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The Control System in a NUTSHELL or from a NUTJOB

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I have a list of questions I could use help with from anybody...

1. Why is the so called "NORTH" pole of our "planet" called so? The reason I ask is because if I place the south pole of ANY magnet next to, or close to ANY compass. The compass will always ONLY point to the "magnetic SOUTH pole" of any labeled magnet I use. SO I assume that what we call the "NORTH POLE" of our earth is really the MAGNETIC SOUTH POLE of our magnetic earth...?

2. Why is the Sun soooooo large at sunset??? Look up at Lunch time when it (THE SUN) is a "quarter size" at mid day or (noon), BUTT when the sun sets esp. on a pretty cloudless day. (rare) It appears A LOT larger as it sets over the horizon..? Either Ball or flat earth models do not make any sense to me on this perspective. COULD there possibly be another model we have not considered..?

3. Could an artificial satellite or "sail / fan" of some sort be used to manipulate our sun and moon. OR perception of our sun and moon..? In 1993, the Russian made 65-foot-diameter satellite, called Znamya, briefly lit the Earth like a giant orbiting night light

Read more:

3a.) How far from the earth would this object have to be placed in order to block out or cover the area we know as day to day..?
3b.) Why is sun soooo perfectly round if you look at it using a mirror or tinted lens..?
3c.) Could a round artificial satellite have a hole in the middle of it to give the appearance of our sun? Like an Ionic sale or something that can provide a control system for projecting the image of our moon onto or controlling the amount of sun or magnifying the suns rays thru a lens or over a certain area of some sort..? I'll post some links below why this idea appeals to me...
3d.) What is the time to the brain? Perception of time delation...

3e.) A foil disc or similar would be suspended in static electricity or ionosphere above a continent interrupting the natural pattern or rhythm of the sun / moon..? For lack of better words "floating aluminum foil" Suspended by static electrical charge in-between layers or different densities of our atmosphere.One can suspend different solids in different layers of liquid and can also replicate this process with gasses and electrical charge.

3f.) Is this what Kurt Cobain meant when he said "something is in the way" and ONLY played 2 chords in his song Em & C OR "EmC" repeating twice... squared.
3g.) The Man who turned NIGHT into DAY!
Russian satellite beacon to light up night sky
3h.) From the Smithsonian...
3i.) Amazing illusions that could make sense in a constructed reality pay attention to the FROG. or Prince.
3j.) Artificial Star': Russian Beacon Project Set to Reflect Sunlight Back to Earth
and article
3k.) My Take on the Lunar wave could be the update or use of the projection onto OR thru a silver screen used to manipulate our TIME in REAL time.
3l.) Could the Lunar wave be a passing over a "bump" in the projection or "Bump in the Night" or even a seem in the screen rotating. Stars or satellites falling to ground and burning up could be older control satellites or mechanisms retired and burn up as the fall or purposely burned/ destroyed.

4. A construct could be the MAP of the world Fractals and the Golden ratio is a repeating pattern. Does this give any meaning to this anomaly or fact

5. ARE cycles created? as in CAUSE and EFFECT... or are there always cycles. Cyclical in nature would imply a cause or beginning...?

The ONE commodity that is MOST valuable and "real" to us in our constructed , possibly scripted reality which is FAR AND BEYOND, MORE VALUABLE THAN anything else, IS simply TIME. I propose that if there are powers or a group or force that try to impose control.. There ultimate TOOL would be TIME manipulation. We already have evidence from Fomenko and others that "His-Story" is has been tampered with. I HAVE THE OVERWHELMING FEELING we have been here and done this before. We see sooooo much evidence to support an older civilization and even a MUCH younger earth. BUTT do we really need rockets to suspend a light weight mirror like object in the sky. Could all the ancient alien talk be just misdirection to overt our mind from realizing we can live longer, healthier, stronger more knowledgable lives. We have tails and religious material saying we are capable of living longer. AND we know if you alter the radiation and environment of any living system you ultimately effect the Life span of the organisms in the system. With the Golden ratio and Proportions the occur NATURALLY in our system we can prove the SUN and MOON in the current perception do NOT MATCH the rest of our naturally occurring phenomenon... So what gives...? Chronos the original controller of time or SATURN the Brown Dwarf star was killed by his SON and there was a time when there were 2 SONs... Also at this time there was a time with NO moon..? or reflection of this is crazy talk right. I dunno I am just thinking out loud and hoping someone hears me and can help me make sense of my crazy world...

