I hope everyone can forgive me for my caffeine-fuelled ramblings.
As if the timing couldn't have been better, billionaires are quick to make big cash offers to rebuild Notre Dame. How sweet of them, right?
Well consider this. The same people who are being accused of nepotism, manipulation, tax evasion, and who are being exposed as we speak, by a growing minority including, but not limited to, Yellow Vests are now rushing to give money for this cause?
Forgive me, but either 1) I must've gone over the cuckoo's nest with my theories 2) This is a botched PR to try make themselves look good. (or 3) Both.)
Not to mention Easter is right around the corner, this must be looked at from an esoteric perspective (as well inversion part of Ordo Ab Chao).
I dare accuse these lizards for their audacity to destroy sacred human heritage sites for their own benefits.
Call me crazy, and I sincerely hope I'm wrong and exaggerating, but it's becoming more and more likely..
The modus operandi is Trauma-based Mind Kontrol
Brief chronology:
Francois Pinault was the first in the series to pledge 100MEuros for the reconstruction.
Then came Bernard Arnault with a doubling offer of 200MEuros.
Now, Xavier Niels, billionaire and Macron's handler mentioned in my previous post about Crepuscule above, is claiming to put "All his fortune" to support this cause.
What kind of evil, childish game/auctioning are they playing?o_O It's stranger than fiction, I'll tell you that.
Meanwhile, Paris's public prosecutor declares:
“We are favoring the theory of an accident,” Remy Heitz told journalists. “No evidence indicates it was an intentional act.”
Please elaborate, Monsieur.
EDIT: Macron, who was due to announce the results and actions following his months-long masquerade named "Grand Debat National" (Big National Debate), just now declared in a five-minute national speech, that the announcements will be delayed indefinitely, for in the aftermath of this tragedy, its not a good time to talk politics.
I need a glass of water..:rolleyes::eek:
EDIT2: According to journalist Didier Maisto, if Notre Dame (ND) is considered "National Treasure" all donations (we're up to 700M Euros already) will be de-fiscalized (not taxable).
Not a surprise at all.
Dare I say Macron will give away the heritage site to his buddies to throw their eyes wide shut parties at their convenience.
It is their greed and stupidity that will be their downfall.
Rani shared the myth of the Petit Homme Rouge, a tale dating back to medieval times when Catherine De Medicis persecuted to death a man that had discovered her coveted secrets, only to haunt her whole life, afterwards, as well as those on the throne who have abused their power ever since (including Bonaparte).
And I can't help but feel he is due for an appearance soon.
EDIT 3: This interview of the former chief-architect of Notre Dame, Benjamin Mouton from 2000-2013, is becoming viral, with even a tweet from Catherine Austin Fitts about it: Basically talking about how oak wood that's more than 800-yrs old doesn't burn that easily, in fact very hard to make it burn. Unless you have bundles of kindle to start one (he says half-jokingly).
He also goes on to say that the cathedral's entire electrical system had been reset from the ground up, making it difficult to believe in the electrical shorting scenario, as well as having installed from the ground up, detectors that would've immediately alerted security in case of a fire. Furthermore, two security staffs are permanently on site.
Interesting developments.. #JudyWood :eek::rolleyes:o_O

