Resonance Academy: Nassim & Co

What's up fellow THCs,
I'm curious if anyone on this forum is/has been a paid-subscriber or member of the Resonance Science Foundation (RSF) Academy? I've been following the amazing work of RSF which includes Nassim Haramein's groundbreaking research, for a couple years now, but so far I've never made the jump to sign-up for their paid-members-only Academy platform.
On it, you have access to tailored curriculum that basically goes over many of the anomalies of the current standard model, and explain Nassim's work on holographic-fractal model of the Universe.
The reason I'm asking is because recently, they've started added more courses, including one that's literally just blown my mind called The Etymology of Numbers by Robert Grant.
UPDATE: It also turns out he's gotta a follow-up course called The Language of Light.
Here's the link to his website:
What's amazing is that as a kid growing up, I hated mathematics as it was taught to us in school with all my gut. And when I was done with high school, I was pretty much set to never get close to math, except for the basic calculus which I'm fairly good at. But in the last couple years, especially ever since I considered sacred geometry as a reality, I've been captivated by it, yet still traumatized by my past-experience.
This one-and-a-half hour lecture by Robert Grant blew me away (even if 90% of it went straight thru my head like neutrinos). And he basically makes the case for mathematics as the one universal language: including the Phi constants and much more (vortex math).
The biggest takeaway for me from with all this research, having come across some of the works of John Keely, Tesla, Walter Russell, Dale Pond is a new perspective on Sound/Light, and seeing the world as being musical (or tonal; Music of Spheres). And Math (or numbers) being the form through which Sound (Logos) is expressed.
To watch it, you have to go to the Media page of RSF and scroll below where it says "Academy Elective Introductory Sessions" and you'll find the full intro lecture on the right (which is almost 2-hour long).
Sadly, the full course requires membership of the delegate program (which in itself costs a few hundred bucks). So I'm basically enquiring if anyone's a member (or been one in the past), and see if it's worth it, or even would care to share some course material (am I asking for too much?)
With all that said, I highly recommend anyone remotely interested in math/physics/biology; sacred geometry; alchemy, or in what Nikola Tesla/Keely meant by "if only you knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6, 9" to check the video above.
PS: RSF provides a lot of great resources, including a News page with all the current/recent science articles.
EDIT: Nice synchronicity as I am listening to the Alan Green episode on Shakespeare. All the maths aspect discussed are referenced in the Robert Grant talk. All the roads to lead to One.
EDIT 2: Upon further research, it turns out Alan Green joined Robert Grant on his course! Wow. Couldn't have made this one up.
Some mentioned resources in the video:
Sonic Geometry:

