
Here you can give a shout out to others in your state/country. If your from this state/country then make a new thread and let others know in your area that there is another THC'er close by! This is a great way to keep each other informed on happenings in the area, meet up for coffee with other THC'ers or, who knows.... maybe even lead to THC gatherings.

I'm situated in northern NSW near a little town called Uki. We are in the shadow of more well known towns like Byron Bay (of surfing hippy BluesFest fame) and it's seedier neighbour with arguably more character, Nimbin (of Aquarius Festival and Mardi Grass fame). I like long walks along the fringe of reality and watching lunar waves, when not battling the reptile brained Archon elites in my own laid back, recreational way.

Lol Great intro, man 🙂
Sweet, an Australian! Could you do a favor for me? Could you flush your toilet and tell me whether the water spins clockwise or counterclockwise? Ours up here spins clockwise. Lol Stupid, I know, but I'm trying to figure out if the water swirl is linked to magnetic differential force, vortex spin dynamics, gravitational pull/push, centrifugal force... or different toilet designs lol I know there are explanations out there but I want to test out different theories myself.

Clockwise? Look outside brother... if there is a kangaroo stealing a car you are in Oz, because the great maker of clocks is from the southern hemisphere.
Could be all of those theories working together don't you reckon? Though I do wonder what the flat earthers would have to say about it. Magnetism affects all in a polarised world, including vortex spin dynamics. Gravity is just a label for something we don't understand. Centrifuge working with frictional drag acted upon by magnetism I just don't know... But I guess it just spins the way the planet is spinning relative to your toilet. Peer pressure. Powerful stuff.
The real mystery is what it does on the equator; just go straight down no-nonsense style, or just kind of hang there confused for a while before it picks a hemisphere.

Gday I'm in Brisbane and unwind around your local hills and valley's occasionally. What topic's you into?

Hey bro. Topics? Just trying to peg down some kind of grand unified conspiracy theory by piecing all of this craziness together and stirring in a healthy dose of ISness? Kind of leading me into general inquiry into the nature of reality and perception, because after the 117th compelling conspiracy theory you've got to stand back and get some kind of quality control indexing system going on. Sorting comes intuitively I know, but after a life time hobby of stretching, twisting and sometimes breaking reality you get the idea that the whole reason society is all about reinforcing a linear narrative is that it is sailing in a sea of organic chaos, filled with the tentacles seeking out the conspicuous ego like a tasty tidbit. Objectivity seeks to override subjectivity and ends up chasing it's own tail because it is based on the illusion of separation and the fractured point of view...
So back to basics at the moment. Checking out Qaballah and gematria as a foundational system of reference. Otherwise I'm interested in homesteading and old world skills bro; leatherworking, blacksmithing, gardening, electromagnetism and playing cat and mouse with this debt=based slavery system. We've got a studio shop at the old Buttery in Uki if you're ever in town.

Sweet awesome response. I won't be quite as eloquent but I study kabbalah as well. Are you on any 'official path', or a lone scholar? I've got a shop in Brisbane if you ever come to the big smoke.

Lone scholar I'd say. Keep my options open for maximum brain grazing synergy. Tend towards believing in God as some kind of aggregate fractal consciousness whose living word is Natural Law. Enjoying Jungian theory at the moment for it's ability to explain a lot of paranormal in the context of collective unconscious interacting with this conscious world. Also his idea that the imagination (without slipping into delusion: somehow) is the conduit or fulcrum between the inner and outer, subjective and objective. This would seem to correspond with most magic theory. Especially when primed with emotional intent (preferably of the higher variety... though paradoxically, those who dwell in a more "loving" world seem less desirous of affecting change through Will).
What kind of shop you got? Ours is a studio shop with locally and Australian made stuff. Trying to find a sweet spot between lifestyle and complete $lavery. Never can seem to escape the scourge however.

Hey there Dr Abbadon.
I used to live in Melbourne about 5 years ago and will be down there for a wedding in a few weeks... A good mate of mine lives in Moonee Ponds who I turned onto THC, but I think he might still be listening to the free hour. There has to be loads of THCers in the counter culture capital of Australia. Still, if you wanna organise some kind of beverage conference in a few weeks I could drag along some like minded individuals. We could form an elite unit; like the Vigilant Order for the Humouress Evolution of Oz, or Counter Illuminazi Scions of Gnosis. Should we wear robes, or cloaks? With deployable drone destroying boomerangs? So many details to figure out.

Hey guys,
Just listened to the Zen Gardener episode and thought I better make an "Australia" "Where you from?" post.
But, It's already been done!
I'm from Perth here, driven around to every city and state but unfortunately yet to see anything paranormal/mindblowing just yet!
Any one else listen to the Zen Gardener episode? I think any malevolent forces will have a hard time clamping down martial law in Australia, there's just too much empty space for people to run away into! I've always got my Swag in the car ready to hit the road haha!

Hey Agarthan, I grew up in WA and I remember the sweet scent of the bore water in suburban cul-de-sacs well. And the beach sunsets to be fair.
You might not be able to call it paranormal, but the state of society is enough to blow my mind most days. It's amazing how, once you step out of the parade, how dangerously rediculous the whole thing is. I probably give more leeway to the Flat Earth idea than the mainstream narrative.
In your driving did you get to check out the outback much? I took the train across the Nullarbor a few times and there was this hermit living in a disused rail siding out there. It looked pretty Mad Max with these railway sleeper fences, decorated with Milo tin flashing. It always made me think about taking over some of the ghost towns out there, living off road kill and artesian water.
We are still blessed with space, despite what they charge for rent in the cities.

1129 wrote:
In your driving did you get to check out the outback much? I took the train across the Nullarbor a few times and there was this hermit living in a disused rail siding out there.
Driven across the Nullarbor twice myself and probably another two times as a child.
Staying the night out there, so far from anything, is pretty magical in my opinion. All those far out place have a very special feeling to them.

Good Dr. I'll be in Smellburn from the 4th to the 9th of June. No hard fast itinerary as yet cept a wedding on Sunday. What's your neck of the woods? I'm also maybe thinking of meeting some friends in Carlton perhaps of a monday eve about 6, at Jimmy Watson's (333 Lygon near the cnr of Elgin). How's that sound?
I'll be the one in the tinfoil hat with a red carnation.

@Dr abbadon Saturday sounds good. Let me know the particulars and I should be able to make it.

Hey there Q, I live just down the road from ya! I live in South Golden Beach and I also spend a lot of time in Burringbar which is super close to you. Uki is beautiful. I often drive there with my kids to swim in the creeks.
I had a feeling there would be a local somewhere out there listening to THC as well. Such an open minded area there's bound to be a few more of us!
I started listening to THC about 18 months of my first episodes was Michael Tellinger and it blew my mind. Still one of my fav THC guests. I also loved Mr Gates, Wayne Bush, Simon Parks, Jon Rappoport, Lenon Honor and let's not forget the absolute awesomeness of Freeman!
Great to know you are out there just a couple of hills away!
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