A friend of mine shared this interesting and beautiful point of view today by Anaiya Sophia
"My Interpretation of the Notre-Dame fire.
When the fire began I was speaking with Akara Sophia. There was a glorious rapport between us, a sense of something coming together, a deep knowing that the land and it's many cultures, races and traditions could find common ground. A wonderful euphoric sense of YES!
To then come off that call and be plunged heart first into the news of Notre-Dame in flames. Despite the shocking images I watched the live video, calmy. I watched the spire fall. I walked away and went silent for the whole night, mulling it over in my body.
Later when I went to bed I dropped 3 drops of Frankincense on my tongue and went to Notre-Dame and asked to receive the Truth.
I sensed elation. I sensed purification. I sensed freedom of spirit. All night I was in vigil, weaving in and out of many things.
The Templars built this Cathedral in honour of Mary Magdalene, who was/is personified as the Black Madonna. Going deeper still, Sophia. So many people have been burnt at the stake in front of Notre-Dame. The last Grand Master Jacques de Molay and countless women accused of being a witch. Still to this day we do not know the true figures of how many women were executed. Notre-Dame is also the central heart of Paris, being a massive vortex of many interlinking ley lines, known as the 'point zero'. So whatever was happening up above, was also happening down below.
As we know this is happening at the start of Holy Week. The moment when Christ entered Jerusalem knowingly stepping into his initiation. One of the many artefacts housed at the cathedral is the Crown of Thorns. Thankfully, this is still safe.
And so, as we go deeper.. Beneath the Cathedral lay the ruins of a Temple of Isis, who had an altar devoted to Jupiter. In Greek mythology, this would have been Zeus, in Ancient Egypt - Osirus. The resurrecting king. And the King of Resurrection.
Towards the end of my lucid dreaming, I received these words.
"By the time Notre-Dame is fully restored the Roman Catholic Church would have fallen into disrepair".
My overall feeling is that the Sacred Feminine that dwells in the land beneath Notre-Dame is erupting and surging through all that is false and contained. As she opens the path like a fiery phoenix, so the utter pristine purity of the True Kings shall ARise. Birthed out of the flames of the Feminine. Only those who are brave enough to be incinerated by her act of destruction will arise as freshly newborn kings.
The Ile de la Cité (Island Notre-Dame sits on), is an ancient Pagan/Celtic sacred site that is in the throes of birthing itself.
My heart goes out to all the people suffering and feeling a sense of great loss. And heartfelt gratitude to those courageous fire-fighters.
May Peace Prevail and May the Truth be known to all people."

thwolf wrote:
May Peace Prevail and May the Truth be known to all people."
Indeed with a botched coup of this scale, there's no way he will make it out unscathed.
Tomorrow will be the much awaited Act 23 on 4/20, a date with much esotericism associated with it.
I could go on and on about the investigation, expert testimony that's being uncovered, pointing out that every single protocol had been respected on that day, ruling out (almost) any possibility that it was an error/accident due to electrical failure, or otherwise.
Macron wants to turn Notre Dame into Freedom Tower, but he will not be allowed to.

Wanted to share this song which emerged during the protests and overtime became the Yellow Vest anthem called On Est Là (We are Here):
"On est là, on est là
Même si Macron ne veut pas, nous on est là.
Pour l'honneur des travailleurs, et pour un monde meilleur
Meme si Macron ne veut pas, nous on est là."
"We are here, we are here
Even if Macron doesn't want it, we are here.
To honor the workers and for a better world
Even if Macron doesn't want it, we are here"
It's beautiful, and it moves me everytime I listen to it 🙂 Sure to become Nº1 hits this year 😉
Some other great photos shared on social media:
This one reads: "Don't commit suicide! Don't massacre us! Let's liberate ourselves!" referring to the increasing number of police officers committing suicide (29 already since the start of 2019)
"Union creates Power"
What an incredible time to be alive
PS: RT produced a documentary called "Yellow Vest Fever". Haven't gotten to it yet, but much respect to RT for doing this.

Sad to see even Labour Day used as an opportunity to get tear-gas the people in France...
we've lost our minds..

enjoypolo wrote:
Meanwhile, Paris's public prosecutor declares:
“We are favoring the theory of an accident,” Remy Heitz told journalists. “No evidence indicates it was an intentional act.”
Please elaborate, Monsieur. #J'Accuse
EDIT 3: This interview of the former chief-architect of Notre Dame, Benjamin Mouton from 2000-2013, is becoming viral, with even a tweet from Catherine Austin Fitts about it: Basically talking about how oak wood that's more than 800-yrs old doesn't burn that easily, in fact very hard to make it burn. Unless you have bundles of kindle to start one (he says half-jokingly).
That is an amazing picture EP! I love it. Vive le petit homme rouge!
I live off grid, and we only have a wood stove for heat. i can confirm how hard it is to get a large piece of hard wood to light. It takes concerted effort, a wee little spark is not going to do it.
I think the fire is part psy op, part (dark) reconsecration of a sacred ground. The original structure is being weighted down with the burden of colonialism and, inevitably, it looks like they want to stick a big glass penis on the top to redefine it's meaning. Check the pull quotes on this video. When the books of the past are burned, stone monuments become our literature to understand our past. When we rewrite the stone, what have we left?

