Dinosaurs? Nukes? Broken History?

Anyone have radical historical viewpoints they want to represent? I think it’s safe to
say that dinosaurs are fiction created by 19th century industrialists. Backing up evolution theory..
Weapons of Mass Destruction really just Mass Deception?
What do you see as the biggest flaws from the history books? The older the better, take us back to the giants...

My favorite is a bit meta-historical, but I like the permutation of the Mandela-effect where the past isn't immutable, and maybe only slightly more resistant than the future. Just as our actions have a diffusing impact on the future (we have less control of things the further away they are in time and space), they alter the past as well, and not just superficially, either.
Consider an example on a personal, not historical level. Say you had a high school crush but you and the other person were just casual acquaintances, years later after college, you happen to meet and hit it off, starting a relationship. Slowly, what happened in high school changes. At first it becomes you two were obviously into each other and everyone assumed you were an item, memories of rendezvous and hook-ups start barely coming back to your mind. Then things get more serious and you get engaged. Suddenly, you mom puts out old photos and there is the junior prom picture with you and your significant other hand-in-hand, you'd completely forgotten it. In fact, you have a vague memory of another prom date, but that was now senior prom (you two had taken a break), or a dream that you had misremembered over the years. Anyway the photo is clearly there and dated, you had been a rather serious item by high school standards, drifted apart in college, and reconnected a few years later by chance.
But in "reality" no, it had been as it was the day before you ran into each other, you had barely known each other in high school--but the actions that occurred later had an impact on the past--making it conform with the current reality better--just as they would have an impact on the future.
Now imagine similar things happening on a societal/historical level, not just personal...
Completely unverifiable and admittedly way out there, but an interesting stoner though experiment. A little like the movie Jacob's Ladder only more mundane.

In guess your aware of formenko ego claims about 1000 years of history was added in the dark ages.
There is more support for it, this article covers the main convincing arguments.

jeframpton wrote:
Anyone have radical historical viewpoints they want to represent? I think it’s safe to
say that dinosaurs are fiction created by 19th century industrialists. Backing up evolution theory..
Weapons of Mass Destruction really just Mass Deception?
What do you see as the biggest flaws from the history books? The older the better, take us back to the giants...
And Saturn theory, along with it's various cataclysms around 10-12 thousand years ago, earth moving orbit from Saturn to the solar sun, and the axial tilt happened 6000 years ago ish and was the cause of the Noah flood.
Sphinx in Egypt is guaranteed to be at least 14 thousand years old maybe 36,000 years old, due to the rain fall weathering patterns on the surrounding walls.

nickzeptepi wrote:
AAnd Saturn theory, along with it's various cataclysms around 10-12 thousand years ago, earth moving orbit from Saturn to the solar sun, and the axial tilt happened 6000 years ago ish and was the cause of the Noah flood.
Sphinx in Egypt is guaranteed to be at least 14 thousand years old maybe 36,000 years old, due to the rain fall weathering patterns on the surrounding walls.
Is there a good primer on this? (Saturn theory) either a back catalog episode or a site/book that goes over the basics. I've heard Greg talk mention it as though he's beaten it to death, but I'm out of the loop and it sounds like an interesting speculation.

jh1517 wrote:
Is there a good primer on this? (Saturn theory) either a back catalog episode or a site/book that goes over the basics. I've heard Greg talk mention it as though he's beaten it to death, but I'm out of the loop and it sounds like an interesting speculation.
Thunderbolts project on YouTube, has a number of full length of docu that covers all that stuff
Greg has interviewed the people behind the thunderbolts site, look for electric universe as a key word

nickzeptepi wrote:
In guess your aware of formenko ego claims about 1000 years of history was added in the dark ages.
There is more support for it, this article covers the main convincing arguments.
Great material! Brings the abbots’ manipulations a lot closer. Massive event that wipes out the Roman Empire... Converting the pagans to Christianity.
Just looking at the literature a thousand years ago really hints at an Old World Order emerging.

