Martial Traditions

Hey All,
I have intimate knowledge of a a moral, ethical, black magic tradition that actively works on social justice programs, cursing the elites, and set on overthrow/ overturning political over-culture. I was wondering if any of you knew of other traditions that are interested in both being martial as well as interested in social justice.
This is definitely a way more public place than I would usually place something of this level, but things are .... dire

Hmm, I'm not as interested in destruction as it would probably seem to the outward observer. I believe that all beings deserve integration. I think that the only win is a win-win; a win-loss is simply neutral. Then again, sometimes a deletion is a win, for one who has no better option. So I don't condemn the practice. Indeed, I expect it's quite worthwhile.
I just noticed that you were active so I felt like responding.

Allow me to continue.
I also have an affinity for the darker arts. It's not that I necessarily seek power over the weak, it's just that I prefer to know everything, as opposed to half of the stuff. I think that the shadow arts are avoided because most people can't face their own shadow. The big brain idea is to walk through ones' own shadow, do you think that's correct? And having done so, one becomes integrated. This is my basic understanding.
Unlike many, I do have Sympathy for the Devil. I consider such an existence to be brave. And although it's not looked kindly upon, I do get the impression that the transgressor is the one who expands the 'kingdom of God'. Simple beings are like goldfish in the pond, whereas transgressors are more like the lungfish. Eventually, someone has to walk upon the Earth.

That is a very interesting perspective on it, I like it. I don't believe in the devil god existence in the traditional terms, putting myself more in the animystic realm rather than the dualistic perception. I think duality was a great way to expand, but is no longer relevant and is even detrimental to further (as you say) integration

most are not ready for integration yet though so the process shouldnt be hastened. most people are not ready to take full responsibility for their actions or be held accountable for those consequences, so yeah, they still need to be treated like lil titty babies and not be allowed to make too many decisions for themselves.

Interesting, I'd like to hear more about the animystic perspective. And to be blunt, I also agree that we're in a dire predicament. Something drastic is going to have to be attempted in my opinion. Not in some sort of violent sense--that's a pleb take. Something much MORE drastic than that. I'd really like to figure out what that might be, but it's beyond the scope of this particular post.
However, to stay on topic, I'll admit to doing a bit of shadow work, always with the intention to reconcile the duality. See, I feel pretty bad for the 'demon', as it were. I mean, consider the classic definition. An angel cast from heaven. Doomed to suffer the torment of separation from God. Driven mad by it, sewing discord among the rest of creation. What kind of heartless bastard WOULDN'T feel sympathy for such a character? And what would be the ideal remedy?
But I tend to wax poetic, I'm not going to offer any solutions in this post. The questions are important though, I think.

Traditionally stated as animism, the idea that all things have an inherent intelligent within them. It can be taken to the point of objects having intelligence, you see this a lot in Japanese Occult traditions. or it can be up to the point of only living things being intelligent (plants, rocks, animals...etc) This view disregards the inherent dualism present in the christian over culture, because all things are. And even if created with malicious intent, it is not inherently evil, they still just are.
I don't think either of those characters exist beyond the point of us wanting them to, (which doesn't make them any less real), but I find them increasingly unimportant as I continue beyond dualistic perception

Yes, I understand all of this: everything is consciousness, and conscious in its own way. I could expand on the idea at this point, but why bother?
Don't insult me, give me your synthesis on the concept. I could read a dictionary if I needed a definition. I didn't ask for a definition, I asked for your perspective on it. Pay closer attention, you need to wake up

infoshinobi wrote:
Yes, I understand all of this: everything is consciousness, and conscious in its own way. I could expand on the idea at this point, but why bother?Don't insult me, give me your synthesis on the concept. I could read a dictionary if I needed a definition. I didn't ask for a definition, I asked for your perspective on it. Pay closer attention, you need to wake up
hmmm no need for aggression, I simply did not understand what you wanted. The Thunder perfect mind was more an extra, like bonus content. I like things that add more to the experience. But the way you have behaved, I am no longer interested in continuing the conversation. If you are so rattled by a slight misstep. Then this conversation has ended before it has even begun. Have a good life, and may we never meet again, virtual or otherwise...

@ziathen I've Identified with my totems early in Life. could I ask. In what way does one negate the other? I cannot see how any resident of the animal kingdom, be it earthly, astral or spirit all seem at least to me to reflect dualism in some fashion or another... Curious as to how you view this?

@ziathen Is Polarism a dualistic viewpoint? I'm going to meditate on this one. If I may also ask... How do you view Christian Dualism vs the Buddhist teachings ? Ive never really applied Duality to christian ideas before... I find it intriguing, to say the least.

Sorry it took me so long to respond,
But in terms of dualism, most of it is societally constructed a great example is black and white. Whether it is thinking or even just colors, there is ultimately a spectrum. We like to adopt this specific relationship with gender specific circumstances even without the current acknowledgement of non binary there are many women that show male characteristics and vice versa. More of what I wanted to acknowledge was that we are often so focused on the "other" as not us we fail to see all the steps in between that make them different. And it is most often not as many as we would imagine. Wonderful through experiment.
As to your second response, I don't know I would need a more specific question. Most religions are incredibly inconsistent. How do you define dualism? What have you found in your totems that explicitly expresses this?
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