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Shamanic Engineering

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How fortuitus on the same day the boards are back up I stumbled across this site:

This site is currently completely unrelated to me except in awesomeness and philosophy. There are books and articles written by or about Nikola Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, Walter Russell, Viktor Schauberger, and many more "mad scientists", videos, and interviews too. Check it out, it's run by a dude named Theodore Byrd. Coincides very well with the topics presented in the latest podcast as well: Peter Robbins | Wilhelm Reich, Orgone Energy, & UFOs.

Best Wishes,

Posted : October 7, 2016 3:06 AM
Posts: 196
Estimable Member

Very cool. Good find.

Posted : October 9, 2016 12:13 AM
Posts: 18
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Thank you.

Posted : October 11, 2016 4:11 AM
Posts: 1026
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Part of what got me onto the ether was the aetherforce keychest of books (the link is dead now). Here is the Aetherforce website:
The blog has been updated more recently, but the boards are pretty dead. They also have a very few youtube videos but those that are available have great content.

Posted : November 4, 2016 11:54 PM
Posts: 204
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Thank you, Shamangineer, I have just been introduced to Thomas Joseph Brown through that video. I will be checking more of his videos out.

I have forgotten the name of the Borderlands contact that I traveled to Whitethorn, CA one year to contact. I was on my touring motorcycle and met some bikers in town (a gas station/store/post office/and fire station) after I had failed to locate my contact. I got drunk and slept behind the fire hall, got soaked in the coastal fog, and came down the next day with walking (or riding) pneumonia. So, I had an interesting trip in any event.

I'm not sure if Thomas Joseph Brown was the editor of The Journal of Borderland Sciences (now, Borderlands) when they published the one piece I have had published in any such journal. My piece was titled by them, The Resonant Vortex. My own title for it had been, Resonant Vortex: the Fluid Motion Approach To How Things Work. What they published was, part 1 of 2. The second part, which I did not submit, had plans for building a gravity field generator of my design (with Schaubergerian influences). One could also call the device, an "ether vortex turbine." I had another name for it that I really liked, but a friend's take on the numerology of that name said it would lead to unwanted powerful interests and a potential of assassinations. That kind of spooked me. Henh.

Wondering if you might have a stack of old Borderlands and the Journal laying around there.

Posted : November 5, 2016 8:30 PM
Posts: 1026
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I wish I had a bunch of Borderlands Science magazines rolling around, although I think I have a spiral-bound book or two from Borderlands that was bought second-hand off Amazon. From what I understand from Thomas Joseph Brown the current Borderland's owner is operating on the level of a scammer by not shipping books. I do have three large bookshelves bursting at the seams with engineering, science, spirituality, survival/nature, native american, alchemy, and ether-based books and a variety of looseleaf printouts of weird and interesting articles about various "impossible" technologies. I would love to see the article you wrote if you still have it.

The thrust of your article sounds very similar to that of Thomas G. Lang's book: Unified Fluid Dynamic Theory of Physics.
Unified Fluid Dynamic Theory of Physics

Posted : November 5, 2016 9:37 PM
Posts: 204
Estimable Member

Thanks Shamanineer, and thank you again for not giving this lysdexic more stuff to read.

Serious bummer about that Borderlands scam.

I will get you a copy of the article from my files.

Posted : November 5, 2016 10:05 PM
Posts: 204
Estimable Member

Hi again, S. Thomas G. Lang is definitely not on the same page I am on. I did appreciate hearing that the red shift could mean something other than an expanding universe with every major chunk of matter getting away from every other major chunk of matter, though.

Posted : November 5, 2016 11:09 PM