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Wacky Childhood Stories

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You people who understand music say shit like this music has no soul. There are only two forms of music that feel like they have no soul to me. Computer software generated music, that times everything too perfectly, taking the human emphasis, stall and dance outta the equation, and mumble rap.

So I'm thinking that it would be a bad thing to put someone in the state of mind you describe and then imprint them with bad messages. Some subliminal hidden in the vast electronically created sound. What's it gonna make me do? Nothing I don't allow. I watch myself. I check my behavior. I judge myself as much as I can. I wanna know how I'm doing. Am I winning the game? Or have I picked up a bad habit?

This is the ascension I speak of. If you are engaged in the ascension process (which is really just perfecting yourself here and now - fuck other dimensions) then you are immune to many - if not all the subliminals you're hit with. If you are constantly observing yourself, you will realize very quickly when your thoughts turn to questionable areas allowing you to short circuit behaviors and cravings quicker.

It's all about bein just a little bit better than you were last week. How do you judge that? Gotta watch. The buddhists say "be present." If you are paying attention to you and how you are acting, you can short circuit any bad subliminals that got in while you were dancin at the club. "Where the fuck did this come from? Why would I wanna do that? Fuck that, on to the next thought."

People who aren't present and don't pay attention to themselves are being driven around by their subconscious programming. And if something bad gets in, they are vulnerable to being led around by it. But if you guard and question your thoughts, you can withstand anything they throw at you. And then you can take that orgasmic electronic frequency cathedral they built and give it to God while you dance. I absolutely worship that way. I always did, I just didn't realize it.

I'm sick a bein scared of everything they could be doing to me. I'm stealin their shit from em. My music now.

"I love this and I think it's what I've (slowly but surely) been working at?"

No doubt. Ya kinda inspire me, babe.

"Last year I had a lot of nightmares - specifically about Jeffrey Epstein? lol I laugh because it sounds weird, but I swear he was taunting me in my dreams."

It always sketches me to hear people talk about their dreams online. Just seems like alotta insight into your own psyche to be giving away to everybody, when you don't even understand it yourself.

Jeffrey taunting you in your dreams is a lot like Madonna taunting me in my waking life. You and me got symmetry, babe.

"I feed the House Spirits and sometimes they talk back which can be a little unnerving but overall I feel safe and protected."

Yeah, man, they told me this would happen and I'm used to it now. Just about everything I hear builds me or asks a good question. Wasn't always that way - but it became that way after I started building up my ethereal fortress and rallyin allies. They ain't rowdy - but they ain't silent. Takes some gettin used to.

Had a black cat up until recently. But I got more than one in my ethers. Now I'm mobbed up with ArchAngels so I don't think about it much anymore.

"When you say ascension do you mean it in the sense of moving upwards through dimensions or what?"

Naw man. I was tired of being given New Age edicts passed down from Johnny 7D Ascended Master that I couldn't verify the usefulness of. In fact, alotta them seemed wrong. So I figure fuck askin unaccountable etheric entities for intel. I'm gonna build from the ground up. I need shit that works in the here and now. I exist in a realm where Polarity is one a the rules. Your telling me 'we're all one' might be some fundamental truth the higher up you go, but I need shit that works in the here and now- and not understanding and honoring the polarity of the situation don't build from the ground up.

My view of ascension is weeding out your weaknesses and becoming a better person. That's all, man. Cut out the bullshit that sabotages you. We all got that bullshit. Nobody's parents were perfect, right? We all got programs installed in our subconscious that we run when we're not present. Some of em need massive updates and some need deleting.

I think it's useful to use polarity to your advantage when dealing with mind work. If you honor your negative thoughts and cravings by making them your own mind's creation, then you've got kinduva parent/child relationship with that thought. But if you "otherize" the thought and say "That was an archon or a demon who put that thought in my head..." that gives you another perspective to wage your battle from.

This goddam archon is hinting me into sabotaging myself. FUCK HIM! I'm goin so outta my way to make sure THAT asshole starves to death. Demons are there to be exorcised. Even Scientologists are riffin on the same theme, only I think they call em Body Thetans or something. Etheric entities that are attached to you that you gotta get rid of.

If those bad thoughts are your babies, they are less easy to destroy with extreme prejudice.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : August 15, 2021 10:11 PM
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I feel ya, the quantized software music can feel bland as fuck. I've tried to give mumble rap a chance but it's not for me. I also can't get into modern music with tons of vocal processing. How will people karaoke that shit in 20 years?