6. Why was Louis the 14th called the SUN king? Why was his life span connected to a clock? If Fomenko was correct then Old Louis was the beginning of our staged history .. I think?

7. Why does the french authors that helped inspire the movie the Matrix from books S&S and Simulacra-3 all take place in New Orleans? AND why was there a HOUSE in NEW ORLEANS they called the rising SUN...? And why does no one know the true Origins of this once Originally sung folk song? Also sung by LeadBelly? Who was also famous by being Kurt Cobain's favorite artist singing "In the Pines.." We do know LeadBetter is code for alchemy changing one for of man's state to another. The story of Leadbelly is very interesting...

8. If a purring cat laying on ur chest can sync the rhythm of ur heart and we ONLY have so many "beats" on our heart or clock. Wouldn't the pendulum motion of a sun or moon control perception of time? Life span is pounded into us, the world is poison, there is NEVER enough time, The only things true in this world are DEATH and TAXes..? SAYS who...? I don't 'Believe" in them one bit. I choose to believe I am in control, We are awaking and we are the majority. I am sharing these ideas because I KNOW we can do something...

This whole apartment we call earth seems, with its FAKE NEWS, false his-story and staged events, that it's been rented before us. Some say Deja Vu, alices's Jar of Flies, or even an Alien Ant Farm... Ask Jamiroquai & he would say Virtual Insanity... but Ground Hog Day I say... eye think?

Posted : May 7, 2016 9:49 PM
Posts: 36
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Ant farm?
What do you actually know about sacred geometry, the emerald tablets, the law of one,
light, sound-toning, esoteric christianity? There might be clue for you.

Have you studied any of these?

The Hidden Side of Things Kindle Edition
by C. W Leadbeater (Author) 0.99 cents

The Science of the Sacraments (Second Edition).1929
by C.W. Leadbeater shop around for price

It's a start, hope this helps.

Posted : May 8, 2016 5:09 AM
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Thanks! I am very into the geometry and connected nature of reality, One good DMT experience will cure the "Madonna" right out of any Material I'm especially into and have experience minor in chemistry & a good bit dealing electricity in many areas. As well as been a so called musician my whole life. Just not good enough to start my own boy band tho

These backgrounds have given me great insite into understanding the true nature in the mathematical precision as well as an interconnectedness of all things and how the "wave function" radiates or spans in proportion to and from electricity, all the way to social engineering. And everything in-between. etc...

HOWEVER eye have NOT actually read on Leadbeater yet... BUTT it's on the list! I do have the basic idea just not the experiential knowledge of his work yet. Thankyou for recommending.

Alien Ant far is a meme. Like Alice in Chain's "Jar of Flys" its a play on what Main stream would have us believe GOD is. As in some sort of Zoo keeper. Or looking into his jar of Flys like the Alice in Chains cover.

NOW I am REAL curious about an altered control system of time, Such as using things in our physical reality (if can be proven or just another HOAX) such as in something we can get others to grasp 1st like a monkey wrench to be thrown... i.e. Artificial manipulation of using a so called satellite.

My main inspiration is in time manipulation, because like in Fromenko's work , if we can prove in a court of law the TIME is NOT accurate. OR more importantly intentionally tampered with. Well... Wouldn't I be correct in that, ALL "paper work" is deemed INVALID under contract law. Like a "POST DATED" check. It's NO GOOD, if the date aint right... (Monkey Wrench???)

