New Zealand shootin...
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New Zealand shooting

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Guys I just saw this picture of the shooter in cuffs giving a hand sign. An upside down ok symbol. Kind of like the ones kids hit each other over. I’ve heard that this has become an alt right symbol but Ive also heard it mentioned as a nod to the string pullers. I just can’t remember exactly where. Anyone have any ideas on this?

Posted : March 16, 2019 2:17 PM
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That's the triple-six sign they love to flash.
Anyone knows why his face is blurred though? I mean they seem to know it's him, so why blurr it?

Posted : March 16, 2019 6:04 PM
Posts: 318
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so NZ has *a lot* of guns. Lots of farmers and hunters. No surprise the first words out of the PM's mouth were 'gun control'.

Posted : March 18, 2019 12:58 AM
Posts: 1354
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Have you guys seen this?

How convenient to start blocking alt-media websites, eh? Someone's desperate it seems.. 😉

Posted : March 19, 2019 3:44 AM
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oh man... this it like Port Arthur all over again, but the encouraging thing is more people are awake to it.

Something weird is defiantly afoot. Recently Facebook went down, it did in Australia I don't know about the rest of the world. What I've noticed is political, religious and racial themed posts flooding my news feed.
There was a time years ago now, when I was sucked in to the whole ISIS agenda. I followed and joined groups and commented on that type of thing and the immigration agenda of muslims into our country. The more I researched the more I became aware of the agenda to redistribute people on mass. Anyway ... I don't need to tell you all as you already get it.
The thing is I stopped playing into their game. So why now? why has all this come back into my feed right as what looks like another false flag event in New Zealand? and how many others is this happening to, to provoke reactions.

What i'm noticing is silence and moderation from these groups, so the attack is more against silencing those who were very out spoken and of course gun control.

Today I got a call from my eldest son, who in the past has warned me from talking about chemtrails.
He cautiously asked me .. did I know what had happened in New Zealand with the shooting? I let him tell me what he thought the reason behind it was. Finally he was awake to the reality.

I am in weather modification groups and I read one member comment from New Zealand who said the barricades were put up by police a good hour prior. I don't watch TV but don't need to to see the massive impact this his having on the culture here in Australia.

Posted : March 19, 2019 10:16 AM
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Was David Ike banned from Australia so that he wouldn’t be in the country during the False Flag shooting in New Zealand?

This really is the most bullshit reason, it’s bloody embarrassing.

The silence and removal of videos on this topic is out of control. I browsed Ewetube in my lunch break and save a few videos on the subject to watch later. One day later all have been removed leaving a long religious rant by a women praying that Trump will save the world !! No shit!!
The other one was a radio show, and it’s so obvious that all the usual go to channels for this kind of dissection of an event are silent.
I can’t wait to see Ole Dammegard analysis

Posted : March 21, 2019 11:24 AM
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I noticed something incredible. Corporate media is now talking about the triple-six finger signs in their coverage, even though they seem to call it a "white-supremacist symbol", believe it or not.. sloppy journalism.
But lately, this symbol has been popping up in my face many times, including watching HBO's latest documentary on Theranos & Elizabeth Holmes. Very intriguing world.

While we're talking Deep States, some notable headlines quietly faded.
One of them is Kazakhstan's president/dictator for the last 30 years, Nursultan Nazarbayev just suddenly resigned a couple days ago.
Michel Temer, Brazil's ex-president just got arrested under corruption charges as well
In Hollywood, Warner Bros CEO Kevin Tsujihara stepped-down amidst a sexual scandal row, leaving another vacuum at the top.

And to get back to NZ, it seems anywhere the name podesta/hillary appears, you can bet you'll find dark trails..

While I'm not one to put all my eggs in the Q / Mass Arrests scenario, I definitely am intrigued by the thousands of sealed indictments, as well as arrests (and resignation) of numerous billionaire-class people (E.g. the Robert Kraft guy) . Although, I tend to think those guys will get on fine with life.

