Drayton Valley, Alberta - have a great day everyone!

vanessa-marie wrote:
Recently moved to Kelowna, British Columbia. Originally from Calgary, Alberta. Howdy 🙂
Just joined and did a search for Kelowna. Shout out from here if you still here!

dmonty wrote:
Just joined and did a search for Kelowna. Shout out from here if you still here!
I am still here. Welcome to BC! What brings you to this particularly gorgeous part of hell?

ulyssesjasonnewcomb wrote:
I am still here. Welcome to BC! What brings you to this particularly gorgeous part of hell?
Like the farmer told his neighbor, "You never know." JK. Seriously though, moved here almost 3 years ago to be around extended family and now they all just think I'm the crazed patient zero variant carrying grandma killer. Can't mention any "science" that goes against the Cartoon Broadcast Channel. All good though, just been getting in the best shape of my life and prepping for next year. Calling 2022 'Pandemic 3: Rise of the Variants'. Then in 2023 comes 'Pandemic 4: Zoombie Invasion'. Anyway, how's your Apocolypse been going this corner of Hades?

dmonty wrote:
Like the farmer told his neighbor, "You never know." JK. Seriously though, moved here almost 3 years ago to be around extended family and now they all just think I'm the crazed patient zero variant carrying grandma killer. Can't mention any "science" that goes against the Cartoon Broadcast Channel. All good though, just been getting in the best shape of my life and prepping for next year. Calling 2022 'Pandemic 3: Rise of the Variants'. Then in 2023 comes 'Pandemic 4: Zoombie Invasion'. Anyway, how's your Apocolypse been going this corner of Hades?
I'd enjoy my apocalypse if it had a better view and some quiet. I live in DT Vancouver. Trying to get out of the city for a while now. I work in property management and its not easy to find that kind of work in a small town.

East Central Alberta, Hey Canada.

Hi Canada! I'm here in Alberta! I've been a THC listener since at least 2013 or 2014 I think!

Hey dude..from just west of Edmonton! Been riding this nonsense since I woke up after the 911 phyop...I like Greg's approach to most of this and appreciate and support anyone I can promoting truth...as slow as truth can be sometimes!

How is it in Alberta? Pretty sure I'm going to have to leave Vancouver.

Pockets of resistance in the cities...I don't get kicked outta as many stores for no face diaper...but leave the cities and I don't see masks anywhere. Wal-Mart just proactively introduced vaxport not like I go there anyways but they are the first so far here. The rallies are still way smaller then they should be but they have been growing steady lately. I can't imagine the amount of plastic ppl in Vancouver!

Hey fellow THC'ers, joined a year ago but I just found this forum. Im in a small town just east of London called Ingersoll. Hit me up any time, Ive got no shortage of theories, nor would I be happier to hear about new theories. 😜 😜

Hey! I'm near the AB/SK border

Hey everyone. I've been a long time listener, finally in a place to subscribe and support, and just seeing how many like minded individuals are around my neck of the woods. I'm in the Saskatoon area of Saskatchewan.
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