I'm also 100% picking up what you're putting down about being protected from subliminal messages by having a strong spiritual practice. And I wholeheartedly agree that we shouldn't live in fear that they're somehow going to "get us" through movies/music/etc. I guess I just pity the fools, ya know? (Not calling you a fool, just the people like my old roommates who went to festivals every weekend and think they're enlightened while they cry to daddy govt to save them from the scary bugs.)

Ya kinda inspire me, babe.

Aw thanks, the feeling is mutual. Glad to have connected.

It always sketches me to hear people talk about their dreams online. Just seems like alotta insight into your own psyche to be giving away to everybody, when you don't even understand it yourself.

Yeah, you're right that sharing dreams gives out a lot of psychic info. I'm a believer that "they" are already up in our dream lives so I don't feel like I can keep much private even if I wanted to, but I hear what ya mean. I live in such a densely populated area surrounded by so much WiFi that my dream life kind of blows. Every now and then a good one slips in - or a freaky one like old Jeffrey stopping by, but for the most part I get a bunch of hazy fuzz or repetitive work dreams. If you don't mind sharing I'd love to hear about your Madonna dream sometime. I had Madonna's Rain song stuck in my head alllll day yesterday. Symmetry indeed.

I naively did not expect the House Spirits to be this interactive so it's been a trip. They're super helpful and I gotta say it's been pretty comforting to have so much action from the other side while the dumbness in the world rages on.

I'm sorry to hear you don't have your black cat anymore; glad you have a solid team though. Do you have favorite Archangels?

Naw man. I was tired of being given New Age edicts passed down from Johnny 7D Ascended Master that I couldn't verify the usefulness of. In fact, alotta them seemed wrong.

Ok cool, I totally agree. Just had to ask because ascension means different things to people these days. I'm not into the hippy dippy 5D junk, it just seems too easy or something and when they start to mix in aliens I'm really out.

We're definitely riding the same cosmic wave though because the idea of weeding out weaknesses and trying to be better is my SHIT. You're spot on that no one in this society has been able to escape programming or generational trauma. (And it shows!)

I think it's useful to use polarity to your advantage when dealing with mind work. If you honor your negative thoughts and cravings by making them your own mind's creation, then you've got kinduva parent/child relationship with that thought. But if you "otherize" the thought and say "That was an archon or a demon who put that thought in my head..." that gives you another perspective to wage your battle from.

Ok so I don't know why this concept is hard for my brain to digest so let me make sure I understand what you're saying. (I don't know if any of this is going to make sense but...) are you kind of saying we should try to be more like a grey Jedi because life is way more than just black and white? Like we shouldn't deny the darker aspects of ourselves because they are a part of who we are - we should try to integrate rather than exercise the darkness? I've always been a big fan of the grey Jedi model because I think we have to honor the darker parts of ourselves by doing things like watching scary movies, listening to "dark" music, wearing black every day (my favorite) etc etc. Because of my evangelical childhood I constantly lived in fear of demons trying to get me. As a kid my tape player had a short in the volume knob so I was convinced the volume dips were coming from demons trying to keep me from listening to my christian tapes lol. I used to deny myself things I enjoyed because it was "dark" and I was trying to be so "light" but then the real darkness inside of me would find it's way out and indulge ten times harder after being denied. I could be wildly misinterpreting what you're trying to say so please put me back on track if I've gone way off here but hopefully I'm somewhere near the target.

Also, are you into synchromysticism at all?

Posted : August 16, 2021 1:14 PM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member

AlienneSlam wrote:
I also can't get into modern music with tons of vocal processing. How will people karaoke that shit in 20 years?

LOL. I don't mind it so much.

Copy fools.

So, uh, here's where it gets awkward. I never had a dream about Madonna. Well, not one I can remember. I don't remember my dreams much, either. I used to. Barely anything now. I'm gonna keep my Madonna issues to myself, right now. I'm kinda strategically maneuvering in the ethers, so probly the less said the better. Sorry, babe, shouldn't a brought it up. It's way too long a goddam story.

ArchAngel Michael. Most ass-kickinest sweetheart you'd ever wanna meet.

"are you kind of saying we should try to be more like a grey Jedi because life is way more than just black and white? Like we shouldn't deny the darker aspects of ourselves because they are a part of who we are - we should try to integrate rather than exercise the darkness?"

NO. My models do not use integration. Here's why. Integration means giving that side of you and equal place at the table. If you've determined that this aspect of you is negative, why would you want to make it a part of your regular thought processes? Fuck integration.

Should the child molester "merge" or "integrate" with his abusive side? Nope. He needs to take steps to end that shit. Period.