It's definitely gonna be an interesting year for sure.

Posted : March 21, 2019 4:14 PM
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enjoypolo wrote: And to get back to NZ, it seems anywhere the name podesta/hillary appears, you can bet you'll find dark trails..

and there it is!!! Great find enjoypolo

Posted : March 21, 2019 9:02 PM
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Max Igan.. Hot off the press!!

Posted : March 23, 2019 11:09 AM
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Interesting linguistic analysis on the alleged shooter's manifesto reveal notable inconsistencies.

Posted : March 23, 2019 6:41 PM
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This video might be the end for thecrowhouse channel on YouTube. Max Igan’s latest upload on the New Zealand shooting.

i have the upmost respect for Max and his courage to keep digging for truth regardless of the negative backlash that will surly follow.

Posted : March 24, 2019 8:45 PM
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In the past I never thought to doubt incidents like this. My thought was something like -- people are crazy, and sometimes they lose their minds, and commit horrific acts of violence. I still think that might be true, actually.

But I must admit it's hard not to think now that this kind of thing might be theatrical bloodsport. A carnival of terror, like the violent entertainment offered, as they say, in the Roman Coliseum. Sort of real, sort of staged, definitely gripping, offering myriad opportunities for moralizing and prurience alike. I'm not sure what paints a crueler picture of the world, the conspiracy explanation or the official one.

Posted : March 25, 2019 12:36 AM
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greatshakes wrote: But I must admit it's hard not to think now that this kind of thing might be theatrical bloodsport. A carnival of terror, like the violent entertainment offered, as they say, in the Roman Coliseum. Sort of real, sort of staged, definitely gripping, offering myriad opportunities for moralizing and prurience alike. I'm not sure what paints a crueler picture of the world, the conspiracy explanation or the official one.

hey greatshakes,

I went looking for a video that I watched in the aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting, so many videos from my saved lists have been deleted and it's not like I watch graphic violence or porn.The censorship right now is out of control.

The video I was trying to find was a skype discussion between 3 researchers, 2 UK based and 2 in the states. They showed a patent to a gambling or betting program and the betting was on the outcome of a crisis. There was a financial forensic expert who showed how many millions were transferring prior to and after each false flag event. If I remember right, it was from researching the helicopters that flew in the Saudi Royal to Las Vegas that linked that company to the same corporation that has the contract for Visa's in the States. It got real deep and they demonstrated that the umbrella of corporations all went back to the Travistock institute.

I agree with you 100%

Posted : March 27, 2019 8:33 AM
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Here's a quote from Max Igan calling out some notable youtube channels to debate the CGI false flag scenario.
It will be interesting to see if anyone takes him up on it.