rani wrote: That is an amazing picture EP! I love it. Vive le petit homme rouge!
I live off grid, and we only have a wood stove for heat. i can confirm how hard it is to get a large piece of hard wood to light. It takes concerted effort, a wee little spark is not going to do it.
I think the fire is part psy op, part (dark) reconsecration of a sacred ground. The original structure is being weighted down with the burden of colonialism and, inevitably, it looks like they want to stick a big glass penis on the top to redefine it's meaning. Check the pull quotes on this video. When the books of the past are burned, stone monuments become our literature to understand our past. When we rewrite the stone, what have we left?
That's exactly right. I must confess though, I haven't followed closely the polemics regarding to proposed designs, but they are sure to be even worse than we can imagine.
Just saw your video about crystal tower.. Could they be trying to siphon off the grid energy?
As we I speak, Act 25 of the movement is unfolding. The situation since May 1 Labour Day has considerably grown, due to the inability of the macronist-cabal to do anything to appease the situation, but in fact, pouring oil by the barrel.
Notably the Pitié-Salpetriere Hospital incident which would likely to have have been captured, if not for smartphone footages and decentralized spreading of media.
Finally, it seems some artists are coming public in their support for the movement (a little inevitable though, no?)
Le combat continue.

enjoypolo wrote:
Just saw your video about crystal tower.. Could they be trying to siphon off the grid energy?
Yes, I think so. And they are sure going to need it. France is clearly in revolution. Italy follows suit. More power to the MS5 party!
I'm laughing and laughing and laughing and.....

Talking of laughing. Ukraine elects a comedian who played the president on the tv as their actual president....

rani wrote: Talking of laughing. Ukraine elects a comedian who played the president on the tv as their actual president....
I wonder how they’re doing so far.
Today is Act 28 (or 29?) as well as being election day for European Union Parliamentary (for whoever will be representing us in Brussells).
Full disclosure, I won’t be voting, for one, because I’m at work all day long.
But two, it’s a bit ironic to vote for EU elections when the premise of the EU is based on a global dictatorship.
Maybe i’m experiencing mild cognitive dissonance, who knows.
Anyhow, the Gilets Jaunes are as committed and loyal to their causes as ever, and it’s hopeful. I can only guess for how long this tyranny can stay in power at this point. My bet is that this year’s July 14 will be an interesting event.
On est là.
PS: for the francophones out there: a mock trial of Macron. It’s hilarious, but also quite prophetic in a way.

enjoypolo wrote: I wonder how they’re doing so far.
That mock trial was amazing, full of energy and joy. I'm glad they are laughing too!
Funny you ask how The Ukraine is going, because from the sounds of his inaugural speech, the new Prez is taking names... check this out:
"We will build the country of other opportunities — the one where all are equal before the law and where all the rules are honest and transparent, the same for everyone. And for that, we need people in power who will serve the people. This is why I really do not want my pictures in your offices, for the President is not an icon, an idol or a portrait. Hang your kids' photos instead, and look at them each time you are making a decision.
I can go on, but Ukrainians wants actions, not words. So, dear deputies! You have appointed the inauguration on Monday, a work day, which has one benefit -— it means you are ready to work.
Therefore, I ask that you approve:
1. The law on removing parliamentary immunity.
2. The law establishing criminal liability for illegal enrichment.
3. The long-awaited Electoral Code and open-lists.
Also, please dismiss:
1. Head of the Security Service of Ukraine.
2. Prosecutor General of Ukraine.
3. Minister of Defense of Ukraine.
This is certainly not all that you could do, but for now, it will suffice.
You will have two months to do that. Do it. And take all the medals for it — not a bad move before the snap parliamentary election. I am dissolving the Verkhovna Rada of the eighth convocation
Glory to Ukraine!
And finally:
Dear Nation!
All my life I tried to do all I could so that Ukrainians laughed. That was my mission. Now I will do all I can so that Ukrainians at least do not cry any more."
Full text here.