Should the addict merge or integrate the the wounded aspects of himself that want to sabotage him? No. He must learn to dominate the terrain, be in total control of it, before he might try to find some happy medium with the drug.

Too many people wanting to honor and care for their woundings. When's the overcoming part happen?

I figure I was forced to slog through this hellhole... I'm gonna enjoy some a the dark. Not enough to dull my light too much, but enough to have some fun, right? So, maybe I'm goin for the lightest of grey jedis.

See, it all depends on how you define dark or bad or shadow. There's alotta shit people think is bad that ain't. As long as you're not really hurting anyone, everything's cool, right? So if you're gay, Jung'll tell ya that's your shadow side and you gotta integrate it.

I say bullshit. Your being gay is one of the beautiful and TRUE aspects of you. Your shadow is how you deal with a perceived hostile society around you. Your shadow IS the closet. It is society's unconscious pressure to fit in and be something you're not. Your shadow is that which is holding your sexuality hostage. Don't integrate with it.

Check it out - if my shadow side is the side of me that wants me to engage in behaviors that sabotage myself, then do I want them around? My shadow side is the side of me that would have me spiral into rages or depressions or anxiety that physically poison me. When you feel that sour, negative emotion feeling, you hafta realize that that is YOUR BRAIN altering the chemicals in YOUR BLOODSTREAM. Dumpin all kindsa adrenalines and cortisols and other stress hormones into your body. Stress hormones that shut down all cellular growth, disable the learning centers in your mind, and crank the dimmer switch way down on your immune system.

Fuck my shadow side, dude. Wants to take years off my lifespan. And hate what little time I got left.

So, I could talk alotta shit about synchromysticism right now. Suffice to say FUCK THAT SHIT. I been led around by my nose all year long. I shit you not. Good and bad. What most fuckers don't realize is that the astral (or whatever) has got hostiles in it. They can pull some crazy shit. How do you know if it's God or Source talkin to ya?

Kinda like Columbus and the Carribean natives. Columbus wasn't shit. But to a native, he was god-like. There are pricks in the astral, babe. Not gods, just posers. I spose ya know em by their fruit.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : August 16, 2021 11:37 PM
Posts: 62
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Definitely "copy fools." This period of decadence has been very difficult for art/music lovers such as myself. What I wouldn't give to see or hear a handful of original ideas in the mainstream ~ not gonna hold my breath though.


ArchAngel Michael. Most ass-kickinest sweetheart you'd ever wanna meet.
That's cool, I never worked with Michael but I used to do a lot of work with Metatron and Sandalphon - but to be honest I don't fucks with the angels anymore because I think they're all tricksters. Even if they're helpful, I personally don't feel comfortable working with them on this plane. Maybe it's because of being raised in an abusive religion but I don't like anyone being between myself, my higher self/team, and what I want. Not knocking angel work though, I think everyone works differently and resources are resources.

NO. My models do not use integration.
I like your non-integration style, it's pretty unheard of in today's world of woo. It seems like the Jungian model of shadow work and integration is the go to model, but I'm really digging what you're saying because you're right, I don't want the programmed shithead parts of myself to integrate, I only want healthy, healed parts of my actual self to integrate.

Your shadow IS the closet. It is society's unconscious pressure to fit in and be something you're not.
Feeling this and I can speak from experience that life would've been very different for me had I been able to just be myself and not have to stay in the closet for so long. (Not in a gay-coming out kind of way, but in a this is who I am and always having to hide it because it wasn't socially acceptable to care about art/love/etc more than money kind of way.)

I figure I was forced to slog through this hellhole... I'm gonna enjoy some a the dark. Not enough to dull my light too much, but enough to have some fun, right? So, maybe I'm goin for the lightest of grey jedis.
This is exactly what I mean. We're here! We may as well make the best of it, and most importantly - if there's too much light you're blind and if there's too much darkness you're blind so being somewhere in the middle guarantees a good view. I believe we're here to explore the darkness and learn what parts of it are necessary for balance and what parts are just pure evil. I also believe we gotta look at and take in the darkness in order to learn prudence. For example, sugar isn't inherently evil, but it's currently used as a tool of evil against us in our society. Most people would never consider "the devil's work" to be found in junk food, but that's literally the definition of deceit. People think they're eating things that are suitable for their bodies but it's actually garbage poison with zero life force energy. In fact, that type of food saps the life force energy out of us, so it's the opposite of food. I could go on a tangent for ten years about this topic so I'm gonna chill, but back to the OG topic - exploring the spectrum of light/dark is how we learn. blah blah blah 🙂

How do you know if it's God or Source talkin to ya?
This is how I feel about angels, but I hear what you're saying.

