7 Questions for UBI...
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7 Questions for UBI Proponents

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shamangineer wrote: I think there are three main sources of immigration: opportunists, idealists, and refugees.

How's that bleeding-heart immigration working out for the European nations dumb enough to import vast numbers of Low-IQ Islamists & Africans from the 3rd World? Or for America which has allowed 10's of millions of non-assimilating, Low-IQ hispanics into the nation?

shamangineer wrote: The refugees are largely a result of US and NATO foriegn policy while the opportunists are largely a result of the financial interests of the same nations, with the two feeding each other.

WRONG. They are entirely a result of European/American nations failing to guard their borders against an unarmed invasion.

shamangineer wrote: If the "shithole" countries had a more equitable distribution of wealth, economic autonomy, and weren't being played as pawns on the global chessboard these places would be livable, and their cultures could thrive rather than be traumatized.

Wealth isn't 'distributed', it is CREATED. History shows us that allowing the creators of wealth to keep it produces better outcomes for society-at-large. Imagine if we taxed Greg Carlwood/THC (who works his butt off to produce a superior podcast product & is rewarded in-kind) in order to 'help less fortunate' podcasters...ludicrous, eh?

shamangineer wrote: In essence if the world were a better place immigration would be largely a product of finding a culture or work that you loved rather than having to run from something or a lack of necessities.

The world would be a better place if we learned from history...and if alien cultures/ethnicities stuck to their own kind,


Posted : May 12, 2019 6:00 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

hisich wrote: The State Capitalism (Fascism) we have now (thanks to 'Progressivism') promotes cartels/crony-ism/waste...but not entire industries of BS jobs like the more socialistic aspects of the current system...public schools/teachers, cops/prison-guards, tax-collectors, regulators, the military-industrial-complex, lawyers (who thrive off of the insanely complex/non-sensical socialist legal system we have) to name some of the worst.

That said, I don't see you or very many others opting-out of the 'capitalist' system you bash so much. Nor do I see you or your fellow Ubistas being able to answer 7 very simple Q's...

You act as if the fascism experienced now is a result of government control of capital rather than capital control of government. Both forms have a small tyrannical minority at the levers of power (party or owners). But today corporate money impacts policy more than any other factor.

"Opting-out of capitalism" you act as if it is a simple choice. Completely opting out of capitalism would essentially mean dying of deprivation in the streets.

Posted : May 12, 2019 6:17 PM
Posts: 1026
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hisich wrote: How's that bleeding-heart immigration working out for the European nations dumb enough to import vast numbers of Low-IQ Islamists & Africans from the 3rd World? Or for America which has allowed 10's of millions of non-assimilating, Low-IQ hispanics into the nation?

WRONG. They are entirely a result of European/American nations failing to guard their borders against an unarmed invasion.

Wealth isn't 'distributed', it is CREATED. History shows us that allowing the creators of wealth to keep it produces better outcomes for society-at-large. Imagine if we taxed Greg Carlwood/THC (who works his butt off to produce a superior podcast product & is rewarded in-kind) in order to 'help less fortunate' podcasters...ludicrous, eh?

The world would be a better place if we learned from history...and if alien cultures/ethnicities stuck to their own kind,

Posted : May 12, 2019 6:36 PM
Posts: 273
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shamangineer wrote: You act as if the fascism experienced now is a result of government control of capital rather than capital control of government. Both forms have a small tyrannical minority at the levers of power (party or owners). But today corporate money impacts policy more than any other factor.

Who has the guns & enforces its will at gunpoint? Who has a monopoly over the legal, educational, and monetary systems? Whose "business model" is: Pay Or Die?

shamangineer wrote: "Opting-out of capitalism" you act as if it is a simple choice. Completely opting out of capitalism would essentially mean dying of deprivation in the streets.

I don't see too many Amish folks "dying in the streets"...in fact, I believe they're one of the few European-descended demographics which is actually growing.


Posted : May 12, 2019 6:56 PM
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shamangineer wrote:

So Europeans and their descendants should allow the the same to happen to them? Man, you people are stupid...


Posted : May 12, 2019 6:59 PM
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Whatever you do, DON'T LEARN FROM HISTORY!!!


Posted : May 12, 2019 7:02 PM
Posts: 1026
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hisich wrote:
I don't see too many Amish folks "dying in the streets"...in fact, I believe they're one of the few European-descended demographics which is actually growing.


Posted : May 12, 2019 7:24 PM
Posts: 1026
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hisich wrote: So Europeans and their descendants should allow the the same to happen to them? Man, you people are stupid...

Why did the Europeans leave to come here to begin with? It wasn't exactly a hop, skip, and a jump to cross the Atlantic back then. What made it worth the expense, risk, and hardship? Try not to speak in terms of ideals, persecution, deprivation, or opportunity in your answer since you don't seem to recognize those as valid reasons.

Posted : May 12, 2019 7:36 PM
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shamangineer wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzXmXhiyhcg

My suggestion to those who don't like the State Capitalism which exists is for y'all (and we know there are A LOT of you) to buy up some large tracts of land to collectively manage...for the life of me I don't know why y'all complain so much about your comfy 1st-World lives when you could be living on a commune...


