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Hi Everyone,

sorry for the click-bait title, but I really want everyone to give this a bash.

This fucking hero - Dr David Berceli - has designed a series of exercises that releases trauma that is stored in the bodies musculature. If you are familiar with the epic work of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, you will be familiar with the concept of armouring, and that is what these exercises tackle. We all carry traumatic sensations in our bodies that get locked in our muscles. These get reinforced over time, and often we are so used to being tense that we think that it's our natural state of being.

These exercises take only 15-20 mins and induce the bodies natural tremors. They do not require belief and it works for people from all walks of life and levels of understanding. It's simple and incredibly effective, and I urge everyone to try it and teach it to friends and family.

Please try it, and if you get some benefit out of it, please consider posting your experiences here, as I would love to hear about them!

Easy follow along video:

Explanation from Dr. Berceli:

Example of the induced tremors from a Navy Seal

Enjoy, friends!

Posted : February 28, 2019 2:38 AM
Posts: 474
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Any one try this?

Posted : March 2, 2019 4:57 AM
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Aww, come on you guys? No one's game? That's a shame, cause it's really awesome. It's an amazing physical emotional and energetic practice. It releases your physically stuck energy, which gives you more vitality. It also helps move you on from the mode of sympathetic dominance (the fight or flight mode of the CNS) into a more healing parasympathetic mode of living,

I've also got some deeper practices that this prepares you for... and I'd love to share them with you.

And look, It's not like I'm asking you to smear your face in tumeric or anything.... : )

Posted : March 4, 2019 3:45 AM
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Thank you Rani,

I gave it a go mate, will see how it goes.

Want to know whats already so weird about this?
I actually meant to clip on a different topic in the forum.

Today as we were finishing at work we were standing around having a chat and I complained that all the tension was back in my lower back and hips but my knee was feeling great. My knee has been out of alignment for a year at least after crazy painful craps in my calf during the night. They were that severe that it literally pulled my knee out of alignment and all attempts to get it right have failed. I hate Drs cause they just wanted to push drugs so I gave Chiro a go and Reike and earthing I felt helped with inflammation.
This last week though my knee has never felt better and it gave me so much hope, but wammo my back hips and gluts were killin to the point I had to stay home!

It's just amazing that this popped up when I thought I'd clicked on the tread about subscriptions!!

The universe or this holographic reality really does interact with us if we are open to it.

Posted : March 4, 2019 9:10 AM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

I did it -

I got big flappy legs, slapping together with some force. hard to say how much trauma tension it released and if it was recent stuff or the old pre-verbal stuff i know i have.

I do feel a little better but there were other things i did over the weekend that might have contributed

Posted : March 4, 2019 12:47 PM
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nickzeptepi wrote: I did it -

I got big flappy legs, slapping together with some force. hard to say how much trauma tension it released and if it was recent stuff or the old pre-verbal stuff i know i have.

I do feel a little better but there were other things i did over the weekend that might have contributed

same here.. with the flappy legs (very funny to imagine!!)... also lots of shaking throughout my torso.
I felt a huge release and so much tension was gone in my muscles, but no emotional release.

How often should this be practised Rani? I repeated it this morning as I had more time and I had the best night sleep!!

Posted : March 5, 2019 5:47 AM
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thwolf wrote:
How often should this be practised Rani? I repeated it this morning as I had more time and I had the best night sleep!!

Hey guys, thanks for giving it a try! Practise as often as you like, there are no particular restrictions on how often it can be done. I try to do it about once a week if I can.

I got the flappy legs at first, then I found it worked it's way up. You are really aiming for the PSOAS muscles, which are a large band that connect the upper body to the lower body. These are the muscles that crunch you into the fetal position when you are in danger, and because they are so deep in your body, they are extremely hard to access in most cases.

I got my biggest 'hit' after my third practice. I got the usual leg wobbles, then about an hour later, my diaphragm started heaving like I was crying, except I felt super calm. Then once that was finished, I got a big emotional message. Like, the hurt I had been carrying around just blopped out fully formed in my mind, even though I hadn't been thinking about it, nor had I ever really verbalised it before. I found it extremely rewarding.

It's basically therapy for those who don't like to talk about their shit. Plus, verbal therapy can often retraumatise people, and often they don't always know the first basis of their trauma anyway.

more on Dr. Reich's theory on armouring:

Posted : March 5, 2019 10:23 PM
Posts: 1354
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Wow, thanks Rani, after much procrastination, I finally went down with the whole video (~40 mins). Boy, I was shaking like crazy, but just vibing with it felt quite psychedelic. Very visceral feelings I haven't felt in a while. Will definitely give this a try more frequently.
Thank you once again mate, Rani

Edit: slept really deep last night. Can still feel the soarness in the hips but it's a good feeling.

Posted : March 6, 2019 5:25 AM
Posts: 97
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Emotionalf Freedom Technique / Thought Field Therapy (just analyse your problem thouroughly) & Bach flower remedies are other great bioenergetic tools:

Pick a card intuitively:

Posted : March 6, 2019 1:59 PM
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enjoypolo wrote: Boy, I was shaking like crazy, but just vibing with it felt quite psychedelic..

Brilliant! Thanks for sharing your experience. You just got to let it flow out of you, well done for not fighting it. I'm really glad you got some benefit out of it.
I've been telling everyone about this since I discovered it, and most people just smile and nod and then just ignore the opportunity.

Thanks to all of you for giving it a try.

bgunnars wrote: Bach flower remedies are other great bioenergetic tools:

Pick a card intuitively:

I picked Clematis : Bring heaven down upon earth
Are your hands and feet cold most of the time? Is your head up in the cloud? Do you rather dream and fantasize instead of taking action? Are you not much interested in what is going on around you?

Potential: You have a lot of ideas and the potential to create wonderful things here on earth.

Yes, yes and yes. Thanks for the share Bgunnars.

Posted : March 8, 2019 11:28 PM
Posts: 1354
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Did this last evening after a long day of labour work, and boy, did it release some shakes in the legs/body.
I should do it more often, but I also think this thread should be stickied, cause it's quite magical.

Funny thought crossed my mind too, if the psoas is the spirit/soul's muscle, could there be a relation to why there's shaking/tremors in the body when people are exorcised/ or being "spirited away"? Mind you, I was stoned when that thought came to me, so I wouldn't put any eggs into this basket, but just curious.

Posted : July 5, 2019 1:26 AM