I also hear what you're saying about sync opening people up to being led around by imposters on the other side - I 100% agree that this probably happens to a lot of people who fuck around with synchronicity. However, personally (I say "personally" all the time bc I just want to be clear that my opinions pertain to myself and only myself - not trying to push what I believe on anyone and I don't think there's one right way to do things) I feel like sync is the love language between my earth self and my higher self and team. I'm not one to try and decode pop culture or anything like that but I do rely on subtle syncs to know that I'm heading in the right direction - I need reassurance and often find it in synchronicity. I also believe that my tight ass team of guides and ancestors keep me safe from the imposters. However! synchronicity is interesting (and potentially dangerous) though because it's so easy for people to accidentally intertwine themselves with the waves other sync-people are riding and before most people realize it they end up matching someone's crappy low frequency bullshit wave. That happened to me last year with a (magical imposter) friend who was really just being a people pleaser and lied to me for months about being a truther. So that being said, I think sync works best alone.

^^^and a totally off topic side rant: Most of the people I've looked up to as being knowledgable magic folk have revealed themselves to be imposters and/or tricksters over the past year. They're just a bunch of book nerds with heads full of knowledge they'll never truly understand or lean into. What a waste. But it makes this convo ten million times more refreshing so thank you!

Posted : August 17, 2021 1:17 PM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member

"I don't fucks with the angels anymore because I think they're all tricksters. Even if they're helpful, I personally don't feel comfortable working with them on this plane."

There's definitely a "trickster" element to them. But my work with Mike's been all good. I find the mystery to kinda honor the game I wanna play. I want a life with some puzzles and conundrums. Don't do it for me, lemme figure it out. Just gimme a clue, right?

One of the lessons I'm learning this year is that some things are deceit and tricks today, and wind up being blessings tomorrow. Deceit is a fundamental aspect of this world we inhabit. It is a tool, like any other. Can be used for good or bad.

Tests with trick questions on them train elite students.

But this is the part that's fascinating to me,

"I don't like anyone being between myself, my higher self/team, and what I want."

Your model places angels under your higher self? Like if they had a fight, who would win, Metatron or your higher self? Is there a God, Creator, or Source in your model?

"if there's too much light you're blind and if there's too much darkness you're blind so being somewhere in the middle guarantees a good view."

I like this a lot.

"In fact, that type of food saps the life force energy out of us, so it's the opposite of food."

Damn, babe, I wanna hang out with you! That right there is fucking BRILLIANT subconscious programming. Holy shit. That is all balls! I'm stealin that shit. The opposite of food. If I could get that to catch on with my subconscious, that might be a nutrition stratagem for me. Fuckin game winner. Hey babe - THANK YOU FOR RANTING. I'm usin that.

"I feel like sync is the love language between my earth self and my higher self and team."

Yeah, it used to feel like that to me. And it still does, but since I been doin magic more, I think I been attractin more negative shit around me. Now, they can't touch me, because Mike says. But they can try to influence me. Through signs and shit. So now I gotta be a lot more judging of the 'synchromystic signs' I get. My little brother got TWIRLED by assholes on the other side. I've tried to educate and enlighten him for years. He can't hear it from me. I'm too close to him. I couldn't have a better model than all these other glorified New Age Teachers.

FUCK THE NEW AGE. Always JUDGE. You can't EXIST on this planet unless you are judging your surroundings. The more accurate you are, the better you play this goddam game. (Sorry, dude, now you got me ranting. And I'm just the type a asshole who'll tell you you're doing it wrong. (Not saying you're doin it wrong, just pissed at the New Age and the imposter teachers that fucked my little brother)).

This "my truth" bullshit is cancerous, too. You can have "your truth" when it comes to things we can't find out. Is there a God? Well, you pick your truth because nobody can prove otherwise. But when a priest rapes a child, you don't get to pick your truth. "Priests don't rape kids. That's MY truth." Bullshit, asshole. There is one truth in this equation.

You get this alot from sheep- "I don't believe that politicians would do that to people. That's MY truth." Then you ain't qualified to vote. If you can't fathom that that politician is a flawed human with alotta work to do - like the rest of us - then you ain't fucking qualified to vote for one.

Ok, I'm done now. You started this...

"I also believe that my tight ass team of guides and ancestors keep me safe from the imposters."

This is powerful juju. I write spells about my boys.