"You may be all wondering why I have recently been so vocal with my views on the shooting in New Zealand. It is because the Christchurch Massacre is a world changing event. This was not just another random shooting. This one is different. This event will, and already is having the impact of 911-2.0, already leading to massive censorship in Australia, the blocking of Bitchute and many other websites. But this censorship is happening because 'the Deep State' (for want of a better term) are literally terrified of what they have done. They are terrified of the real information getting out. The video is banned, not because its fake or CGI. It is banned because they have messed things up so, SO badly with Christchurch, that the video MUST be suppressed but well, its too late now, so the counter intelligence operation that lurks within much of the Independent media has quite literally gone into OVERdrive to poison the well and control the narrative with this event. And the REAL truth needs to get out there because if enough people can just stop, take a deep breath, put all their assumptions aside, forget what they WANT to believe, clear their minds and really LOOK at this event, it has the potential to bring down the entire NZ Government and likely many others. Because it show us a clear live example of just exactly how these Black ops are run. THIS video can bring the entire system down, govt and media included IF people simply look at it through the right eyes and SEE what it is showing them. Because it SHOWS us how they do it. 'It was fake and CGI' is the controlled narrative to poison the well. To be honest, and I know this may sound weird to some, but after much scrutiny of the live stream footage I am now even beginning to question if the live stream was in fact a mistake and he didn't know he was live on facebook but thought he was on a video link to his mates. Think about it. That's why he stopped to check his camera on the way, because the man in his earpiece was complaining there was no video feed. He stops, looks, mutters something like"mmm seems all great" and puts it back on his head. He may have been kickin back chillin on facebook before the mission. When he got the call, he just jumped up and went and he forgot to log off facebook, and when he started the feed he inadvertently ran the wrong app. Facebook being down just before this happened raises a red flag of course... but its just so weird because there is literally SO much evidence on the video showing this was a well managed black op. Like seriously, SO MUCH, that I just cannot understand WHY this would ever have been streamed in the first place...? I really cant, and I know its a pretty out there concept, but for a 'lone shooter/terrorist' video this simply makes no sense at all - to even fake a video like this, no way, there is just way too much give away information in it... and I would suggest that is why there is such a push to run this 'Fake deaths CGI' meme. Its damage control in OVERdrive. An attempt to create as much confusion as possible to keep the focus off what we are actually seeing here and what is really being revealed. He was talking to his team the whole time. Who do you think he was chatting to all the time saying 'well Lads'... and 'looks like we don't get to burn today boys'... who do you think he was talking to in the car? ... his facebook audience? ... seriously? ... remember the woman running from the room on the right when he entered? he fired at her and missed, she ran through the door.... same woman he shot later out the front... why do you think she stayed there that long and didn't run off immediately? how do you think he knew to run out the front and shoot her when he did? Who held her back and told him when they released her so he knew to quickly run and get her before she got away? ... why did he drop the can of gasoline and run to the far driveway to shoot an escapee? He was on the opposite corner of the building, how did he know someone was escaping and he had to run to get them in time? who was chatting to him to let him know all those things? .... Is anyone considering any of these questions? They have seriously fucked this up so badly folks, SO badly its utterly stunning... and the trolling I'm getting for even suggesting this, and for not supporting the 'official' independent media narrative is also very, very revealing. No debate or discussion just a full frontal assault - and it speaks volumes. We didn't get 'a shooters home video' - We got the inside teams actual live feed. And let that really sink in for a moment. This event is HUGE and we need to get some real focus on the realities of this event. We do NOT want to miss such an opportunity. You all know me. I'm a simple man working on my own in a shed. I have only ever offered you a perspective, and I have always encouraged people to think for themselves and I have been as honest and truthful as I can. I may make mistakes sometimes but I will ask you to look to see if I have ever purposely steered you wrong. And you should also, all know that I have never been one to attack others or one who has sought to divide. Not in all my ten years on air have I never sought to challenge or defame other 'truthers', but by the same token, I have always stood my ground and in my integrity and called out open lies and deceit when I have witnessed it. But people are being steered in the wrong direction with this shooting and this event is important and something needs to be said. And well, no one else is so OK, I will say it. This is not just another shooting. Nor is it just another false flag. This is huge. So I'm putting it out there right now publicly, that I will calmly and rationally discuss/debate any person who is claiming any of the Christchurch event is Fake, no victims, no blood, no bullets, or CGI - Jim Fezter, Robert Steele, Anyone from Veterans today. Kurt Haskell, ANYONE spreading these claims. I now invite any of these people to discuss the reports they are releasing with me point by point, live on air and I will say right now that I can disprove ALL of them. Every single one. No problem at all. So I now invite any of them to come and share their evidence. And not the Emperors New Clothes 'Anybody can see' version - but their actual evidence. Now you are invited to walk your talk. I will do this simply because it needs to be done. People need to know the realities of what really happened in Christchurch and realize the opportunity it provides for us because if we can clear away the mud, smoke and mirrors on this for enough people and get some real focus on this we can blow the lid off everything. Who wants to step up to the plate?"

Posted : March 27, 2019 8:36 AM
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