 update:

This guy dared to fly a drone over St James while the FBI, and the NYPD it seems, was raiding the island. Kinda cool!

Posted : August 12, 2019 11:29 PM
Posts: 47
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Robert David Steele website this website for some reason translate to swedish for me for some uknown reason. still the swedish is decent translated most of the time

Gordon Duff: Är Epstein ”Murder” Ansluten till Bill Richardson Nuclear stölder och AIPAC Spy Ring? just wierd. i understand what is means. just wierd could give few more but i quess it has do with my browser useing chrome

Fixt it, just needed to rigth click translate to english. good to go.

and also again good info bomb makes my job much easier to follow the story. atm just looking at the epstien. all other devilish shit going on i have heard something about. migth go deeper at some point on that

Posted : August 13, 2019 7:26 PM
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Jeffrey Epstein's death is shaping up to be a big red pill. I've heard folks who normally call every conspiracy wack-a-doodle and who avidly avoid many of the acknowledged conspiracies and abuses of private and public power saying this is obviously suspicious.

Posted : August 14, 2019 1:07 AM
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shamangineer wrote: Jeffrey Epstein's death is shaping up to be a big red pill. I've heard folks who normally call every conspiracy wack-a-doodle and who avidly avoid many of the acknowledged conspiracies and abuses of private and public power saying this is obviously suspicious.

That’s exactly right SG! I noticed that as well, and somehow, I have a hard time believing it’s just chance.
I also see a lot of leftist establishment media, like the NYT, digging dirt on JE, whereas I would have assumed they’d look the other way.
Are some individuals trying to redeem themselves by covering this? Or is it merely virtue signaling (as in, we have to at least pretend to cover this big case)?

If there’s any case that would have me believe there’s a Q-esque Alliance (aka, deep state members gone redemption rogue/white hats) at work, it would be this. Although it’s still too early to make bets. I’m just enjoying the show as it unfolds.

Sadly, a case like this blowing up in public usually means we better strap on for another series of events, potentially false flags, to distract the public eye and keep’em terrified.
Fingers crossed.

Posted : August 14, 2019 2:23 AM
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If I had to bet on what's going on in the media is that there is a bit of a feeding frenzy. There is just such an abundance of shady shenanigans surrounding this guy. He was taken off the suicide watch list a few days after being put on it. His cellmate was transferred and not replaced, which is unusual. There was a corrections officer on the block who "was not a regular corrections officer" whatever the fuck that means. And someone heard shrieks coming from his cell the morning he died. Suicide my ass. Speaking of man-ass, when Epstein was imprisoned in 2008 he had the run of the place and would walk around naked. I expect the entire investigation is in the process of being compromised and that there will be "missing" evidence.

Posted : August 14, 2019 3:16 AM
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More interesting stuff coming out of the Epstein’s Manhattan closet:
This time, a portrait of Bill Clinton’s cross-dressed in what looks like the Oval Office.

Also, this is a picture which I cannot confirm its authenticity, but is alleged to be the blackmailing cctv network on his island.

Its blurry and hard to see, but the vibes remind me of Eyes Wide Shut mansion. It also looks like a hotel surveillance (as in, many different rooms). The theory goes, the whole island was tapped as part of a Mossad blackmailing operation to string the visitors on the island.

PS: Another one from the DailyMail yesterday, corroborates Virginia Roberts testimony where she can be found on several pictures taken at Naomi Campbell’s birthday party more than a decade ago. It looks like this was the same party where Prince Andrew (UK Royal Family) had the now-notorious picture taken.

Update 2: Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s pimping associate, was spotted in the open at a In-and-Out burger joint in LA today:

Man, it boggles my mind that she’s still roaming freely after all the testimonies from victims about her role in this whole affair (basically, in charge of finding women to pimp out to Epstein & co.)

It’s funny, I was randomly feeling nostalgic about in-and-out earlier today.

Posted : August 14, 2019 8:54 PM
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Got around listening to the Recluse episode last night, and wow! What an encyclopedia that guy is, not to mention Greg’s many insights into the man’s mysterious compounds.

Robert Maxwell’s life is indeed very interesting. RT published an op-ed from Galloway, former UK MP, and he talks extensively about his first hand experiences with Maxwell, including the harassment, and how upon his mysterious death at sea off the Canary islands (on his boat named Lady Ghislaine no-less, after his favourite daughter), he was eulogized by Israeli state officials (and a state funeral) including former heads of mossad.

Like Greg was saying, how in the world is GM spotted openly at a Studio City In-and-out burger and vanishes without anyone arresting her is insane to say the least.

Oh, and very perceptive about the Syrian motifs, as well as the tridents in his island.

Personally, I’d rather the media start focusing on the victims instead of just rehashing his mysterious death a thousand times before fading out..