"synchronicity is interesting (and potentially dangerous) though because it's so easy for people to accidentally intertwine themselves with the waves other sync-people are riding and before most people realize it they end up matching someone's crappy low frequency bullshit wave."

You just described my marriage.

Hey, babe, you are cleared to rant with me anytime. Off topic or on. I'll let you know if I think you're off about somethin. But I could listen to you talk sugar all day.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : August 17, 2021 4:57 PM
Posts: 62
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Your model places angels under your higher self? Like if they had a fight, who would win, Metatron or your higher self? Is there a God, Creator, or Source in your model?
lol yeah I hadn't really thought about it like that and I don't really mean it quite in that way. I kind of think higher selves and angels are ultimately all at the same level but have different jobs. I guess what I mean is that ~ assuming I work hard to maintain a strong connection to my higher self team ~ I can access whatever knowledge I need to make shit happen from my higher self eliminating the need for outside assistance? This shit makes a lot more sense inside of my head and a lot less sense whenever I try and talk about it. But in your situation of being fucked with from the other side I totally understand why you'd call for backup, and it's cool to know that resource is there and working for you.

If I could get that to catch on with my subconscious, that might be a nutrition stratagem for me.
This is what helped me get off of sugar. I had a gnarly sweet tooth after drugs and alcohol, basically just switched one for the other so I had to get my shit together because sugar fucks with our heads and it was making me super moody. (Not fun to be around moody people in lockdownland) When I started to dig into how much they're able to manipulate our behavior through sugar I was grossed out - which pushed me through the giving-it-up-period. Now I'm free! And now I'm able to indulge on sugar here and there without becoming a slave to it and that was my ultimate goal. We'll have to meet up for a bite in the astral realm sometime because as a Cancer X4 I love to cook and eat. (And exercise lol.) Good food makes my world go round. A bad day is a day with bad food.

FUCK THE NEW AGE. Always JUDGE. You can't EXIST on this planet unless you are judging your surroundings.
Sorry to hear about your brother. He's lucky to have you on his team even if he doesn't realize it. And seriously, fuck new age shit. As a kid I was fascinated by it because it made so much more sense than what I was being taught in church - of course all I really knew about new age stuff was what I picked up from the earth store in the mall (hello Pure Moods) or on TV, but anyhow I loved it and was very hippy dippy as a sleeping adult. I'm still hippy dippy I guess, but maybe in a more reverent way? These days I'm perpetually disgusted by my friends who are out there reading people's astrology or tarot - ya know, giving spiritual life advice and guidance as if it's as easy as slinging a drink in a bar - all while being a-ok with vaccine passports and shit. That's not the new age I ever wanted to be apart of.

If you can't fathom that that politician is a flawed human with alotta work to do - like the rest of us - then you ain't fucking qualified to vote for one.
Speaking my language. Not many of us out there.

You just described my marriage.
Sorry, friend, that's tough. I've been there. We were unable to re-sync and had to go our separate way(ves).

Posted : August 17, 2021 7:13 PM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member

"I guess what I mean is that ~ assuming I work hard to maintain a strong connection to my higher self team ~ I can access whatever knowledge I need to make shit happen from my higher self eliminating the need for outside assistance?"

Yeah, so I was magically attacked and I beat down the motherfucker all on my own, right? Wanna make that clear. So I'm kinduva big deal. Looked into Mike afterward and the dude swooped, cleaned my house (mind and body energetically), and made me feel like nobody was ever gonna fuck with me like that again. Lotta psychic ease after hangin out with him.

I think his "trickster" M.O. is bailing on you. Gettin you back to neutral or better and hangin out just long enough for you to think he's gonna spend the week. Then he bails. Let's you fuck up if you want to. He ain't gonna play the game for ya. Just swoop, heal and get the fuck out so you can get back to learnin. That's what I think.

"We'll have to meet up for a bite in the astral realm sometime because as a Cancer X4 I love to cook and eat. (And exercise lol.)"

I don't do dick in the astral, babe. Don't know how. Never learned. These days I'm goin all fascist monk hardcore on the diet. The Ascetic Virtues tongue-porn-wise. That's why I love your "Not really food - Antifood," talk. It's perfect fascist programming for my subconscious mind. Could be the last nail in the coffin.

