17th consecutive week.. still in the streets. Allez Gilets Jaunes #act17

Australia joins in the CIR fun
It's wierd, we're a nation based on criminals and rebellions, but mention to anyone now that they should be up in arms about the shit the govt pulls today, they look at you like you're a freak.
"The aboriginals called gold kara kara, and Jarra elder Brien Nelson tells a story of how one shepherd boy discovered about the gold from a Jarra kid:
I asked Brien, “For you Jaara people, what was gold good for?”
He said, ‘Nothing. The first white people who came here were farmers, and one day a Jaara kid and a white shepherd boy ere having a chat, and the Jaara boy bent over and picked up a lump of gold.
The shepherd thought to himself, “That’s gold.”
The Jaara kid said, “See those crows, I bet I can hit him.”
And the shepherd said, “But wait, don’t throw it away, that’s gold!”
“No good to me,” said the Jaara kid, and he threw the nugget of gold at a crow. “Got him!” said the Jaara kid.
“Don’t you want that gold?” asked the shepherd.
“No good to me. It’s too soft spear point and knife, and when I go walking, it’s too heavy to carry. So I leave it. Just rubbish.”

This headline of a break-in at masonic lodge in the french town of Tarbes by some yellow vests sure made me chuckle (and curious artefacts):
Notice in the video, how many of their furnitures are triangular in shape.o_O

As you know, I've been following the french media scene, and it's been an incredible education, self-development, stimulation of thoughts & ideas.
The latest light in the dark is Juan Branco, who happens to be one of Julian Assange's lawyers, as well as some highlighted members of the Gilets Jaunes (Fly Rider/Maxime Nicolle). His latest interview on ThinkerView (a French youtube channel interviewing various thinkers, philosophers, economists..) really delighted me. He embodies the shift of petit-Paris intellectuals (close circle of high elite$ of France) whose veil has been lifted, and is now switching sides, denouncing with a clarity of mind that is examplary.
caveat: certainly, there are those Ordo Ab Chao seekers with deceitful intentions, but my litmus test is Actions speak louder than words, and in his case, I don't find material that would discredit, or contradict his actions.
One point that struck me in the conversation, is how decisive this week's coming protest on Saturday 3/16, Act 18 will be, both for the yellow vests who are getting seriously tired/exhausted both financially, and psychologically, as well as for the rest of the country.
This week coincides with the end of Macron's scam initiative called Grand Debat National (aka No-Debat National) which was nothing but a "preaching to the choir" debate, a masquerade imposing his dialectic that he has audaciously used as his EU election platform.
Act 18 will also see other groups in solidarity, including some unions, as well as teachers.
In essence, this protest could be an ultimatum Make-It-or-Break-It act.
Chances are, this could potentially be the most violent one in terms of injuries, or god forbid, worse.
Will the protests continue afterwards? Probably, but it seems that a shift in tactics will occur. (An interesting RV experiment to be made here)
It'd be interesting to have access to worldwide Heartmath data, see what coherence of minds are occuring in real-time during these moments.
EDIT: some added links.
RT France: Act XVIII: https://translate.google.ca/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Ffrancais.rt.com%2Ffrance%2F59974-gilets-jaunes-pour-acte-18-des-figures-du-mouvement-determinees-etre-plus-radicales

Live-stream link Acte 18:
Paris is burning
EDIT: From what I saw online, this was one of the more violent protests, but also the most "wasted" opportunity to make a point. Indeed, all the media attention went towards the vandalized stores and burning restaurants, which seemed to take away the legitimacy of today's protest.
Crazy scenes though:
Notice a lot of the casseurs (vandals) are fully-black clothed. They could be anybody.