My dad was a geologist, I have personaly seen and handled fossils not in a museum. Deception ? Nope this earth is "ancient" and dinosaurs (and a lot of other strange creatures ) did exist. Evolution maybe not... its not a perfect lineage... why do we still have monkeys?
I do think some of the dinosaurs were "reconstructed" because a lot was missing. "Okay we have the skull, but hardly any body... so lets make up one". eg a T-Rex with arms and hands of no use? Not evolution but some clown making shite up?

vicegodgiarc wrote:
My dad was a geologist, I have personaly seen and handled fossils not in a museum. Deception ? Nope this earth is "ancient" and dinosaurs (and a lot of other strange creatures ) did exist. Evolution maybe not... its not a perfect lineage... why do we still have monkeys?
I do think some of the dinosaurs were "reconstructed" because a lot was missing. "Okay we have the skull, but hardly any body... so lets make up one". eg a T-Rex with arms and hands of no use? Not evolution but some clown making shite up?
That’s fair. Kind of the struggle I’ve had myself in determining what that history actually is. On one hand, you have a lot of people with sketchy backgrounds setting the stage for dinosaurs. This is shortly after dozens of mounds were destroyed and looted as settlers moved West. Many accounts of giant skeletons getting covered up by royal society and its museums...
But on the other hand we can only speculate on how strange our past could be. Dinosaurs seem very plausible, but something feels like it’s dramatically rubbish covering up many possibilities.
‘ In one of the largest dinosaur excavation sites, called the Ruth Mason Quarry, over 2,000 fossils were allegedly discovered. Casts and original skeletons assembled from these bones are currently on display in over 60 museums world-wide. Florentino Ameghino, head of paleontology at La Plata Museum is amazingly responsible for 6,000 fossil species supposedly discovered throughout his career all in Argentina. Dinosaur hunter Earl Douglass sent 350 tons of excavated “dinosaur” bones to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History throughout his career, all coming from the “Dinosaur National Monument” in Utah. During an expedition to Patagonia, Dr. Luis Chiappe and Dr. Lowell Dingus supposedly discovered thousands of dinosaur eggs at a site of only a few hundred square yards. Many experts have mentioned how such finds of huge quantities of fossils in one area, by just a few highly-invested individuals, goes against the laws of natural probability and lends credence to the likelihood of forgeries or concentrated planting efforts.’
Idk, just seems like hogwash for the masses. It has major masonic names of the 18th-19th century. Geology and paleontology are great science, but like everything else, they are limited by the predetermined viewpoint made by past theories. In all these departments of study you find collision of ideas. We can look through the years and different academic pursuits and see the footprints of Freemasonic(etc)groups. Knighted individuals attacking the views of any skeptic of the status quo.

Clusters of fossils make sense in some regards. Think "forest fire" or volcano... animals run off in a herd and possibly trapped and die together. Pyroclastic clouds are lethal and very immediate. As for egg clusters, I'm sure the dinos were territorial too... my 4 chickens are, and they lay in clusters too, 1 a day at times... 40 odd eggs in 10 days! Hey honestly, just like every other science group every one of them is possibly subject to forgery and BS... I believe Darwin fudged his "finds" to deliver proof of his BS. Better to look at the expanse of all the info and take it for what it is. This earth is ancient and certainly there have been hundreds of civilised "species" living before us... only to invented some dumbfckery and wiped themselves out or nature did it for them. It could happen in our lifetime... a real example could be an experimental "vax" is a sure way to start a ball rolling.
... my opinions, so happy to leave it at that 🙂

vicegodgiarc wrote:
Clusters of fossils make sense in some regards. Think "forest fire" or volcano... animals run off in a herd and possibly trapped and die together. Pyroclastic clouds are lethal and very immediate. As for egg clusters, I'm sure the dinos were territorial too... my 4 chickens are, and they lay in clusters too, 1 a day at times... 40 odd eggs in 10 days! Hey honestly, just like every other science group every one of them is possibly subject to forgery and BS... I believe Darwin fudged his "finds" to deliver proof of his BS. Better to look at the expanse of all the info and take it for what it is. This earth is ancient and certainly there have been hundreds of civilised "species" living before us... only to invented some dumbfckery and wiped themselves out or nature did it for them. It could happen in our lifetime... a real example could be an experimental "vax" is a sure way to start a ball rolling.
... my opinions, so happy to leave it at that 🙂
much appreciated, one of those things that’s lost to speculation. yeah i think the ba’al is definitely rolling!
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