Edgar Casey I believe I remember said the "veil" would be lifted by the Russians...? There is A lot to this statement.

Can you elaborate on your reply if you have the "TIME"..? thank you so much for your comment.

**Jean Baudrillard "The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth--it is the truth which conceals that there is none.

The simulacrum is true." a Good summary link....

Posted : May 18, 2016 5:15 PM
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"They" have always said the MOON controls the tide? AND until now, I believed them... "THEY" say; the pull of "gravity", pulls on the body of water to and fro... Do you believe that?

Do you believe in Gravity? Or do we know of electricity, magnetism, and density?

Have you ever stood by a glassy calm lake or pool in the AM and watched the SUN rise? You can see the SUN come up and bring with it the tide. As in "pushing" it in because water is Diamagnetic. Such as in Curving water surfaces in the presence of a magnetic field. If a powerful magnet (such as a super magnet or the SUN?) is covered with a layer of water, then the field of the magnet significantly repels the water. (must be done slowly to replicate) This causes a slight dimple in the water's surface that may be seen by its reflection.

Anyone can see the steam come up off a lake, pool or pond as the sun rises, being pushed in a westerly direction or opposite the sun rise on a calm day. The moisture moving as being pushed away by the high pressure of the sun and or heat radiating down on us. What do you think of this notion..?
It Can't be explained by "Gravity" if we can't prove gravity? AND Can't be the moon, if it does not have a mass, as in transparent..?

Also One more Question... WHY is the SUN MUCH larger at Sunset than mid day...? It is here in New Orleans Louisiana anyway. You know "The House of the rising Sun"..? I know I am late, Your help with these questions would be greatly appreciated.. Thanx.

Posted : May 25, 2016 6:23 PM
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"The SUN KING" ole King of France Louis XIV Regarding "Spiders" in Allegory...

I have a feeling the Hadibow material meant something other than insects...? There is MUCH to be said in the area of conspiracy about the King of France Louis XIV aka "The Sun King" also known as the "Universal Spider" Louis XIV was the 7th son of the 7th Son and dies at 77 AND ruled in the 14th century! Wow that is a lot of coincidence..!? More over good Ol' King Louis the 8th was also known in this manner. King Louis XI’s administration and consolidation of his kingdom and his flair for diplomacy earned him the sobriquet of “the Prudent”. But his favorite pastimes were Plotting and Conspiracy! He even earned the names “Cunning” and “Universal Spider” due to the webs of intrigue he would spin around Europe. It seems he was never happier than when he was planning his next scheme. 8 represents the SUN eternety or infinity, as in the TAROT correct..? ex: "I make the rules because I say so!" This is something you may hear from a Sun Number 8, whose need for control knows no bounds... we're not even sure "they" know what 'bounds' are..? However, when it comes to the grand scheme of things, you'd do best to follow these crazy 8s. or the SUN KINGs...

BACK TO LOUIS THE XIV... Whom also created the Ballet, made Chocolate fashionable (at the time a hard to make food) Was an avid hunter of animals, but Made it illegal for common folk to hunt in forests, (creating a demand for meat) and making it fashionable to eat meat because only royalty was aloud to hunt. In the 14th century in France animals became known as their parts and not as the animal. i.e: a cow was now called a "steak", Chicken as "poultry" etc... Regarding governing the people thru web of deception or voluntary servitude. The Captains of the Royal court ,dukes, and even Princess were made to adjust their activities to those of the monarch (acclimation at its best) and were said to have been made to revolve around the King in having NO idle time & working in the affairs of the king "Like planets revolving around the sun". The Sun King was said to keep such a regular schedule so that all of Europe knew where and what Louis ViX was doing just by looking to the sky to see the location of our Sun. (mind fuck or what..?) "Men are Born, SLAVES are Made..."

Ole' Louis XiV even had a morning ceremony where at perciseley 9am he and his entourage passed thru "The HALL of Mirrors" exiting his bedroom every morning toward the east on his way to mass. I just had to share the "spider" thing. Esp. knowing the french and russian connection... Have you ever heard of the Willie Lynch Letter And The Making of a Slave..? Talk about a repeating pattern...? From east to west..?

