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Pizzagate in historical context: "Fake news" for some, harsh reality for many

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Copied and re-formatted from my Steemit post, here:

Summary and Table of Contents

The following is a brief on the historical context for Pizzagate. My goal is to help the reader in conceptualizing how governments can systematize trafficking and abuse, as has been done many times in the past.

Provided are well-known cases in which the United States government perpetrated and subsequently covered up incidents of human trafficking as well as sexual and ritual abuse. In most cases children are the victims and the perpetrators go unpunished for their role, despite the knowledge of law enforcement and the public.

A basic summary and additional resources will be provided for each topic in chronological order leading up to the very beginning of the Pizzagate meme itself.

This information has all been compiled by the Pizzagate Wiki team

Special thanks to contributors PeterVenkman, Sliceoflife, and Truthplease5!

  • Project MKUltra
  • Franklin Scandal
  • Presidio Army Base, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, and Satanism
  • Representative Dennis Hastert molested children and may have covered for others
  • Representative Randall "Duke" Cunningham accepted prostitutes from defense contractors
  • Jeffrey Epstein: sex offender, child trafficker, and "co-founder" of the Clinton Global Initiative

Project MKUltra

Project MKUltra, started in April, 1953, was a series of CIA projects centered around the idea of mind control using a variety of methods including, "administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of psychological torture." (Source: )

In 1973 Richard Helms, Director of the CIA, ordered the destruction of all documents pertaining to MKUltra and lesser-known sister projects like MKDELTA. Not only did this complicate subsequent investigations on the subject, but it allowed the CIA to perpetuate "fake news" to downplay their involvement in human experimentation.

The CIA has since declassified millions of documents due to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and among them were a long collection of documents on MKULTRA, MKOFTEN, and other unorthodox experiments and operations carried out by the CIA. Here are listed just a small number of those documents which pertain to human rights violations and other criminal activities.

Find more at The Pizzagate Wiki's page on Project MKUltra

Franklin Scandal

In the 1980s, banker/politician Lawrence King used the Omaha, Nebraska Franklin Credit Union as a cover for many criminal activities, including child trafficking and pimping to elite clients in Washington D.C. Children were prostituted at parties hosted by gay-pimp Republican lobbyist Craig Spence. Lawrence King's sex ring was allegeded to have been led by "a cult of devil worshipers involved in the mutilation, sacrifice and cannibalism of numerous children." (Source: )

The credit union failed due to King’s embezzlement and a Nebraska State Senate investigation turned up massive evidence of large-scale child abuse, but the FBI shut down the investigation and two sham grand juries attacked the accusers. Several witnesses and an investigator were murdered or died mysteriously. Former CIA Director Bill Colby went on record stating the case had merit before dying in a “canoe accident”.

Find more at The Pizzagate Wiki's page on the Franklin Scandal

Presidio Army Base, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, and Satanism

Presidio Army Base, as well as several other bases including Fort Mead, have been under FBI investigation for abuses that occurred at on-base daycare centers. The abuses ranged from Satanic ritual abuse to molestation and sexual assault. (Source: )

One of the officers at Presidio during the time of the abuses was Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, an outspoken Satanist and founder of the Temple of Set. (Source: )

Here's a short history of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, who is still an active officer for the U.S. Army:

>The Army did not suspend his clearance when he joined the Church of Satan, founded by Anton LaVey, in 1969. Nor when Aquino founded his own satanic church in 1975. Nor when Aquino while on a NATO tour of Europe in 1982 performed a satanic ritual in the Westphalian castle that had been used as an occult sanctuary by Heinrich Himmler's SS elite in Nazi Germany. Nor did the Army move to suspend Aquino's top security clearance during the sex abuse investigation.

Lt. Col. Michael Aquino would also be responsible to update the U.S. Army Chaplain's Handbook and include the Temple of Set. (Source: )

Find more at The Pizzagate Wiki's page on the Lt. Col. Michael Aquino

Representative Dennis Hastert molested children and may have covered for others

John Dennis "Denny" Hastert is an American politician who served as the the 51st Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1999 to 2007, representing Illinois's 14th congressional district from 1987 to 2007. He is an admitted serial child molester.