"giving spiritual life advice and guidance as if it's as easy as slinging a drink in a bar - all while being a-ok with vaccine passports and shit. That's not the new age I ever wanted to be apart of. "

Agreed. Tried to get a massage from an "energetic healer" that claimed to work with angels and she told me I had to wear a mask while being massaged. Found a website that claimed to be channeled from AA Mike telling us all to wear our masks and social distance.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : August 17, 2021 9:25 PM
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Sorry to hear about the attack that sounds pretty intense. I don't really know what that's like or what brings it on or how you combat it. Zero experience there. Do you have to be doing spells or sigil magic or something ritualistic to be attacked like that? Would the Jeffrey Epstein taunting dream be considered a psychic or magical attack? So many questions, glad you're ok.

I don't dick around in the astral realm either and don't know how lol I was just playin around. But being fascist monk hardcore on your diet sounds cool. I think there's a lot to be said about people who are able to control what they eat (or care enough to attempt to try) because that shit is no easy task.

That really blows about the masked massage from an "energetic healer" and that's fucking crazy that people are claiming to channel pandemic-positive messages from Archangels. Even crazier that there are people out there believing that garbage.

Any feels about the current alien situation?

Posted : August 17, 2021 11:24 PM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member

AlienneSlam wrote:
Do you have to be doing spells or sigil magic or something ritualistic to be attacked like that? Would the Jeffrey Epstein taunting dream be considered a psychic or magical attack?

Nope. Just gotta piss off the right person. JE in your dreams could be a magical attack. But if he didn't scare ya for too long or make ya do somethin stupid, then you whupped his ass.

I think the SLIGHT alien disclosure we see now is a distraction from what's really happening.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : August 18, 2021 12:36 AM
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

Oh boy, wacky childhood stories, where do I start.
- I used to be able to communicate with birds. I cant anymore but i still have a weird relationship with them.
- I remember my time before coming to earth and I remember how I pretty much had to sneak to get here.
- i've seen spirit since I was 2/3 as well as had astral awareness since then.
- whenI was around 5 I started spending summers with my uncle on an army base where I was involved in what they said was a sleep study. Up until 5 years ago, somehow they were able to "summon" my consciousness to some underwater base and they would try asking me questions about some people i was supposed to be spying on or something

as for working with 'archangel michael', in my experience that energy is moreso a function or a job, like "postman" or "doctor" rather than a singular entity. for instance, on astral plane, i and several others, have answered to that function and perform those roles such as psychopomp, soul retrieval, etc.

but to make a long story short, the only bad thing about my weird ass experiences is that i've pretty much known my purpose for incarnating since I was very young. the worse thing was having to pretend. my great grandmother was pretty much the only person i could be myself with as a kid.

Posted : October 1, 2021 4:54 AM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member

Fuck, babe, that's alot to unpack.

"seen spirit since I was 2/3 as well as had astral awareness since then."

You have random asshole starin at you all creepy and unspeaking at the fuckin breakfast table?

"they were able to "summon" my consciousness to some underwater base and they would try asking me questions about some people i was supposed to be spying on or something"

Hey, man... Who were you supposed to be spyin on?

The AA Mike existential conundrum remains up for grabs. I hate to think of him as some kinda semi-AI realm aspect - embedded in the server. But the dude kinda has those qualities. I always thought it was cause he was the ultimate warrior. Unspoken. Nobody knows who he is or where he comes from. Can't predict his actions when you know so little about him. Wrath a God-like.

But there are aspects of "him" that aren't individual. Like maybe he is "legion," too. Like there are many in his 'fold' that act as he. Or he is in all places at all times because he is a fundamental aspect of the game. Or is it just his vibe? His story? Is it good enough to never die? Does the notion of him touch something in all of us to aspire to? Is AA Michael just background lore that touches the right few and keeps a failing blue flame from ever dying?

And were there a few of us who chose to be in this game, with him, right fucking now?

Sorry, babe - pontificatin.

What was your soul's purpose, if ya don't mind me askin...

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : October 1, 2021 11:19 PM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

galaxygirl2035 wrote:
Oh boy, wacky childhood stories, where do I start.
- I used to be able to communicate with birds. I cant anymore but i still have a weird relationship with them.
- I remember my time before coming to earth and I remember how I pretty much had to sneak to get here.
- i've seen spirit since I was 2/3 as well as had astral awareness since then.
- whenI was around 5 I started spending summers with my uncle on an army base where I was involved in what they said was a sleep study. Up until 5 years ago, somehow they were able to "summon" my consciousness to some underwater base and they would try asking me questions about some people i was supposed to be spying on or something

as for working with 'archangel michael', in my experience that energy is moreso a function or a job, like "postman" or "doctor" rather than a singular entity. for instance, on astral plane, i and several others, have answered to that function and perform those roles such as psychopomp, soul retrieval, etc.

