Missing $23 Trillion

We all know about the missing $2.3 Trillion from 9/11, but now Dr Mark Skidmore, Professor of Economics at Michigan State University found that $21 trillion in unsupported adjustments have been reported by DOD and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the years 1998-2015. That’s $65,000 for every person in America.

The next time someone says we don't have enough money to do X or we need more military spending I'm going to drop that little factoid, that the government has "lost" or misappropriated enough money (the bulk of which went to the military) to ensure that education, healthcare, infrastructure, and housing for all could be funded on an ongoing basis and that the Pentagon cannot pass an audit. I wonder what the graph below would look like if adjusted to account for this money.

I think I read somewhere that the caveat behind the Michigan professor is that he heard the claims made by Catherine Austin Fitts and thought it'd be impossible, so he decided to fact check himself only to discover it was real indeed. And then proceeded to have his economics class dig the dirt on them. The DoD subsequently took down all the publicly released files after this story was published.
One of the tricks in the book according to David Wilcock, is the DoD fraudulently manages its books to state that items such as screws, nuts, bolts cost $300/piece resulting in bloody-fat contracts that may look innocuous initially. It's the tried-and-tested technique for white-collar criminals I guess. Wilcock makes a good guess for the amount of money this represents, and how it's enough cash to build entire cities from the ground-up.

I don't really see how him trying to debunk something and winding up verifying the claim is an issue.
One other thing of note is that this amount is on par with the U.S. National Debt, which begs the question, is the national debt rather than being due to gross negligence on the part of government workers and runaway pork spending by politicians was actually the result of corruption, fraud, and outright theft at a high level? Do you hear a whistle in the air? This looks to me like plenty of money for a secret space and breakaway civilization program, and if so, it's probably only a fraction of what went into it, although a substantial fraction.

I just find it naive to suggest the money is used for something productive. Money with no oversight typically just ends up stolen by the insiders.

There are only so many planes, yahts, and islands you can buy before they all look like toys. 23 trillion in military spending is on top of the approximately 50 trillion or so hidden in shell companies, although there is probably quite a bit of overlap.
I got the 50 trillion number from the documentary Spider's Web: Britan's Second Empire, which basically lays out the role that London and it's colonial islands have played in finance since the 60's.
Watch out, next thing you know someone will find out about another $100 trillon stash, and then we will be talking about some real money.

There is such a thing as wealth addiction. Even billionaires are will desperately hustle for more money. It's also not clear how many people is that 20 trillion divided between. If it is millions of people, it's not that much.

Like you said, regular folks like me can't even imagine how much money that is. Enough money to build entire self-sufficient civilizations from scratch. Which is what I think it's being used to: Funnelling it towards interstellar trade and civilizations (colonies on other planets, systems). That would make more sense.

hugh johnson wrote: There is such a thing as wealth addiction. Even billionaires are will desperately hustle for more money. It's also not clear how many people is that 20 trillion divided between. If it is millions of people, it's not that much.
For a sense of scale global GDP is about 74 Trillion.

The combined wealth of the world’s millionaires rose for a sixth straight year and topped $70 trillion for the first time ever in 2017 thanks to an improving global economy and strong stock market performance, according to a new report released Tuesday.
A few tens of trillions in the course of couple decades easily dissappears in the pockets of the rich. They want mansions, yachts, servants and non-sensical art to have status competitions with other millionaires. And they feel poor because they compare themselves to billionaires.

Interestingly, was listening to this earlier today which is Joseph Farrell on Richard Dolan's show (I just let YouTube keep playing): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOMzdJJKi5M
They get into not just this topic but also bring up the trillion dollar bonds that popped up a few times a few years ago as well as the missing loot the US got from Japan after WWII... was in the tens of billions in 1945 dollars so would probably get into the trillions now and whoever was president then (I forget and not worth looking up) gave it to National Security Council to caretake or whatever. Point being that there has been a whole black economy at least equal to the "real" economy since at least WWII in the US. So, the question is what the hell are they (the alphabet agencies I would assume) spending all this money on that they started with greater than the (grotesquely massive) US military budget and even after over 50 years of selling drugs and guns all over the world still have to hide approximately the same amount as the national debt after over 35 years of deficit spending in the past 20 years? Obviously, it's Dolan and Farrell so they think it's the "secret space program" which I am rather doubtful about personally.

I was listening to some remote viewer trying to view some secret gov. projects, and she ran into some alien creature that prevented her from seeing the project. Could be bs, but if there is involvement from non-humans there could be some accountability for what the money is used for. I hope not, though, I'd rather it be stolen.

hugh johnson wrote: I was listening to some remote viewer trying to view some secret gov. projects, and she ran into some alien creature that prevented her from seeing the project. Could be bs, but if there is involvement from non-humans there could be some accountability for what the money is used for. I hope not, though, I'd rather it be stolen.
I have heard the same from remote viewers who have tried.

Another article about the Pentagon budget.
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