He is the longest-serving Republican Speaker of the House in history. In 2015, Hastert pleaded guilty to federal criminal charges of structuring financial transactions to conceal payments to a man whom he had sexually abused decades earlier, when Hastert worked as a high school wrestling coach.

In 2016, Hastert admitted that he had molested underage boys, but he could not be criminally charged for these acts due to the statute of limitations expiring.

Pizzagate researchers would later find out Hastert was intimately connected with Tony Podesta, John Podesta's brother.

Hastert may have also taken blame in the molestation allegations to protect another Representative, Mark Foley.

Find more at The Pizzagate Wiki's page on the Dennis Hastert

~continued in first comment~

Thank you Higherside Chats community for the support!

-Ryan "RebelSkum" Zimmerman

Posted : February 14, 2017 4:27 AM
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~continued from OP~

Representative Randall "Duke" Cunningham accepted prostitutes from defense contractors

Randall Harold Cunningham, known often as "Duke", is a United States Navy veteran and former Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from California's 50th Congressional District from 1991 to 2005. Cunningham would be found guilty of accepting bribes and prostitutes from a Mitchell J. Wade. (Source: )

Mitchell J. Wade was at that time CEO of intelligence contractor MZM and Director of The Sure Foundation, which did work for orphanages in war-torn countries. After this scandal Wade would step down from MZM and it would be sold to Veritas Capital, who then owned DynCorp. Oddly enough, however, Wade would remain Treasurer of The Sure Foundation and his wife would stay President Emeritus.

Find more at The Pizzagate Wiki's page on Randall "Duke" Cunningham

Jeffrey Epstein: sex offender, alleged child trafficker, and "co-founder" of the Clinton Global Initiative

An American billionaire financier and sex offender. He worked at Bear Stearns early in his career and then formed his own firm, J. Epstein & Co. In 2008, Epstein was convicted of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution, for which he served 13 months in a county jail and house arrest. Epstein had also been accused of financial crimes and was known for having a mysterious persona. Jeffrey Epstein is now a level 3 registered sex offender and possible child trafficker.

Although he was sued numerous times by victims in civil trials, Epstein has never faced criminal charges for engaging in and soliciting sex with minors on his personal aircraft (aka "Lolita Express") or his Caribbean island, Little St James, colloquially known as "Orgy Island." Victims have argued that the island is a hub for housing minors who are bought from trafficking rings and abused by its elite visitors.

He maintains very close connections with some of the most elite men and women in the world, some of which include Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker, Robert Maxwell, Prince Andrew, and the late Michael Jackson. Bill Clinton in particular has flown on Epstein's private aircraft, the "Lolita Express" 26 times.

Epstein has said that he was founder of the Clinton Global Initiative, part of the Clinton Foundation. It was revealed during the Swiss Leaks scandal that Epstein has also given money to the Clinton Foundation, even giving at least $25,000 one year after his arrest.

Find more at The Pizzagate Wiki's page on Jeffrey Epstein

Posted : February 14, 2017 4:27 AM
Posts: 1354
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I read Cathy O Brien's book 'Trance-Formation of America' and I have to say, it's a treasure trove of anecdotal information regarding the ritual abuse of children, as well as mind-control techniques (MK Ultra off-shoot), the people involved (from Bush/Cheney/Clintons to Trudeau Sr) all the way to holographic projections of alien abductions. The content was very gruesome and hard to digest. At least from the data gathered in her book, people like her who are abused from generation to generation, are 'groomed' to become some sort of 'diplomatic' messenger, or vassals, between the cabal members and royalties.

In more recent news, it seems the Sandusky family is once again in the media coverage on charges of pedophilia.
Anyways, the latest Ryan Zimmerman THC episode was a bombshell in terms of new information for me (DynCorps, etc.).

PS: I just wanted to add, since I just started watching WestWorld, I was shocked at the blatant portrayal of the same principles of trauma-based compartmentalization of personalities used in MK Ultra as described by Cathy.

Posted : February 14, 2017 10:28 PM