Video | Illuminati: Ronald Bernard Interview #3

After the recent episode with Ole Dammegard on THC, I subscribed to his podcast where he interviewed this former Dutch special forces, discussing chemtrails and secret operations. Interestingly enough, he mentioned Ronald Bernard as being part [in the past] of the financial branch of the nefarious cabal. The reason I found this interesting is because it's hard to find 'outside' mentions of Ronald Bernard, due to the nature of his work back then.
Highly recommend it the episode by the way.

I wonder why they did not kill him though... I mean he seems very genuine but you have to wonder.

Hey everyone,
So yesterday I had the good fortune of participating in the exclusive webinar organized by Ole Dammegard at Light On Conspiracy with none other than Ronald Bernard. The whole thing lasted for over 2+Hrs with Q&A, and I can tell you personally, it was a very insightful talk, and also inspiring in that Ronald has turned his life around to try and help humanity from its shackles.
Instead of trying to sum up the talk, I wanted to post some notes I took.
The webinar started with RB describing his childhood and upbringing which involved sexual abuse in the hands of his father, upon which he was sent to a catholic school for damaged children at age 9, where further, much terrible abuse ensued at the hands of the nuns and diocese (and other celebrities/politicians wearing masks). Released from the institution at 12 and utterly traumatized, his perception of human nature and adults was unsurprinsigly very dark.
From this time on, RB started stealing mundane stuff (shoplifting), and really developed his entrepreneurial intuition. Including things like taking flowers of public garden and selling them door-to-door; paying smart students to let him copy them to obtain passing grades; creating fraudulent but excellent quality dutch banknotes and his stint at the Dutch military draft. He talked about how it was during his time in the military that he started climbing the criminal ladder by smuggling things like weapons, drugs and later fraudulent US banknotes, which he mentioned were of higher quality than original US currency. Thought that was interesting anecdote. From that time until 1994 RB lived under a nom de plume and in the deep shadows, the life of a career criminal. He eventually went on to setup fake financial institutions with certificates bought with offshore accounts and that's when he really got deep into the Financial world, betting against sovereign economies, like the Italian Lira which subsquently crashed (and he made big money). These are essentially what folks like G. Soros are involved in.
What caught my attention was how he explained the mindset in this first life, as his calls it. A dark vision that was focused on accumulating and reaching absolute power, at any cost. A desperation, and shame, that this darkness is inherent in Human Nature. Example of power trips involved lighting up smokes in front of regular joes with hundred dollar bills just to see the terror in their eyes.
Then comes the catalyst in his life, and though I'm not exactly sure, it involved him being invited to child sacrifice rituals. Whether he took part in it or not, I can't say for sure. But following this was his cardiac arrest (death) and Out-Of-Body experience. Visions of the suffering he'd caused, and the start of his Second Life, or Redemption, as he calls it. Starting with a traumatic period where he was staying in a clinic recovering, with multiple attempts at suicide by overdosing on pills because of what he'd done.
I personally connected to a lot of his experience where in my childhood, I was led to a path of self-destruction and resentment to society due to traumas and a feeling of being lost. I went through a period of shoplifting until I eventually got caught and did a short time in juvenile institution. And in hindsight, it was a catalyst and a breaking point in my life to put me back on the right path (and in hindsight, a psychedelic trip without psychedelics, if that makes any sense).
And personally, I've come to feel that oftentimes, the deeper you go down in your experiences, the higher the potential is to reach up. Similar to how an elastic will travel more, the further it's pulled down. So, for someone like Ronald Bernard to actually come back from that depth of darkness, I can only imagine the hard journey it must've taken him. And he's a well-spoken man who is eloquent and determined, and yet you can feel through his voice and emotions that these things are still there with him. He described how children born in these Master families, usually the first son is either sacrificed or brutally abused under the auspices of parental love, to prepare them for a brutal world. In his case, how brutal can it get to have to go through this all, and then tread on the path of redemption.
Also, another interesting note was the mention of the Protocol of the elders of zion, which he described as the blueprint for the NWO they want.
Nothing new, but it still was interesting to see this. Mainstream education always teaches us that this text was anti-semitic propaganda spread widely in Europe. Which is the way anything threatening to the establishment is treated, right?
Other topics included how China is creating the blueprint for a tech-based NWO. Bank of International settlements (BIS) being the snakehead of banking institutions, and the few countries who resist their involvement are Iran & Syria. During Q&A, he talked a bit about the multi-dimensional aspect of our being, as well as the more occult aspects of the luciferian cult.
EDIT: RB recently came back from London after he gave his personal testimony at the International Tribunal for Human and Child-Trafficking which includes another personal hero that I follow, Robert David Steele. And talking about the horrors experienced by other who are coming forward (mention of a Chinese Doctor). So I'm glad this is actually happening.
Today, Ronald is still involved in banking, but this time in favour of helping the masses. His current project called Bank of Joy is a co-op bank owned by the participants, to fund diverse projects that are life-oriented and ethically sound. I haven't checked it yet in details, but it sounds promising. After all, I do believe any tool, be it banking or guns, can be used for the good of the people. So that's something to pay attention to.
I've posted the links below for those that are interested. As for the webinar, I did a livestream of it on Periscope, but Ole Dammegard usually uploads the full video sometime in the future.
All in all, it was a great discussion and for me, the most interesting part is how the mindset of criminals are usually very creative and out-of-the-box type thinking, and here we have a case of how wrong it can go, but also how it can be redeemed by the overwhelmingly positive forces of the cosmos. Peace y'all.
Edit: one other note worth mentioning was from Ole, regarding how panicked the cabal is, notably how sloppy false flags have become. In part, because we can now see the obvious patterns involved (coverage; divide&conquer; numerology..) this in turn signifies the game is uo for these guys. According to RB, they arent quite as innovative in this area. I personally think they still have so many cards left to play, but in general, I agree more and more people can see through the deceit. In fact, I think the heavier attacks/falseflags usually end up backfiring on them (karma is a bitch!)
Bank Of Joy -
United People Foundation