Anyways I have a lot of questions i am putting together to shoot at you to try and get a game plan on what it would take to verify or at least get a grasp of the big picture. Time (more than money) is the MOST valuable resource and is also (seemingly from current our view) also the MOST limited resource... I just wonder if "TIME" is the ultimate control system, and "IF" the one thing we rely on for our time (THE SUN) or (SOL in Latin) could be manipulated in some techknological way. i.e.: THE SUN....?

Posted : May 25, 2016 8:50 PM
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Yes, time, time, time.... Well, you sure have a full plate to work on. First, eye don't have a game plan or a grasp on anything. So, don't shoot! Everything is subject to change at anytime without notice. Time in my mind is a construct that we are born into, that's the only way even we can barley understand it. You have some good questions too, I can't get to everything on your list but, I think if you start to study one (1) area of your interests you will get answers and questions you haven't thought of yet will get answered in a logicial way and order, taylor made for you. That is how the universe works.

Being a musician you would understand the nature of octaves and overtones and 8 being the return?

There are some very smart people here, maybe, could jump in with other ideas

This is a book that helped me understand time.

Posted : May 26, 2016 3:18 AM
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1st Thanx for taking the time to read all my nonsense. EYE have not done a very good job making my ideas real easy to follow. "Seems" I never have enough time...

Seriously 8, the "Return" of the Sun King fits in with Fomenko's New Chronology! I do need a better grasp of the "theory" of overtones. I understand chords, overtones, but will go in depth a bit more. Lookin up my favorite tabs on ultimate guitar makes me far from a "musician" haha but I know what the terms mean. It's the application I have not done much of in using the theory.

Octaves , electric frequencies and social engineering have sooo many interconnected characteristics or archetypal properties that parallel one another.

I agree with the change being certain. We can count on it. However, I am not so sure it is the "change" that happens on the outside, BUT the changing of us on the inside. NEED more input..! The landscape of a map will change with more detailed input and "input" is a very vague term . Input can be anything from Time to data, to the way the time and data is processed. Capacity to access or understand the data is why I believe the truth in this so called world, has to me more of a metabolized experience. IMHO in a basic way "We can't Handle the Truth"
This I have experienced 4myself. "Stand back He's gunna POP...!" lol

I posted some questions to Crow Maybe a little more to the point, Here we go.... To CROW777 I am curious what direction you may recommend I go with this. I ask you because of your efforts in studying our sky? It is of my humble opinion that the stars are ( Or should be) a map or any number of symbols of significant meaning that is made up of patterns. Patterns make up symbols and symbols we give meaning as whole. These sky Patterns we are have been pre-programmed to see (like the Gods of Rome..LOL) Instead of interpreting the patterns for ourselves so that our own eyes may be able to see something new. That is, if our view or minds eye was not already influenced by something else or other pre-programmed concept.

My biggest questions are... With the original topics in this post regarding Russian scientists and artificial manipulation of sunlight... Do you think It is possible or plausible that the sun could be manipulated via artificial methods..? Like something man made. Do you give any merit to the Russian claims that Man lit up the night sky using a so called satellite on several occasions? (but followed by claiming the project having failed)

With the French (esp Louis XIV aka "The Spider") having such an agenda to control people via time, and daylight savings time coming from France in his era, AS well as the French and Russian connection, Vatican sun worship, Man relying on machines in this world for life, etc, etc... I have more, but fear taking too much of your time.

Do you have any thoughts to share on this...? This Would make sense to me that; the moon being a part of an artificial "VEIL" of some sort of control mechanism for our very time. What is an eclipse really?? Is our SUN in a constant eclipse by an object? (Maybe one with a glass in the middle? or all seeing eye)

**now for the far fetched... And we are some sort of Alien Ant Farm under magnifying sky satellite (as in our sunlite) to shorten our time here on the plane-t on average so we posses enough and so don't get it figured out??? Jordan Maxwell claims that the Vatican owns all major sun observatories..? Kinda odd... But eye know everything in control comes on down from R-OME or france/vatican, all the way down to the Jewish Yamika under the rule of rome, that is why the hat. I realize ROME as we know it was NOT as such with the Fomenko work and they basically just moved to France.

