Well, here it is folks, the moment you've all been waiting for.
Starfucks spills the beans on the REAL story behind their logo. Are you ready?
So it's about symmetry all along.
Hmmm, where else have we heard that?

Nothing to see here.

Lol yeah, truth in plain sight. Chris was right, since I started looking, I see the siren everywhere. Siren/Babylon/scarlet woman, I think they all embody the same symbology. Lindsey Stirling a talented Mormon violinist seems to be following a similar pattern. He newest tour is a Christmas special called Wonderland a red headed woman in white catching pearly-dewdrops' snowflakes on her tongue. Watch some of her YouTube videos. She's like the poster child for a YouTube musician making it big.
We can see these signs, and we think we know something. I'm starting to consider it a thought trap, cause what's it all mean?

Imminentizing the Eschaton my Friend, Imminentizing the Eschaton.
It is a thought trap. Fnord.
Cleverly designed to rub it in our faces because we'll get locked away for trying to warn people. You either have to fall in line and sign, or be driven to the fringes of society. Life as a warrior monk.
I like it on the fringes personally.

i see cop sirens all the time, then i say ive got to go then walk to my place and shut the door. that happend once, i was kinda drunk

"If you're going to be crazy you better get paid for it, or else they're gonna lock you up." I think Hunter S. Thompson said that. Greg found a way to live up to that. I live and work on a medical marijuana farm saving souls from chemo and the big pharm conspiracy. Make crazy work for you. Since I accepted the crazy into my heart, I've never been happier. These tricks can lead us to the truth. Crazy and proud.

magic123 wrote: Imminentizing the Eschaton my Friend, Imminentizing the Eschaton.
It is a thought trap. Fnord.
Cleverly designed to rub it in our faces because we'll get locked away for trying to warn people. You either have to fall in line and sign, or be driven to the fringes of society. Life as a warrior monk.
I like it on the fringes personally.
Are they mocking and bragging, or putting sigil and ritual magic out to the universe? Does seem like too much synchronicity to be guided by one group of human hands. It's hard to solve an equation without all the variables and there are a s*** ton of variables. Are all these sirens luring in the ignorant masses to their death somehow? Is it just marketing Magic? The never ending connections Chris Knowles has brought to my attention about 9/11 and the music industry, are they just Clues? A Blueprint for something to come? Are they just fucking with us laying another neatly hidden psyop mine trap? I think it's a little of all these motives. Nothing the elite do has a sole purpose.

thunderchicken wrote: "If you're going to be crazy you better get paid for it, or else they're gonna lock you up." I think Hunter S. Thompson said that. Greg found a way to live up to that. I live and work on a medical marijuana farm saving souls from chemo and the big pharm conspiracy. Make crazy work for you. Since I accepted the crazy into my heart, I've never been happier. These tricks can lead us to the truth. Crazy and proud.
id never hurt a fly unless its a robot spying on me. you only go to jail if you kill a zuckerberg reptillian robot- 5g- google- d wave ect.
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