Thanks erikx for sharing that video and to you enjoypolo for sharing your notes, that webinar would have been so interesting!!
It really is nuts to see the repetitive pattern in false flag events so much so it has to be purposefully done. There's the really obvious stuff like the conveniently dropped passports, drills that go live and mainstream or social media fuck ups that report on stuff before it's "scheduled" to happen. Sometimes I wonder if it's just to get the false flag wavers all worked up, then they through in one we real killings/sacrifices and all those who firmly belive its all fake then look like heartless nut jobs.
I'm so grateful to researchers and hosts like Greg get the info out there so that we can start to see the deeper patterns that are hidden in numbers and symbols and even better still ... Understand the meaning!!
False Flags are awful, but I have to admit .. that I look forward to picking the mainstream narrative to pieces and seeing things through completely different eyes than most people. I unplugged the idiot box (TV) 5 years ago and now when I watch it when travelling it's like watching the weirdest bizarrest shit!! the mind control is so obvious is scary!!
Ronald Bergman.. hmm what an interesting man. Your insights into his childhood and lapse into the criminal side of his mind really makes sense.
I came across Ronald Bergman's video testimony's recently, the one interviewed by Sasha Stone.
Honestly every question that I could think of to ask an Illuminati insider was asked by Stone.
Now that I see he's starting an alternative bank, I'm a little sus. Has he not learnt that money is the root of all evil??
Glad on the other hand that he pointed out that Crypto is just the debt next system.
I found RB's answers chilling and sincere, I don't think I'd ever turn my back on him but defiantly worth a look.
I'll paste a link here below.

So since the Webinar, synchronistically, the ITNJ (International Tribunal for Natural Justice) released the recorded sessions of it's inquiry that took place on April 16-18th 2018 in Westminster, London. As you can tell from the members of the counsel, including Sasha Stone, this is quite the deal. I created a separate thread on the forum dedicated to it because I think it's a significant event. The idea of the inquiry is to assemble of team consisting of various experts in their respective field, and hear the testimonies from survivors, key witnesses who are willing to come forward, such as Ronald Bernard and to then take pragmatic actions to stop this from happening. In Robert David Steele's own words, they are doing signals intelligence to pass-it on to competent fields (Law Enforcement, NGOs, Court of law).
Anyhow, do have a look, because yes, it's probably the Achille's heel of the Archonic Cabal.
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