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Miami or New York meet ups/friends

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whats up friends! Looking for like minded individuals for meet ups and discussions on our favorite show . I live in MIami from November-June and upstate New York for the rest of the year. Boulderer, chef,explorer, and avid 420 officianado!
Posted : April 4, 2018 10:58 AM

chef_pants wrote: whats up friends! Looking for like minded individuals for meet ups and discussions on our favorite show . I live in MIami from November-June and upstate New York for the rest of the year. Boulderer, chef,explorer, and avid 420 officianado!
Where in upstate NY? My daughter and I had a debate as to where "upstate" begins... I told her anything north of Westchester County, she insisted it was anything north of Albany!! We live in Hudson Valley NY.
Posted : June 20, 2018 10:42 PM
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