Posted : May 12, 2019 7:38 PM
Posts: 273
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shamangineer wrote: Why did the Europeans leave to come here to begin with? It wasn't exactly a hop, skip, and a jump to cross the Atlantic back then. What made it worth the expense, risk, and hardship? Try not to speak in terms of ideals, persecution, deprivation, or opportunity in your answer since you don't seem to recognize those as valid reasons.

Jeez...we've gotten FAR away from the 7 simple Q's for Ubistas...you're a master at derailing & dodging uncomfortable critiques, eh?


Posted : May 12, 2019 7:40 PM
Posts: 1026
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hisich wrote: My suggestion to those who don't like the CORPORATE STATE which exists is for y'all (and we know there are A LOT of you) to buy up some large tracts of land to collectively manage...for the life of me I don't know why y'all complain so much about your comfy 1st-World lives when you could be living on a commune...

I fixed that for you, wouldn't want people to be too confused by your words.

Hey y'all - ya hear that. It's so simple! Large tracts of land and nightly orgies here I come! All those years of preparation, networking, and tens of thousands of dollars you thought necessary to do this evidently aren't required. Once you get out there capitalism will no longer be able to negatively effect you!

If that actually we're the case I would already be there.

Posted : May 12, 2019 8:20 PM
Posts: 1026
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hisich wrote: Jeez...we've gotten FAR away from the 7 simple Q's for Ubistas...you're a master at derailing & dodging uncomfortable critiques, eh?

Is that what presenting factually based arguments is called in your neck of the woods?

Posted : May 12, 2019 8:21 PM
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shamangineer wrote: I fixed that for you, wouldn't want people to be too confused by your words.

IMO, the terms are basically interchangeable. Govts. are, indeed, corporations. Groups of individuals operating as fictitious entities.

shamangineer wrote: Hey y'all - ya hear that. It's so simple! Large tracts of land and nightly orgies here I come! All those years of preparation, networking, and tens of thousands of dollars you thought necessary to do this evidently aren't required. Once you get out there capitalism will no longer be able to negatively effect you!

If that actually we're the case I would already be there.

I never said "its so simple". However, its entirely possible for like-minded haters of 'capitalism' (from what I can tell there are MILLIONS of y'all) to pool their money to buy tracts of uninhabited land & put their theoretical collectivism into action. Now, you'll still have to pay 'protection money' to your friend/partner (the govt.) in the form of property taxes & possibly for access to things like water, but otherwise you'd be free to enact things like UBI, etc.

I have a LibTard Brother-in-law who attempted to do something similar in pooling his $ w/a few dozen like-minded LibTards (all of them upper-middle-class hypocrites, of course) to create a condo co-op in Portland which was going to be oh-so-progressive & environmentally-friendly...after 2-3 years of having construction blocked by their oh-so-progressive local govt. & the EPA they gave up, LMFAO...the retard then had the nerve & lack of self-awareness to complain about "excessive environmental regulations" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.

Similarly, an aunt of mine who is also a bleeding-heart LibTard who cares SO much about the poor/needy made a bee-line to city hall when a low-income housing development was proposed in her neighborhood...again, total lack of self-awareness & hypocrisy...she & her fellow LibTard neighbors were successful in their NIMBY-ism & the project was blocked & eventually thrust on another less militantly organized neighborhood.

You LibTards almost NEVER practice what you preach...


Posted : May 12, 2019 8:39 PM
Posts: 273
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shamangineer wrote: Is that what presenting factually based arguments is called in your neck of the woods?

What is the title of this thread?


Posted : May 12, 2019 8:42 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

hisich wrote: IMO, the terms are basically interchangeable. Govts. are, indeed, corporations. Groups of individuals operating as fictitious entities.

I never said "its so simple". However, its entirely possible for like-minded haters of 'capitalism' (from what I can tell there are MILLIONS of y'all) to pool their money to buy tracts of uninhabited land & put their theoretical collectivism into action. Now, you'll still have to pay 'protection money' to your friend/partner (the govt.) in the form of property taxes & possibly for access to things like water, but otherwise you'd be free to enact things like UBI, etc.

I have a LibTard Brother-in-law who attempted to do something similar in pooling his $ w/a few dozen like-minded LibTards (all of them upper-middle-class hypocrites, of course) to create a condo co-op in Portland which was going to be oh-so-progressive & environmentally-friendly...after 2-3 years of having construction blocked by their oh-so-progressive local govt. & the EPA they gave up, LMFAO...the retard then had the nerve & lack of self-awareness to complain about "excessive environmental regulations" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.

Similarly, an aunt of mine who is also a bleeding-heart LibTard who cares SO much about the poor/needy made a bee-line to city hall when a low-income housing development was proposed in her neighborhood...again, total lack of self-awareness & hypocrisy...she & her fellow LibTard neighbors were successful in their NIMBY-ism & the project was blocked & eventually thrust on another less militantly organized neighborhood.

You LibTards almost NEVER practice what you preach...

Do you pay taxes? Carry a driver's license? Pull over for the red and blue? Sorry If I don't live up to your high standards of purity.

Care to tell me what makes spontaneously-organized aligned self-interest so much more practical than democracy? Or perhaps why you are red color-blind?

Maybe you will say why you haven't gone to Galton's Gulch to get away from all us libtard moochers?

Posted : May 12, 2019 9:18 PM
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