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Six Nations Territory

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It's been an amazing ride so far, with all the information it does take awhile to digest.
I relate it to the cultural teachings that I puam currentlyr pursuing and studying.
I find so many similarities between our creation stories (Iroquois), spirits, spirit world, ceremonies, etc...
I have a long way to go in my cultural knowledge but t am hoping one day maybe I can be a call in guest for a joint session maybe one day a guest.
I find there is so much information, healing, and connection offered through our teachings and ceremonies that have been shielded for too long.
I personally think it's time for everyone to come together and share our knowledge which is exactly why I enjoy this community and Greg's approach.

Posted : August 16, 2019 5:13 PM
Posts: 1354
Member Moderator

burnitdown wrote: It's been an amazing ride so far, with all the information it does take awhile to digest.
I relate it to the cultural teachings that I puam currentlyr pursuing and studying.
I find so many similarities between our creation stories (Iroquois), spirits, spirit world, ceremonies, etc...
I have a long way to go in my cultural knowledge but t am hoping one day maybe I can be a call in guest for a joint session maybe one day a guest.
I find there is so much information, healing, and connection offered through our teachings and ceremonies that have been shielded for too long.
I personally think it's time for everyone to come together and share our knowledge which is exactly why I enjoy this community and Greg's approach.

I concur, that’s a great idea! Would love to hear more on various First Nations mythology and cultural heritage.
I visited a local flower garden yesterday (Van Dusen) and one thing that caught my eye was a circular arrangement of stones in a prairie field they called a medicine wheel that was allegedly used for navigation, spirits and star guidance. Though that one was most likely a mini-scales version of the real thing.

*sorry for the cropped photo..

Edit: When I speak of mythology, I referred to the collective body of knowledge, and wisdom, preserved by the community. My interepretation of archetypes, whether factual or symbolic, both represent reality: the former thru observations (science) and, the other thru art (spirit)

Posted : August 16, 2019 6:44 PM
Posts: 13
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Yes the medicine wheel has many uses and still holds a place though nothing like what our ancestors used it for.
Not sure if it's just your approach or how you believe things but what you call mythology we call reality. We fully acknowledge the spirit world, and the impact our ceremonies have on our world and theirs.
I am convinced we were in complete harmony with the universe and had the ability and still do, to harness it's energy what you might call magic.
Thank you for the reply and I look forward to sharing what I know with this great community of people.

Posted : August 16, 2019 7:10 PM
Posts: 6
Active Member

wait, this isn't about rugby?! 😀

sorry just joined + today so still getting bearings, 1st seeing if any one is living in my area.

Posted : March 9, 2022 1:40 PM