On the eve of Act 19, it's good to put couple things into context.
The last time I looked at the stats, approximately 60-70% of French (in reality, those surveyed) are supporting the Gilets Jaunes/Yellow Vests in France, and even more agree to their demands.
Last week, on the very same day that Act 18 was happening, with one of the most riotous elements (refer to previous post), French President Emmanuel Macron was hanging out in the mountains to recuperate from his Africa trip. Just a day before, his Minister of Interior, Christophe Castagnier, was reported hanging out at nightclubs until late.
It almost feels psy-opsy where they're trying to fan the flames, wishfully or else.
Which brings me to this week's headline circulating on RT France is about the potential use of mercenaries, and national armed forces to intervene in the protests. The idea is to use Operation Sentinelle, an anti-terrorism task force recently created, that will be justified in the face of last week's violence. It's important to know that a lot of the agents provocateurs were either wearing a yellow vest, and, or else, many simply were dressed in black, Antifa-looking types. The former, also has been seen with citizen cops, who were woring the yellow vest.
So with the Army in the streets, it's gonna be a tough show. But Life is a mystery:rolleyes:

Some incredible scenes from city of Montpellier during todays Act 20:

https://francais.rt.com/france/60588-sous-eau-rince-essore-emmanuel-macron-proche-burn-out-proches&xid=17259,15700022,15700186,15700190,15700253&usg=ALkJrhh2tQWtpfD72FfnwgMDlsBCtNSkQ w"> https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.ca&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://francais.rt.com/france/60588-sous-eau-rince-essore-emmanuel-macron-proche-burn-out-proches&xid=17259,15700022,15700186,15700190,15700253&usg=ALkJrhh2tQWtpfD72FfnwgMDlsBCtNSkQw
A story, first circulated by the French media Le Parisien, featuring an anonymous source close to the President has disclosed Macron is drowning in waters, crumbling under the pressure, and on the verge of a physical burn-out. Now it’s being relayed by RT France, which means a great deal.
Not surprising if you ask me, when your soul carries the weight, anger of your people, including the dead ones probably haunting him from Beyond the veil.
To me, coming from a billionaire media, this is a surprise (though not really), and suggests a change in the winds, and Macron is probably being thrown under the bus, with yet another dialectic being prepared in the devil’s kitchen.
The silver lining of these chaotic times, is that once again, it brings out the best out of the brightest minds, incl. those within the inner circles who flip sides upon being awakened.

Just wanted to leave this link for the francophones out there. A true, honest, intellectual effort to debate what's wrong with neo-liberal-Macronist France today.
It warms my heart, and gives me hope that a real revolution, for and by the people is imminent, and will ripple across the pond worldwide no doubt.
The debate features Maxime Nicolle (aka FlyRider) who's become a prominent figure by circumstances, who just got released from police interrogation (intimidation). Next to his lawyer, Juan Branco (also member of Julian Assange legal team) who recently released his seminal book, Crepuscule. And then Etienne Chouard, the main figure of the RIC which got me into this movement in the first place.
Last but not least, Didier Maisto, whom I'm not familiar with, but does an incredible job at mediating this fruitful debate.
At the eve of Act 21, the tides are really shifting, and as the debate mentioned, the minds of the people are really switching gears to Revolution.
No one knew that in December's protests (when it was still kindling) Macron had a helicopter to evacuate him from Elysee Palace in case shit hit the fan. Alas, this act gave people the possibility that powers may be re-possessed.
It's also nearing the EU Elections (which is a joke by the way..) but which still matters in the eyes of the Deep State.
How long will the Police remain on the side of the tyranny?
When will the so-called elected officials start resigning out of shame/principles? (quite a few already have)
Will I have the courage to join these people if I was there on site?
So many questions, all bets are off at this point.
PS: Some courageous filmmakers are already releasing films relating to this movement. The first one I'm aware of, that's just been released yesterday is called, J'veux du Soleil (I want some Sunshine), and looks more like an actual documentary. Vive la Revolution!

