The Case For Densit...
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The Case For Densities, Rather Than Dimensions

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I think the language (and the math) kind of torpedo our understanding of the unseen realms with that word/concept, "dimensions." From what I have sort of absorbed from reading and listening to some psychics, and trance channelers like Edgar Cayce, is these other planes of existence beyond what our physical senses take in at the material level exist right here in the same three dimensions of space, but exist parallel to, superimposed upon, if you will, the same physical space, but having their existence at a different "density." The so-called spiritual, astral, and causal, etc., planes are right here and now, in this same space, in the same three dimensions.

I must say here that my psychedelic journeying has shown me something very much along this line as well. In my opinion, geometry lacks the wherewithal to incorporate time, unless we figure out some way to multiply apples times oranges. I just don't see how we can call time a dimension, whatever juggling skills the mathematicians come up with. So, with dimensions, I can't go beyond the three of space and feel I would still honor language's relationship to any reality in which it, language, must of course exist.

Some would like to render the unseen, non-physical, energies to a mathematical construct, believing it could be apprehended in such a way. In comparison to those other densities, we and what we see here is not where it all starts, but perhaps is where it finishes. We easily become convinced, through the act of physical identification, that being in these material densities, we might hold the keys to knowing all that is, and we, as bodies and minds, will perceive and define reality. The entities and beings who slip back and forth across whatever are the lines demarcating density surely must do so with an understanding that eludes most of us who here identify as these bodies/minds.

If physical matter owes its constituent formation to forces within the less dense, but more energetic planes, right here and now, when beings who are not so confined can work both sides of the street, can we be sure of what we see, if and when they may choose to be seen? Do they really "solidify," or do they simply arrange the light for our eyes? And we, accustomed to seeing, and believing in, solid matter, make assumptions about that which we might be seeing?

People who see auras; what do they see? I doubt it's something in some forth dimension of space. No, they see these auras in the same three dimensions as that which seemingly has the aura. Where does an aura go when the life goes out? I myself don't see auras, but I sure do believe that I can feel my own. In its center, it can be felt pretty intensely. I believe that by getting very comfortable with that feeling, when the body and mind go, my center will not be lost. What will be seemingly lost is only what started, getting around to stopping.

If one searches on "spiritual planes," one might find there is plenty from mystical sources about these parallel planes. One can go back to the Theosophists and earlier sources and find more. It's just the mathematics that can be made to describe about anything that give us the idea that us with thinking in 3D are on a par with the flat-landers. I would submit that their multidimensional reality is made up of some very high grade elephant shit. But you have to forgive them, as they spent their lives creating that story, and sat in so many classes and played their number games. I wait for more dimensions to be shown, sitting on the workbench for this old high school dropout.

Posted : February 16, 2017 4:59 AM
Posts: 82
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Usefulness is an excellent criteria for us incarnate.

Throwing aside the detritus of mathematics for gamesmanship that it is, bravo. (Not "math" per se, but the pretensions people give it to absolute truth).

But measuring time seems very useful to me. I can measure it and assign a number so I am comfortable calling it a "dimension".

Similarly, the idea of fractal dimension is useful. How do you measure a coastline? Use a yardstick and you get one result. Use old english "chains" and you get another. But a coastline constantly changes over time...

I for one need to find a way to deal with my shadow side so that I can get back to meditation and psychedelics without the fear. The gradient between fear and love. There's a dimension 🙂

Posted : February 16, 2017 5:54 AM
Posts: 95
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satyagraha wrote: I just don't see how we can call time a dimension, whatever juggling skills the mathematicians come up with. So, with dimensions, I can't go beyond the three of space

Space provides room for static Forms, but Time provides room for dynamic Forms (= Change).
What model would you choose to explain Time, if not a dimensional one?

Mind and Matter: What do they have in common?

(I contemplate this stuff often, without satisfying results.)

In my view, all our assumptions about Space-Time do not describe primarily a concrete, outer reality. But some mechanics of our inner consciousness, too.

Because: How can somebody perceive external-material Space-Time, if Space-Time is not included in the internal-perception, too? Space-Time needs to be a building block or module of consciousness, too.

Then, it follows: The perceiver and the perceived have to share a common aspect. As it is not thinkable, that one can perceive something completely foreign to himself.

Question: What is this common aspect of Matter and Spirit?

Consciousness: A Closed System of Three Aspects

(I created this idea over the last days, it is just a speculation.)

Consciousness is based on the basic elements:

1. The relation between Spirit and Matter.
2. Matter manifesting in (static) Duality, which is the basic building block for all forms.
3. Time allowing Duality to become dynamic, resulting in circulation and movement.

These three basic elements are are rotational axes, each resulting in an orthogonal rotational field.
A rotational field has frequency and an amplitude.
By assigning various frequencies and amplitudes to the rotational fields, various geometrical forms can be stablished.
I suppose these geometrical forms to be forms of consciousness.

Please refer to the image attached.

Posted : February 16, 2017 3:59 PM
Posts: 204
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Hmmm, my immediate knee jerk is that all the elementals are based on consciousness, and not the other way around. Time, matter, and even the spatial dimensions all extend from consciousness, as in the third illustration. How they could, or would, have 90 degree relationships finds no place to land in my thought overlay of any perceived manifestation. But that's possibly because I am uneducated. I don't believe I can even trust perception, but it's what I have here in this world.

With this idea of densities, I just felt we might break away from a language bias that sets up a discussion that takes away from my mechanic's way of imagining, and into something that maybe only an advanced mathematician has any possibility of apprehension, and renders them unable to show me, in any usable terms, what the fuck they are talking about. And historically, they never seem to be satisfied with a particular number of the dimensions they have invented for long, always having to plug in more, like virtual fingers, staunching leaky anomaly holes it their reality dike.

The varied traditions, spiritualists, and mediums who present the concentric parallel image of levels of being, within active energetic densities, give me a way of at least imagining something I can work within my limited experience based thinking. I know I am more than a body/mind, but in this realm, it's what I/we have to work with.

The high priesthood, as it has evolved, tells us how it is, and we the undereducated, must simply trust. In my/our world, my/our creator, of which I/we am/are the manifestation, am/are given all I/we need to know (if not mentally) of what is. I see that time has one real point, and this point is now, and all space is here and now. In that, I see that the duality is, and must be, illusion. So, it is the illusion which we discuss. Something must laugh at this, eh?

So, in terms of the manifestation, as apprehended in my experience, perception, mentation, imagination, what is sensed can be entertained as I have put forward, as all here in three dimensions of space, in an eternal now, with the illusion of a history and a projection of a future, even more illusionary. I can handle with my limited pea brain, this idea of densities, and beyond that, it works with my notions of free energy, electric universe, gravity generation, and the things I might wish to do to affect the illusion we seem to be sharing.

I hand it to the mathematicians that we have so little practical understanding of the forces of creation at this moment in time. The fLaw of Universal Gravitation sits at the base of almost all they do, and they are blind to it, because they can't see the small 'f' I stuck there. But this is where they missed the boat three hundred years ago, and how they bound us to this planet and materialist science. But I am just an undereducated dropout, and thereby free of their bounds.

Uh, don't get me started!

Posted : February 16, 2017 6:03 PM
Posts: 82
Trusted Member


Posted : February 24, 2017 6:49 AM