I was delighted to hear the latest THC episode with Joe D8_THC talking about Holo-Fractal Unified Science and Nassim Haramein's work.
Once again, it seems that prayers are answered in a synchronistic way 🙂
Joe definitely was up to my expectations (if not more) in terms of the various knowledge, as well as his experience with the field group in Egypt.
I wanted to also add a few things to the list:
- Rupert Sheldrake and his Morphogenic/Morphic Field & Resonance concept, a theory which he has been pioneering since the 70's, is very much supporting the idea of inter-connectedness and One-ness of the Cosmos, and all the points within. He has demonstrated countless times, the (quantum) entanglement between pets and their owners, how repeated behavious in animals and people facilitates the learning process elsewhere.
Nassim and his research organization, Resonance Science, also does practical work based on this worldview, such as the Ark crystal, which is a tetrahedral crystal based on the phi ratios, which has demonstrated transformation in the structure of Water, resulting in measured improvements in plant growth.
For me, the biggest implications of the Holo-Fractal draws from my psychedelic experiences, where I remember being plugged in to this database, even if it lasted for a short while. It also has implications for the practice of meditation, intentions, especially in a collective setting like synchronized group meditations.
The Space-Memory Network view has also drastically changed my concept of thinking about Memory, from being some sort of data confined within my brain, to something that's encoded outside (in the fabric) that we access to. This alone is very taboo in the mainstream community.
Greg asked about films that have some of these ideas. The one I re-watched recently that blew my mind was Avatar. Re-watching in the context of what I know today, and excluding the somewhat cheesy Hollywood feel of this film, it feels very much like an archetypal Disclosure movie, with the Navi practicing this Holo-Fractal awareness thru their culture.
Last but not least, I wanted to share this presentation from last years' Disclosure Fest 2018, with a killer roaster of insiders, including: Emery Smith, Corey Goode, as well as David Wilcock, Jordan Sather (who was on THC), and Jimmy Church from F2B. Nassim Haramein unexpectedly joined the panel, and(EDIT: Wilcock did) shared some quite surprising insights of being approached by various MIC factions. He doesn't usually dive in publicly about the Deep State (understandably), so I personally enjoyed it.
Skip to around 17 min & 34 min mark to hear Nassim talk:
All in all, to this day, the Holo-Fractal view of the Cosmos resonates with me the most. It also beats any standard-model/materialistic theory by far, whether from Occam's razor perspective (Nothing beats the clutter-less model of Everything is an infinite fractal emanation of the One, symbolized by the Torus), and also, the fact that it's universally applicable in all fields.
There are so many interestings tangents that we can dive into, but it would take forever.
Thank you once again Greg, my stoner mind was very entertained.
I'll post this here because it's been circulating the past few days, concerning Robert E. Grant's most recent published research.
I'm bad at math, so I'm not sure what/how the implications of predicting prime numbers. It is said to be based on the 24-sided Isositetragon. Notice how the expression of this geometrically feats with the most esoteric of symbols: the four-sided cross, identical to the Templars one.
He is also a good friend and colleague of Nassim, and the Shakespeare research (whose name escapes me at the moment).
My understanding is that this is huge for encryption.

Following up on this last post, Robert Grant, and the fellows at Crown Sterling have released a video about their new encryption company called Time AI based on the Prime number mathematics. I guess it makes for very secure encryption? Though it looks cool:
EDIT: 4/3/19
I just realized last night the significance of these prime number patterns, with the elusive Nikola Tesla quote about numbers 3, 6, 9. The four columns are pointing at 3, 6 9 & 12'o clock. Interesting.

Today, yet another new live webinar from Resonance Science featuring Nassim, and other members of the institute. If you're into the science of the unified field, it's worth checking. Unfortunately, it looks like they only post the videos on Facebook.
I also wanted to share this video called Quaternion Symmetry, narrated by Alan Green about Robert Grants recent discoveries in harmonic-ratio based mathematics (the study of phi ratios with their inverse proportions (forming symmetrical patterns).
Always amazed me to see these clues around like, Templar's cross-like pattern appear when you cut a tomato transversally. But I digress.
From Walter Russell's library on Periodicity:

Tomorrow, the day of the summer solstice, Resonance Foundation holds their regular free webinar featuring director Nassim Haramein, and his peers to talk about related news, as well as answering some questions from the public.
Sign up here:
I attend those quarterly free online meetings and its great fun, so hope some will be inspired as well. You can always watch them later.
To attend Live, I recommend Zoom (same as joint session) and also they do Facebook Live as well.
Nassim will also be featured at the Disclosure Fest in LA on Sat.
Cool stuff coming up. There’s a new book they’re pushing about holo-fractal principles called Cosmometry as well. Looks neat!

Two podcast episodes with Robert Grant!
First one called Language of Math:
Incredible, deeply insightful conversation starting with language, sacred geometry, musical universe and math constants (e.g., 137 and its resonance with the speed of light), as well numbers in/as language.:eek::rolleyes:
From Alchemy to Unified Physics:
Pure joy.

