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Revolution in the Making: France and Beyond #YellowJackets

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Some interesting ordo ab chao developments, notably with today's march of a people calling banding as Red Scarves, and protect Macron and his policies, as well as imploring EU dominance over sovereign countries. This RT reporter getting hustled by some confronting members looks just like some antifa. For information, the guy with EU flag in the report is condomning the government for its lack of use of force, that they could've been stricter. In the end, a hooligan interrupts the questions, and denounce the journalist for being Putin's puppet. 😀

Classic masquerade that shows, not only the dishonesty of media, greatly exagerating numbers, while lying about the numbers of gilets jaunes, as well as the shill-isque aspect of these crowds. A real technocratic dream.

Posted : January 27, 2019 8:33 PM
Posts: 318
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enjoypolo wrote:

Some interesting ordo ab chao developments, notably with today's march of a people calling banding as Red Scarves, and protect Macron and his policies, as well as imploring EU dominance over sovereign countries... Classic masquerade that shows, not only the dishonesty of media, greatly exagerating numbers, while lying about the numbers of gilets jaunes, as well as the shill-isque aspect of these crowds. A real technocratic dream.

We saw the same thing a few years ago in England. The legitimate grievances of the working class portrayed as a bunch of hooligan kids looting for trainers. Same bullshit.

I notice in that last RT clip you posted that there are actually very few red scarves visible in the crowd, like they have seeded a few just to co-opt the visuals into a 'movement' of the people. The crowd (of two million!? ha!) just cruising up to Place de la Bastille unmolested? I wonder how the visuals / reactions would look if the 'red scarves' were subjected to the same treatment of the gilets jaune?

Posted : February 2, 2019 11:55 PM
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I also note the general requirement now of most working class men (we call them tradies here in Australia) to wear high visibility fluorescent clothing. It is in the guise of 'health and safety' requirement, and here, it is by law to wear it. The more paranoid part of me sees them like prison uniforms. Conformity & visibility rolled into one.

It's a very neat way of clearly marking out all our young, strong males, no?

Posted : February 2, 2019 11:59 PM
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So ActXIII (13) happened yesterday with yet another show of tension on both sides. I don't have much to add, except my renewed sympathy and respect for those that are demonstrating in spite of the coldest, harshest time of the year.
Shamangineer was on the money when he mentioned stormtroopers 😀

Also, has anyone read the book called How To Topple a Dictator from the Serbian activist Srđa Popović?
I'm halfway through, and it's fascinating. Recounting the time living under the oppresive regime of Serbian autocrat Slobodan Milosevic, it talks about how to peacefully create movements that ultimately topple down even the most ruthless dictators. It sounded cheesy I admit, but there are many insights that are relevant today (not just in France).
The basic gist is: Choose the small battles that everyone can identify with, and that are winnable, and that will then lead you to what you want (toppling the oppressive regime/dictator, in a pacific way)

I had heard as most people, of Gandhi's movement to fight off the British Imperialists thru peaceful protests. But what I didn't know, was that prior to this fight, he had organized a civil campaign to fight against British taxes on salt. Everybody needs salt.
It was dubbed the salt satyagraha, but what it really did, was give positive PR that ultimately led to India's independence. From MLK, to Syria, to Chile, many many illustrative examples described in the book.

So it's stuff like that, the seemingly mundane (like a gilet jaune that every car owner has) that unites people around, propelling a movement towards the big goals.

Anyhow, I highly recommend the book, it's written with lots of humour (best weapon in a peaceful fight) and it's exactly what we need in this worldwide oppressive climate.

Posted : February 10, 2019 5:38 PM
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Act 14 is happening today:

Notice also, stats of demonstrators on the left (Ministry of Interior) 10,000 and right Police Union +200,000. lol

Posted : February 16, 2019 5:37 PM
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So anyone interested in Dictatorship-101, here is the latest news from France after the last Yellow Vest protest on Feb 16:

A somewhat famous French philosopher and academic (unknown to me personally), Alain Finkielkraut was assaulted in the streets by a an anonymous bunch of protesters who, according to him yelled at him “you dirty zionist”.
This became the perfect excuse for Macronists to use anti-semitism as a blanket term describing the Gilets Jaunes.
Brazen and shameless attempt to discredit a movement. Yet, it’s become the default tactic to silence opponents.
Yet, I would still argue, zionism isn’t judaism. Therefore, calling out zionism isn’t any more discriminatory than being against war.

Posted : February 19, 2019 4:17 AM
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Catherine Austin Fitts discusses the Gilets Jaunes with the saker - tl;dr : Macron is an 'attack poodle' and they conclude France is in a position of a real revolution unfolding. Vive la France!

Posted : February 22, 2019 11:58 PM
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Thanks for the link rani. A glimmer of hope.

Posted : February 23, 2019 1:51 AM
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It's unstoppable at this point: Between France, Venezuela, Haiti , Algeria and Spain (and Catalonia) has just sparked its fuse again.
How many other countries going thru similar things, but are un-reported or overlooked by the media?

In few hours it's gonna be Act 15 in France. Far too long, the genie is out of the bottle now.