Posted : August 23, 2019 10:24 AM
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Wanted to share this year's ITNJ procedure, as it added a twist to its previous commission (on human trafficking and child abuse).

This year's was on The Weaponization of the Biosphere, and included a bunch of expert-witness testimonials THCs are no doubt familiar, including Del BigTree on vaccine safety, but also folks like Jim Humble, whom I've seen mentioned in this forum for his chlorine dioxide (MMS) treatment, amongst others.

Anyways, the whole line-up is available on the website:

Some videos of the inquiry have been posted on their Youtube channel, such as this one with Del Bigtree:

Posted : September 11, 2019 7:26 PM
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I've got some good news and bad news to share with y'all.
Let's start with the good: Sarah Westall scored another homerun of an episode with Alessandro Castellon talking about human trafficking, focusing on the death of some of the big cats who passed away mysteriously (dare I say, murdered), including Chris Cornell, Chester Benington, Kate Spade (the former two on which he's making a documentary about). He is a meticulous investigator whose showing detailed connections, as well as candidness and humility, traits that I intuitively resonate with.

Now, the bad news: In part two of the same interview, Alessandro, who worked as the social media volunteer coordinator for the ITNJ, talks about his experience working for the organization, and events that led to him ultimately quitting the group. He reveals multiple anecdotes regarding Sasha Stone, the founder of Humanitad and co-founder of the ITNJ (which according to him, the former governs the latter), not to mention his suspicious upbringing (his father was British Intelligence; Sasha was born and raised in Rhodesia (which if I'm not mistaken is today's Zambia/Zimbabwe territory). The symbolism used in Humanitad, and ITNJ as being masonic and luciferian, which would further trigger victims (a point that is debatable I guess, but nonetheless relevant).
Responsible for the uploading of videos on their social media platforms, he noticed things like Fiona Barnett's testimony being edited/censored to remove some names without prior explanation and agreement.

Suffice to say, this breaks my heart. I for one, had hoped this organization to be legitimate, followed them quite closely since its inception, and frankly, I thought they'd done a pretty good job (especially in their first Westminster commission). I will say though, that I was a bit puzzled by the decision to go to Bali for the latest and most recent one (which ironically, is posted above).

Alessandro goes much deeper in the dirt surrounding Sasha Stone, including photos showing him in the Bali convention, with members of the Orsini family which ties into Black Nobility (13 families?) that run above Jesuits and Vatican hierarchy, with medieval roots. Again, it's shocking information, but paradoxically, I love hearing these kinds of stories, because as truth seekers, we should not be tied to Any organization with absolute conviction, ever.
Personally, I follow my intuition first and foremost, backing it with information that confirms (or refutes) it. If the data indicates some anomalies, however hard it can be, I cannot ignore it (for doing so would only exacerbate the situation, choosing illusion over Light). This seems to be one of those cases. Flexibility is primordial.

Sasha Stone is definitely a super charismatic character, very eloquent with words, and that, upon reflection, is/should have been a sign that it was too good to be true.

This doesn't mean that all parties involved are bad, but at the very best, it puts into question the intent and motives behind it. It's a good reflection, and this certainly won't be the last time I will be deceived. Alas, when we fall, we need to get-up and learn the lesson, and move forward, right?

So that's in effect the bad news. But do check out the full episode, as it is very, revealing and fascinating.
So with that said, be warned truth seekers, and let this be an important lesson for all.

EDIT: Here are some links from Alessandro supporting his claims:

Posted : September 19, 2019 12:04 PM
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I’ll admit, this brazen move from HRC made me smile. Still, it’s mind-boggling to hear them laugh at this, especially the daughter’s messed up logic on the implications that her mother didn’t kill 50 people.. but maybe two?


Edit: 3/11 Tiffany FitzHenry, brave investigator into the nefarious crimes, interviews Anneke Lucas, an SRA survivor whose stories will send chills.

Also, I might as well post the recent video of Luke Rudkowski from We Are Change. Incredible stuff which was pretty wild stunt to do!

Posted : November 2, 2019 3:21 PM
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This video by James O Keefe is making the rounds of the Web. It shows an ABC news anchor who had convinced Virginia Roberts to come forward with her allegations, but how the story got shutdown from people above her paygrade. “What we had was unbelievable” she says “we had clintons, everything”.

The dealbreaker? UK Royal Family called with threats and not being able to have Kate & Wil on the network again.....

I hope these journalists someday make the move to independent organizations..

by the way, I’m kinda enjoying the viral attention this case has been privy to in the past few days (after it was completely covered up since the news of Epstein dying). Meme-sphere is exploding.

This one cracks me up everytime:

Posted : November 6, 2019 7:45 AM
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The latest interview of prince andrew by bbc is so laughable, not even worth commenting on. The crowds are now more awake than ever. it’s mediocre comedy at best.

Posted : November 17, 2019 7:35 AM
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