What an incredible episode w/ Nassim. Big thanks to both Greg and Nassim.
Really glad to see his/this new paradigm making ripples in the Field.
Very down-to-earth and inspiring topics, as well as his experiences being a breatharian; hollow/expanding Earth model; tapping into the Holo-Fractal field to reach the stars from within.
I would love to one day see Robert Edward Grant on the show as well, to bridge Nassim’s theory with that of Walter Russell & Musical Math/Harmonics model.
If only one thing should be extracted, its that the field around us is so packed densely with energy and is inter-related with everything else ad infinitum.
In this context, breathing exercises like Wim Hoff and their effects on the Central nervous System (CNS) / immune system all start to make sense.
Breath-taking presentation by RG and his colleagues to demonstrate the Prime Number algorithm, and how it can be used to crack regular 256-bit RSA encryption.
This is mind-blowing if you think about it, especially since its done on a localized, average Joe device (a Mac laptop in this case). And in less than a minute!! 😮 Would make any NSA cryptographer blush
So much for all the assets we have relying on this security protocol.. RG mentions more recent updates to the algorithm allow it to crack (512-bit in under 5hrs, and also works on 2048-bit..) this thing is truly scale-invariant.

enjoypolo wrote:
Breath-taking presentation by RG and his colleagues to demonstrate the Prime Number algorithm, and how it can be used to crack regular 256-bit RSA encryption.
This is mind-blowing if you think about it, especially since its done on a localized, average Joe device (a Mac laptop in this case). And in less than a minute!! 😮 Would make any NSA cryptographer blush
So much for all the assets we have relying on this security protocol.. RG mentions more recent updates to the algorithm allow it to crack (512-bit in under 5hrs, and also works on 2048-bit..) this thing is truly scale-invariant.
Seems to have been thoroughly debunked as fraud/delusion...

markh wrote: Seems to have been thoroughly debunked as fraud/delusion...
Would you care to elaborate your perspective?.. cause it’s pretty clear to see the theory in action in the video above.
It doesn’t get any better than being able to crack 256-bit encryption keys live in under a minute to be honest.

Here are some of the latest news from the Resonance Academy:
- Quantum Geometry: Unified Physics of the Proton and the Quantum Mechanics of Spacetime by Adam Apollo
A new course presented by the maverick Adam Apollo, exploring the physics of aether, geometries at the Planck scale, vacuum engineering and more.
The free introduction session is a real gem, with an overview of the course, but also a 101 on the geometry of spacetime, the proton and the implications of it all.
- 2020 Egypt Advanced Knowledge Tour with Robert Grant - Webinar 2/20/2020 (2PM PST/10PM UTC)
Robert Grant is producing a webinar at the eve of the Egypt Tour. Don't miss this exciting talk. Click on this Zoom link to join (it should be available on their facebook page as well). Webinar ID: 661 712 476
Edit: link to recorded live on FB:
Namaste y'all 😉

Yesterday, Nassim and the Resonance Science held their latest webinar, and some great news was announced.
Perhaps the biggest, is the total revamp of their website ( ), including offering their Unified Science Course (formerly known as the Delegate program) for free, and open to everyone!
The new website/course will feature all the formerly course (6 modules) that was reserved behind a pay-wall, in addition to the latest additions, as well as featuring a forum/discussion board to exchange ideas, etc. In addition, Nassim and the Resonance Team will have weekly live Q&A sessions.
So psyched about this, and really glad that we're seeing these transformations coming from all directions in this time. The site is still under construction, but you can already sign-up and access the library.
Last but not least, they share their thoughts on the virus, the misunderstandings, ways to boost the immune-system, etc. (William, who has a background in biology too, has quite an interesting take on it)
You can catch the replay of the webinar on FB (and maybe later on YT) at their page:
Only 2-hrs in this 4-hr interview with Stephen Wolfram on the Lex Fridman podcast.
All about the Wolfram's recent discovery and work towards a unified physics theory (or theory of everything).
I love the fact that increasingly many scientists from various fields are arriving at their own takes to unify sciences.
Wolfram has basically uncovered a very simple computational rule (hypergraph) that extends out to infinity.
While it's not as sexy and elegant as Nassim's Unified theory, its similar in its holographic and fractal principles.
Slowly, but surely..!:cool:
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