but to make a long story short, the only bad thing about my weird ass experiences is that i've pretty much known my purpose for incarnating since I was very young. the worse thing was having to pretend. my great grandmother was pretty much the only person i could be myself with as a kid.

thanks for your insights - the stuff about archangel Micheal being a job or office - I can totally get behind and might have hints at this in my own higher journeys.
I also get understanding from bird song - like my intuition of unconscious knowing is supercharged and I get meaning from the pure organic tone of bird against the machine hum of the refrigerator. When I'm paranoid they are watching me and reporting to their bossess of my thoughts and actions etc.
During my investigations into consciousness I am getting that people can hold 2 full consciousness in them at a time, most of the time it is shared with another in either a couple or a mother-child bond. this can obviously be interfered with during these sleep over with the army - it can also be used to substitute screen memories for real events - like you watched the movie but the body consciousness acted it the mind consciousness watched it (dissociated)

How does the remote contact summoning for questioning differ from what others might call day dreaming or other head in the clouds sort of disstractions

Posted : October 2, 2021 2:15 AM
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

"You have random asshole starin at you all creepy and unspeaking at the fuckin breakfast table?"
LOL. Thankfully it's never been like this. I experience spirit in my mind's eye/ear/etc. So it's like seeing but not seeing with physical eye or hearing but not with physical ears. I can tell the difference. When I was first getting started it was easy to confuse the 2. The first spirit I "saw" was my birth father who had just been killed in a war. I'd never met him because he was away but he came through to basically say hi and bye. At first, I thought he was sitting in my room but then later when other spirits started coming through i started realizing they were physically there.

Hey, man... Who were you supposed to be spyin on?
What was your soul's purpose, if ya don't mind me askin...

Ok this is when things are gonna get weird,

One of my earliest memory is coming to earth and interacting with proto humans. Most of the people I came with were abusing those proto humans. a few of us realized that the proto humans had a consciousness and it was wrong to take advantage, so we tried teaching them things like how to work together. Some of the annunaki/igigi story from people like sitchin make a kind of sense to me, but I dont feel a lot of it is correct because those writings are based on humans perspectives. Eventually we had some disagreements - not just involving humans , but long story short those of us who wanted to help lost and were punished. Older gen tend to not like it when the younger gen shows them their faults. Part of the punishment was that somehow they made it hard to incarnate on earth. i dont know how they did that.

I got around that by making contracts. So for instance my birth parents really only got together so that my birth mom could get pregnant. The child she had was a semi-elemental who really only wanted to essentially have a look around. She died around the age of 2 from a strangulating hernia , that's when I walked in. My first words were "I can't believe I made it!" LOL. Because trust me it was a lot of work putting this together just to incarnate here at this time.

Everything was all good until I was around 5 and started sleepwalking/sleeptalking. my grandmother freaked and sent me to a children's hospital sleep study. During those studies, they realized that I was having experiences outside of REM sleep and according to modern science that's impossible. I eventually got on the governmental radar and started going to "sleep" studies on army bases. It was during this time that they were able to find out not only was I a walk-in but one from one of main races they are trying contact/work with. they want to work with the side who were about power and abuse of that power.

From that time up until about 5 years ago (approx 40 years of this) I would randomly have experiences where my consciousness would be forcibly pulled to some underground/underwater base. I'd be in a containment cell. There was a "handler" and some guy (there have been 3 difft guys) who would tell the handler questions to ask me and the handler would relay my answers. somehow they found a way to gag me as well because I couldnt "speak" unless allowed. In any case, the question never worked because I never answered anything besides stuff like "where am i? who are you?" when i was a kid to "fuck you!" as an adult. The non handler person was always like "ask IT when they are coming back?" "Ask it when they will be back." The last time this happened to me was not long after the 2016 election. for me that was the only good thing to come from the Mango Mussolini presidency because I think he cut off a lot of funding for deep state activities. i remember it looked like they were packing up their sad and ugly office furniture and file cabinets and the questioner was at his wit's end trying to get information from me, probably trying to keep his stupid job. From what I can surmise, some people in government made some deals with the mean greys who they think are controlled by annunaki (which may be true).

part of my purpose is essentially to help make sure humanity develops its consciousness the way they want to, into however they want with as little interference as possible from non-humans. Right now, humans are like someone with no sense of money becoming a brand new billionaire megaball power winner. There are so many beings with their own agenda who want to tell you how to invest your money. I mean, let's not get it confused, my group also has an agenda, we just want you to make the choices with as much information as you can.

the other part of my purpose is a longer game. eventually we all reunite back to the one. all sides of the coin merge. no more false dichotomies, no more serpent vs eagle, etc we're all part of the one. one analogy i like to think of is breathing. the multiverse/source whatever you want to call it does analogous breathing. the out breath is what created this separateness. the in breath, all parts come together again and eventually there's another out breath, and in breath and so on. my larger purpose is to help those parts who want to insist that their separateness is "real" lose the fear about returning home.