Posted : February 23, 2019 2:41 AM
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I mentioned the RIC vaguely in my previous response, but it's a point of convergence for many in the French Yellow Vest movements, because it's the tool of tools. This video from Collective Enslavement describes it in more details. I think the topic sparks very interesting questions.

Posted : February 27, 2019 4:50 AM
Posts: 318
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enjoypolo wrote: I mentioned the RIC vaguely in my previous response, but it's a point of convergence for many in the French Yellow Vest movements, because it's the tool of tools. ✌️

Unfortunately, I think it's a slightly blunt tool. According to this legal dictionary (may or may not be correct or apply to all jurisdictions)

"The power of referendum does not permit the people to invalidate a law that is already operative but suspends or annuls a law that has not yet gone into effect. In this sense, referendum is similar to a governor's Veto power. Also, by referendum the people may reinstate an act that the legislature has expressly repealed."

So, for example, here in Australia they have enacted some really bastard surveillance laws which have essentially destroyed our privacy. They rushed it through in the Christmas lull, and now that's enshrined, something like a RIC would not allow us to repeal that law.

Enjoypolo - I didn't watch all the videos you posted on the Citizen Ateliers, do any of them speak to this issue?

Posted : February 28, 2019 1:55 AM
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rani wrote: Unfortunately, I think it's a slightly blunt tool. According to this legal dictionary (may or may not be correct or apply to all jurisdictions)

"The power of referendum does not permit the people to invalidate a law that is already operative but suspends or annuls a law that has not yet gone into effect. In this sense, referendum is similar to a governor's Veto power. Also, by referendum the people may reinstate an act that the legislature has expressly repealed."

So, for example, here in Australia they have enacted some really bastard surveillance laws which have essentially destroyed our privacy. They rushed it through in the Christmas lull, and now that's enshrined, something like a RIC would not allow us to repeal that law.

Enjoypolo - I didn't watch all the videos you posted on the Citizen Ateliers, do any of them speak to this issue?

Totally agree with you Rani. Etienne Chouard, who's a prominent figure in the movement, calls it the Prince's Referendum, a fake one, because:
1) it's legitimacy isn't backed by anything concrete (you can make people say yes to anything with framing), and thus can be used against the people.

2) A notorious case in 2005, when France voted No to ratify the EU's constitution treaty, that ultimately was signed in three years later (Lisbon Treaty) despite the wishes of its people. As far as I know, it's the same case in the UK with Brexit today.
So in both cases, the sovereignty was abused because referendums aren't really legitimized.

But so a true no-strings-attached RIC, would potentially remediate that by being a constitutional guarantee. What I mean by that, is RICs exist in many countries, like Italy, as well in the US in some states, like California, or Oregon. But the caveats (at least in Italy) is: you can RIC on any subjects, except taxation. So it's the short end of the stick; another scam.

However, the examples from Oregon are quite fascinating. Edit: I just found out Arizona, California, Massachusetts and Colorado also have similar Citizen Initiatives Reviews (CIRs).

I do think that's a model that can be adapted for various types, and across various scales.

Another big topic is information control, and who/how to manage the flow of information, in such a way that it doesn't fall under a parasite control (like the situation now where few billionaires own most of the media). Total government control media isn't my cup of tea either (and China is a not leading by good example in this matter either). And frankly, I'm not sure what's the best solution, but that's why this movement, through citizen ateliers are powerful places for dialogue and co-operation.

Actually, I find this forum/community quite similar to a citizen atelier, in fact, doing similar work by discussing these issues, and building on top of each others perspectives.

And it will take time, no doubt, but without waxing too poetic, the fact that our minds are entangled with such ideas already is effecting change in the field.

EDIT: I wanted to add though, that there are many great propositions for media control, such as the idea for the creation of a publicly-funded organ of information that would hold contradictory debates for 6 months (or less, or more) once a RIC has been catalyzed. No advertisements, and publicly accessible channel so that most people can follow. This is just one example, many others.

This reminds me of Robert David Steele's Open-Source Everything manifesto, in that by crowdfunding the raw brain-power of world population, we can make drastic improvements, in intelligence, but elsewhere.

Posted : February 28, 2019 3:32 AM
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As usual, the livestream links to Today's protests in Paris (and throughout France)

Posted : March 2, 2019 5:43 PM
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Thanks for this enjoypolo, while I knew what scant news I had seen was likley twisted I've been meaning to catch up on what exactly is going on. Just wondering how many assumed there was more to this than the MSM would have us think, I'm hoping it's like consiracy or smoking weed. You think your one of the only ones but turns out it's half the people in the room and growing!

Posted : March 3, 2019 12:05 PM
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The French ministry of the interior is making a fool of themselves by pretending, every week, that only a few thousand protesters participated, when in fact, the un-official numbers from various police unions put it at hundred of thousands of people across France.

You have to wonder what is coming next, since these people have had the balls to protest during the the coldest and harshest time of the year.

My intuition tells me once spring arrives, a literal surge in numbers will inevitably follow.

Meanwhile, Algerians at home, and in Paris, are also protesting against their president and officials, after the former is announcing his fifth-consecutive term as President. Paris is like a melting-pot of chaos right now, what an incredible moment.

#SpaceWeather :rolleyes:

Posted : March 3, 2019 5:32 PM
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