The Multiverse is ALIVE!

Greetings, fellow travelers. Here is a thread that I am making regarding the aliveness of the multiverse, creation, and so on.
I see life all around me. Plants, animals, stars, planets, galaxies, etc., all have their own life cycle.
Feel free to post related discourse and the like.
Be well.

magickstarlady wrote:
Greetings, fellow travelers. Here is a thread that I am making regarding the aliveness of the multiverse, creation, and so on.I see life all around me. Plants, animals, stars, planets, galaxies, etc., all have their own life cycle.
Feel free to post related discourse and the like.
Be well.
Thank you. I agree whole heartedly, MSL. I once tried to comfort someone I knew who could not have children by pointing out this simple fact - creation is everywhere, and you partake in the magick of it whether you reproduce or not. Sadly, she was not impressed, but I remain fulfilled.
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