French senate approves bill stipulating that Notre Dame has to be rebuilt as original

rani wrote: That mock trial was amazing, full of energy and joy. I'm glad they are laughing too!
Funny you ask how The Ukraine is going, because from the sounds of his inaugural speech, the new Prez is taking names... check this out:
"We will build the country of other opportunities — the one where all are equal before the law and where all the rules are honest and transparent, the same for everyone. And for that, we need people in power who will serve the people. This is why I really do not want my pictures in your offices, for the President is not an icon, an idol or a portrait. Hang your kids' photos instead, and look at them each time you are making a decision.
I can go on, but Ukrainians wants actions, not words. So, dear deputies! You have appointed the inauguration on Monday, a work day, which has one benefit -— it means you are ready to work.
Therefore, I ask that you approve:
1. The law on removing parliamentary immunity.
2. The law establishing criminal liability for illegal enrichment.
3. The long-awaited Electoral Code and open-lists.
Also, please dismiss:
1. Head of the Security Service of Ukraine.
2. Prosecutor General of Ukraine.
3. Minister of Defense of Ukraine.
This is certainly not all that you could do, but for now, it will suffice.
You will have two months to do that. Do it. And take all the medals for it — not a bad move before the snap parliamentary election. I am dissolving the Verkhovna Rada of the eighth convocation
Glory to Ukraine!
And finally:
Dear Nation!
All my life I tried to do all I could so that Ukrainians laughed. That was my mission. Now I will do all I can so that Ukrainians at least do not cry any more."
Full text here.
It's probably a bit too early to analyze his moves. I, for one, am skeptical of any politician who boasts about greatness without a concrete plan (i.e., policies; a vision). The fact that he's a comedian gives me hope, as those are usually the ones who bring truth to the public in digestible format (court's jester) (not all of them obviously).
I wish the Ukrainians all the best, especially with the strong US-EU influence they're dealing with.
PS: Thanks for the Notre-Dame link as well. I'm glad there's still a bit of common-sense left in the French Senate.

June 8, 2019 headlines:
- Yellow Vests / Gilets Jaunes go in the streets for Act 30: Massive march in Saint-Denis, a low-income suburb of Paris to show support with those from the burbs, as well as all over France. Here's a short recap from RT/RT France:
I applaud the Gilets Jaunes for showing solidarity with people living in suburbs. Saint-Denis is considered one of Paris' not-so-good areas, with high-number of immigrants and low-income, but it's important to note that they're the bottom rung of the ladder; i.e., Tough Luck.
During the week, a number of hospitals and medical institutions (and their staffs) have also been striking to complaint about low-wages/ lack of governmental support and resources; lack of staffing, etc. With absolutely no communication from the government, it's as if they're welcoming their demise!
- Juan Branco and his team present EU Migration flux "genocide" case to the International Criminal Court (ICC): Very glad that Juan Branco, the charismatic-and-outspoken lawyer/Gilet Jaune (author of the book Crepuscule) has presented a case that denounces EU's forced migration policies that have resulted in the deaths of over 14,000 people so far (probably worse than that), mainly people from Africa who are trying to cross the Mediterranean sea, as well folks from the Middle-East whom we are bombing the shit out-of.
Surprisingly, this made the rounds all over the world, including Guardian, WaPo, and even the Himalayan Times. It goes without saying, the case will probably fall on deaf ears. Still, the World is watching!
For those unaware, Europe is in quite the turmoil right now. And I like what I'm seeing with Salvio and the Italians as well. It looks like the EU house of cards is disintegrating itself faster than it can find excuses to come up with.
The danger, as always with these lizards, is that a cornered rat usually will fight back with all it's might (jihad), which could possibly prop up more false-flags. But there's no going back; the proverbial toothpaste is out!

I enjoy Rick Sanchez in his candid reporting at RT America regarding the trend of social eruptions worldwide, from Albania to Kazakhstan, and well beyond.
Here's one from Hong Kong with many wearing gilets jaunes from reuters:
They are protesting against a new law that would allow China to extradite HK dissidents to go to court. Interestingly, the Chinese government is blaming US interference for the movement.
Shit is getting real.
On the cusp of something big and monumental, soon.
PS: another one that’s headlining RT is John McAfee. He’s an interesting character, and looks like a loose cannon. Certainly not afraid to go public:
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