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Solarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question “what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?”

Because fuck being depressed about the state of the world....

Posted : February 25, 2019 12:34 AM
Posts: 1026
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I have had similar thinking about the appropriate trajectory for science fiction/steampunk/cyberpunk literature. Enough warnings about the dystopia, it's here and people are frankly starting to take it for granted (boiling frogs). Will we envision a future of slavery and technocracy or one which includes voice, power, and a more healthy technology for all. You just joined recently, but you have provided excellent links, comments, and topics so far, kudos.

Posted : February 25, 2019 1:14 AM
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Thanks man. I've got some more interesting stuff coming your way. : )

I really like solarpunk as a space where people from all spectra can come together and have fruitful interactions. If we really are spiritual beings manifesting our reality, then we need to stop giving our power away to the minority bastards at the top by buying into and obsessing with all their dark shit. ¡Ya basta!

I respect Greg C. for moving away from the 'classic conspiracy stuff' to more esoteric at the risk of alienating his core audience. Let's stop looking in the gutter, people.

I truly believe that we all ready have all the tools at our disposal to SORT EVERYTHING OUT. Light, sound, voice. No more exploitation of the earth or it's people.

Right now it's solutions or GTFO.

Posted : February 28, 2019 2:12 AM
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So I picked up this book, Anastasia, Ringing Cedars, at a second hand shop. It's mega cheesy and I wouldn't necessarily recommend it as a read, but man, it did have some intriguing ideas in it.

For example, when germinating food seeds, hold them in your mouth for a few minutes before planting and they will respond to your DNA and nutrient deficiencies and attempt to provide you with that which you are lacking when it grows.

That's pretty solar punk!

Posted : March 16, 2019 12:44 AM
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Hats off Rani. Did not know about Solarpunk until now, but it's a cool symbiosis of technology (and hacking culture) and quasi-permaculture-like ecology. I can see how that eventually evolves into Avatar like, or better yet type civilization :rolleyes:

Posted : March 16, 2019 4:14 AM
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enjoypolo wrote: Hats off Rani. Did not know about Solarpunk until now, but it's a cool symbiosis of technology (and hacking culture) and quasi-permaculture-like ecology. I can see how that eventually evolves into Avatar like, or better yet type civilization :rolleyes:

Cheers, mate!

Your stuff on the biomimicry would fit in nicely with this mind set.

You know the funny thing, when I was 'asleep' I was a very cynical, pessimistic and sad person. After I woke up and recovered from the horror of diving headfirst down some nasty rabbit holes, I actually became a total optimist. It seems counter-intuitive but it's actually given me a tone of hope that things will be ok.

We are at the tail end of Kali Yuga. We have been beaten, lied to, poisoned, dumbed down, manipulated and ridiculed. But look at how beautiful we still are! Look at how creative, loving and intelligent we remain. Despite all the shit the oligarchs have attempted to crush us with, still we hold each other up and look to the stars.

We're going to be ok, kids.

Posted : March 18, 2019 1:06 AM
Posts: 1354
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rani wrote: Cheers, mate!

Your stuff on the biomimicry would fit in nicely with this mind set.

You know the funny thing, when I was 'asleep' I was a very cynical, pessimistic and sad person. After I woke up and recovered from the horror of diving headfirst down some nasty rabbit holes, I actually became a total optimist. It seems counter-intuitive but it's actually given me a tone of hope that things will be ok.

We are at the tail end of Kali Yuga. We have been beaten, lied to, poisoned, dumbed down, manipulated and ridiculed. But look at how beautiful we still are! Look at how creative, loving and intelligent we remain. Despite all the shit the oligarchs have attempted to crush us with, still we hold each other up and look to the stars.

We're going to be ok, kids.

Couldn't agree more. Funny synchronicity, I am still in the middle of the last episode, and it mentioned Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and her seminal book On grief and grieving.
I remember it had a powerful effect on me years ago, and often times "waking up" to the veil is akin to a traumatic experience, at least for me it was for a while, and so recognizing the DABA system (Denial; Anger; Bargaining; Acceptance) stages in my own journey was such an important tool, or else we may get stuck in some of the phases.
I wouldn't say that I've healed of all my traumas completely, but it's like having crutches I guess.

Posted : March 18, 2019 3:24 AM
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enjoypolo wrote: often times "waking up" to the veil is akin to a traumatic experience. Cheers:D

I definitely agree. Keep up the the Trauma release exercises to get the physical effects from your body. I'm also getting ready to post some stuff on clearing your biofield too.

I think we are all in line for another push through the veil, and this one will bring the as much joy as the last one brought pain and despair. This enlightenment will show how powerful we are and let the false power of the oligarchs fall away.

Posted : March 21, 2019 10:48 PM
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So another solar punk idea I love - Rudoplh Steiner said the the yearning of plants for the sun contributed to the turning of the Earth. Imagine if we could harness human yearning in such a fashion.

Posted : April 9, 2019 1:21 AM