Livestream Act 21:

So I finished reading the seminal book by Juan Branco, Crepuscule (link posted in the previous post), and man, does this guy dig deep into the mechanisms that's powering la Macronie.
To make a short summary of the book, it basically makes the legitimate case (after all, Branco is a lawyer by training) of how some of the well-known French billionaires, in this case Bernard Arnault, chairman of LVMH (personal net worth est. USD ~$87Bn), who owns many of the prestigious french press and media, incl. Le Figaro, L'Obs, Le Monde, etc. as well as Xavier Niels (married to the former's daughter, Delphine Arnault) another billionaire with a dark past (including prison term for pimping) who are Macron's handlers via his wife, and First Lady, Brigitte Macron.
The point of this however, is that this small circle of the Petit Paris are the ones who not only accosted Manu, but also the ones who later, when the time came, to manipulate the press to give smoke-and-mirrors, and ultimately allowing Macron to be elected, to everyone's surprise (after all, practically no one was aware of who he was only months prior). And who can forget this sort of brazen symbolism when he got elected. Shameless.
Some notes that I found interesting was an alleged dinner in NY & LA where Macron and his handlers were celebrating/conspiring to get him elected a few years prior the 2017 election (I'd love to find evidence for this, if possible).
The book basically shows the inevitable, how corrupt and hijacked the french institutions have become.
In France, as elsewhere, the trap is in the illusion of multiplicity of choice, that are in fact all networked by a few with vast resources. The control is done by the directors who are in charge of whom to hire/fire; promote;punish, in brief, everything you'd read in the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.
The second part of the book focuses on Gabriel Attal, a 29-year old nobody who managed to become the youngest public servant at the Elysee, whose journey is outlined in great details, and how this young man of the Petit Paris with not one work experience, has managed via his network to have a desk working in the Republic for his own interests. The case goes deeper, by showing that the details surrounding the Benalla case (a big scandal in France about Macron's protégé), and how Macron's basically hiring his own security detail outside of law-enforcement, guys like Alexandre Benalla who was caught in May 2018, kicking a citizen in the street prompting protests.
As Juan Branco puts it succinctly:
"Ces êtres ne sont pas corrompus. Ils sont la corruption." These people are not corrupted. They are the corruption.
The good news is, that this book is selling like hot-cakes, topping the charts with an increasingly informed citizenry that's waking up to this masquerade. One thing I realized from this cess-pool of archons however, is that the very fact that the corruption runs so deep, is their strength, but also their weakness. Meaning, if one card falls (and they can't put out the fire quick enough) the whole deck with it, falls apart. And that's why as hard as they are trying to ignore the fire, their end is too visible, thus the aptly named title Crepuscule (Twilight).
I have my own preconceptions and biases, including that the involvement of Dark Magic and RSA is present (although not explicitly mentioned in the book), and nothing points more to that, than having your own, corrupted security detail and hijacking of the French Military Force apparatus. but I digress.
Maybe, they are the proverbial hare that rushed too fast to get to the end, while the wise turtle manages, slowly, to overcome the situation at the end.
LVMH's Arnault Joins French CEOs Backing Macron Over Le Pen (May 5, 2017)
The only reference to the diner in LA seems to be in this biography of Brigitte (from Google Search)

While we're at it, a few headlines that made it to RT's front page lately, as well others ones:
‘It’s a massacre’: Rising number of suicides among French police condemned by union
Further privatisation of Paris airports to go ahead
This second link is about the controversial law, and libertarian's dream, as it pertains to the recent legislature that voted for the privatisation of Aeroport De Paris (ADP).
Interestingly, this issue became so controversial that it made the French Senate members vote for a proposal on a mini-RIC type of law. I'm skeptical, as we all should be, but it seems like its finally falling on their deaf ears.

Very sad news today: Notre Dame cathedral’s upper structure was engulfed in flames today, as more than 400 firefighters are trying to control the situation. It’s precious and unique heritage of France, and in general, of History.
Though my gut instinct tells me there’s more to it than meets the eye. Arson? False Flag?
Whatever the case, it’ll give them some more time to distract us..
Edit: just when I was starting to think I’m a conspiracy theorist, this news comes out. Followed by the Clinton’s tweeting about it. What’s the saying? Birds of a feather flock together..
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