AA Michael:
My initial experience with him was when I was teenager. At the time I was hanging out on the astral plane. I created in my mind a symbol for in-between nexus I could go before I decided what I wanted to do during that session. I made my nexus look like a big train station like Grand Central. Some times I would just stay at the nexus and watch people/beings go back and forth. One day I saw something that looked like the stereotypical death. I followed it for a bit and noticed that everyone was moving away from it without really acknowledging it. Then I thought wow that has to be the loneliest job in the world and I kinda felt bad for it. Imagine your entire day people going out of their way to ignore you. So, being silly, I called "Yo, death". it kept walking and I called louder "HEY DEATH". So it stopped and slowly turned around like "Who dis?? who dares?" so it turned and looked at me and I said Hi and waved. It gave me a funny little wave back then I got scared and ran tf away like OMG death just said hi.

A few days later, I'm back on astral minding my own business and then I feel this tug on my astral body. I've never seen a cord. It felt like when I was summoned by those govt dicks because I couldn't control it, but this was different because i didnt feel any malice at all, so i decided to go with the flow. Also at this time, I had not done any work on higher levels, just astral. So i feel myself going through different levels, going out of the solar system, off into space, then i come to an area where there's nothing. it's just void, at this point i'm starting ask if I should be freaked out. but i feel i'm still moving . then i eventually stop in this area with so much light, so much burning heat and I can feel there are beings there but I can't really see them as differentiated. Also, I feel like my astral body is just being burned away into nothingness while I'm in this realm. It felt like I was an ice cube in a cup of hot coffee . Then I hear/see/feel the words " #3 Mi-Ka-El" then i feel something like a hot kiss on my forehead and I get shot back to where I was.

Immediately after that I had jobs on astral that were mainly psychopomp, soul retrieval, helping out people, basically some of the functions that michael has. Later on I found out that happened because of the compassion/empathy I gave to death even though it could have meant my death.

Posted : October 2, 2021 7:12 PM
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

nickzeptepi wrote:
During my investigations into consciousness I am getting that people can hold 2 full consciousness in them at a time, most of the time it is shared with another in either a couple or a mother-child bond. this can obviously be interfered with during these sleep over with the army - it can also be used to substitute screen memories for real events - like you watched the movie but the body consciousness acted it the mind consciousness watched it (dissociated)

That's interesting. do you mean 2 entity/being consciousness? That's essentially what happens in ATR experiences with "spirit riding" or channeling. i guess the main difference between those and full on possession is that the original consciousness has some awareness of what's happening as well as control.

How does the remote contact summoning for questioning differ from what others might call day dreaming or other head in the clouds sort of disstractions

it's like the difference between looking at a picture of the eiffel tower and being in front of the eiffel tower. if someone doesn't know that difference or cant tell the difference then I for sure can't explain. i just know myself enough to know the difference between a day dream and I was actually there. this is also a typical question people ask about astral travel vs dream/lucid dream/daydream etc. For me it's like asking what's the difference between Frank's hot sauce and tabasco sauce. I've just eaten enough to immediately know the difference.

Posted : October 2, 2021 7:25 PM
Posts: 1354
Member Moderator

Wow, what a wild experience! Thanks for sharing your story! I'm also quite astonished that two people in the same thread have had these sleep studies at underground bases experiences. Makes me wonder how common is this sort of thing, and how many have participated but have no memory of it?

It resonates quite a bit with Jian Liang's whistleblower testimony which I came across a few years ago, of her being MK-abused and exploited by a faction of the Network/military (SSP) that then used these "astral soldiers" to go on interstellar missions (ie a psychic spy; chapt 5). Wilder than any fiction I've come across bar none.

@galaxygirl2035 Do you still have the ability to go astral/OOBE on a whim, or is this something that's faded out overtime? I've heard other alleged SSP insiders mention children up to puberty have a natural propensity for psychic phenomena but after that, the ability hardens a bit, although in the programs they do have syringe shots that can boost that faculty.
We're all in a dream..!:rolleyes:

Posted : October 3, 2021 8:23 AM
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