Nazi OR "NOT-Sees"...? Who are they really...?

Just knowing time is money and money is a monetary system , or MONITORING system. You can't have control with out monitoring As Zigler said.. "Inspect what you expect" (Or inspect your

My "theory" is that when the sun goes down or comes up at certain times or positions, is when the chem-plains are doing their MOST..!? Maybe these times when people think they see a second planet or 2nd sun (or any of reported anomalies) "maybe" they are possibly seeing a technical mechanism of control...?

Control the food and you control the people, control money and you controll their thoughts, Control time and ur a GOD.....

My fear is if the heavens can be manipulated by man, where do we look to see the truth next...?

Am I krazy..?

Posted : May 27, 2016 8:08 PM
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

LOL, only if you spell crazy with a 'k'. Slow down grasshopper, slow growth make strong trees, compared to quaking aspen or day lily? no? 🙂
I only brought up Leadbeater because you did. I can tell you don't know anything about his work. No disrespect, you heard it somewhere so learn about him. Then you will have different questions. Rest your mind and take notes on what comes to you. 🙂 BH

Posted : May 27, 2016 9:06 PM
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I can't say you are telling me what I wanna hear... BUTT I can tell you that I definitely needed to hear ur candid reply. I listened to my 1st leadbeater audio book this weekend. Gunna buy it so I can get more detail on hand. I am guilty as charged. "I want it all and I want it now." I have always tended to get ahead of myself. And I can see that missing any scenery along this sort of journey would be only wasting the answers I am searching for. I don't get it yet, but until I can remain open to all possibilities I will do my best to remain humble and true to my search. Any place where you know C.W. on audio??? so I can listen on the move..? 😉

Posted : June 1, 2016 1:39 AM
Posts: 36
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Good for you!
Holy crap, I didn't know that ole' guy had audio books. Awesome youtube! Sorry, I don't know about go stuff. Glad to be of some help.

Posted : June 1, 2016 3:19 AM
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Just an interesting idea regarding the Sun and a notion of a pendulum...

In 1581, a young Galileo Galilei reportedly made a breakthrough discovery while he sat bored during a church service in Pisa. The chandelier overhead would swing gently back and forth, but it seemed to move more quickly when it was swinging widely (after a gust of wind, for example) and more slowly when it wasn't moving as far. Intrigued, Galileo decided to measure how much time it took for each swing, using the only approximately periodic event to which he had ready access: the beating of his own pulse. He found something interesting: The number of heartbeats between swings of the chandelier was roughly the same, regardless of whether the swings were wide or narrow. The size of the oscillations - how far the pendulum swung back and forth - didn't affect the frequency of those oscillations."

Posted : June 9, 2016 10:11 PM
Posts: 1026
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Is it just me or is it very blue in here?

Posted : June 10, 2016 12:15 AM
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Interesting... 🙂
I barley remember something about the pendulum clock, maybe from here, been along time.
Good observations though.
The Power of the Pendulum (Arkana) Paperback – January 2, 1991
by T. C. Lethbridge

Being in a chruch in the 1500's, I'd guess it was built over a celtic well. Pendulum's are very happy around water. 🙂

The Power of Place: Sacred Ground in Natural & Human Environments Paperback – January 5, 1995
by James Swan (Author)

These might be interesting to you?

Posted : June 10, 2016 10:31 AM
Posts: 36
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lol 🙂 yes...
Who is that man back lit in 'blue'?

Posted : June 10, 2016 10:33 AM
Posts: 1026
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The Shamangineer. . .

Posted : June 11, 2016 2:08 AM
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