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Greetings, I'm from Chile, a beautiful land and a yet to be discovered nation.

Here is a related picture, the Melimoyu mountain:

Giants are said to be sleeping inside

Nowadays Chile faces great destruction given that it actually never really came into being as a nation and also due to the fact that a series of globalist presidents have been selling the country to external entities for decades now.

Civil unrest has been really high lately, marxism has conquered both discourse and public institutions, and there is also buenismo (a school of thought promoted by fat ladies (current Chile is actually a mathriarchy)) which forgives and promotes all that is bad. The worst thing is that there is an opposite side to all of this, we are actually trapped in the left and right political dialectics.

But one can almost feel that it all makes sense. As a chilean poet said:

"Everything is where it is meant to be, but in some other place."

I'll end my post suggesting you an author from this land whose writings relate to many of THC's frequent topics: Miguel Serrano

"The love that is so profusely spoken of in novels, poems and newspapers, the 'love your neighbor', the universal love of churches, and the love to humanity... they have nothing to do with the 'Love without love' (A-Mor, sin-Muerte)*, which is a hard discipline, cold as ice, sharp as a sword, and that aspires to surpass the human condition in order to reach the Kingdom of the Immortals, the Last Thule."
Miguel Serrano. Nos, Book of the Resurrection.

*Miguel Serrano's writings are full of word-plays. In spanish Love is Amor, which in this case is loosely traced ethymologically so that it symbolically means 'Without-Death', which is basically achieved by internalizing your dead female loved one into your self (in a Jungian sense).


Posted : December 1, 2020 5:24 AM