A couple of questions for anyone who will read this!

Hey everyone, this is my first post and I don't really know where or what topic discussion to post this under so I just threw it here...
Before I start I would like to preface this by saying I'm not a lunatic or a complete nut job. I'm your average Midwestern 30 year old. With that being said, I went to a music festival (Bonaroo) in 2010, while there I experimented with DMT and about a quarter of mushrooms. while being on a head full of hallucinogens I was sitting under a tree while The Flaming Lips covered Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album. Now up to this point in my life I had not been privy to the "flat earth theory", "the simulated universe" or anything like that but on that night in Tennessee while tripping my face off, I'm not gonna say I had an out of body experience because I was still in my body, but I talked to an image or mirage of my mind (whatever you would call something that I'm pretty sure no-one else there that night could see) that claimed to be a Galactic elder. The weird thing was it wasn't a body or a physical object, it was more a shadow and a voice.
Now with that being said I would like to say I didn't go on any space ships or non discovered planets, but I did sit there and have a discussion with this being about life as I interpreted it and then as how he interpreted human life from his vantage point. The weird thing is that it seemed like it was about a 15 minute conversation, and I know when you're on hallucinogens time is almost non existent in ones mind, but in reality I was under that tree for 3.5 hours, or so said the person that was supposed to be "babysitting" me. Anyways, once I came down from the trip, I felt as if I was a completely different human being with a completely different view point on life and the world as a whole.
My question though, is after about a year of researching and divulging into the theory of a flat earth, which I must admit I am a pretty strong believer in such, but if so, it almost cancels out the thought of other planets and celestial bodies, which in turn makes me think that for the past 6 years my view point on life from that trip has been nothing but a hoax. Is it somehow possible maybe everyone and everything is just living on this axis point in the universe but stuck in different dimensions that only certain levels of elders or certain hallucinogens can access.
I've only told one other person about this trip and he told me it was probably just the drugs messing with me, but what if we are trapped in this world as a body only trying to free our souls to something less "physical" as in objects of earth. Is it somehow imaginable that the farther the dimension you reach the less physical of an object you become?
So I guess without rambling about non coherent things to much and making you think I'm some kind of loon, the questions I have are as follows.
1. If the earth is truly flat, does it rule out the chance of other planets?
2. In your opinion, is it possible that hallucinogens are gateways to other dimensions or just man made "drugs" to steer people farther from what's really happening on earth. While making a culture of people feel like their opening up their minds.
3. Do you think it is possible I free'd my mind momentarily with the aid of drugs to travel to another dimension of life and hung out with someone or something that just so happened to be on the same coordinates of earth in that same dimension that I was. Or was it my own mind playing tricks on me.

To start with, in order for us to have a more understanding discussion, I would like you to read my thread in, "The Case For...," where I discuss dimensions versus densities.
I fully honor what the entheogens can show us about what is known and unknown, trusting more fully in the latter. That being said, allowing for all possibilities isn't unwise. I would say to try to not let anything in thought solidify like concrete.
From my own experience in the physical planes, this and other planets are close to spherical (though I am convinced they are hollow). In fact, throughout the physical creation which I behold, a straight line is rare to the point of quite likely being not more than one of our mental creations.
I look forward to this conversation going on, but I am limited in available time right this minute.

Welcome Cobrashark7,
My response follows,YMMV
1. Don't get sucked into the flat earth B.S. Yeah, I know NASA lies yada. yada, but come on! Have you ever been on an airplane?
2. I wouldn't call hallucinogens gateways to other dimensions myself. It seems they tend to "raise the veil" so to speak on what is really happening and what we have access to in our so called reality. Tripping is an implicitly personal experience so terms and descriptive language becomes difficult when trying to describe or make sense of an experience. Did it mean something to you? Awesome. Roll with it.
3. See response 2.

There's a story it there, where someone had a similar experience, god like being telling them stuff.
The experiencer told the shaman about it and he said, yeah those tricksters are always doing that.
Take it with a pinch of salt. Ther're tricksters in that realm and they like to score brownie points in getting you to believe something proposterous.
Seek the nugget of truth that's muddied with lies.

Ahhh, the trickster. Funny how I've been hearing about the trickster entity lately.
I've always associated the trickster with Coyote, first nations stuff. Now the trickster trope seems to be coming at me from different cosmologies.

general urko wrote: Ahhh, the trickster. Funny how I've been hearing about the trickster entity lately.
I've always associated the trickster with Coyote, first nations stuff. Now the trickster trope seems to be coming at me from different cosmologies.
I'm now of the opinion that if there's a worldwide archetype like the trickster, clown, coyote, devil, Djinn etc etc. Whatever it is in your local legend.
It is, on the balance of probabilities, true.

I can see curvature on the top of these aurora, which also shows how far up and away you need to be to see the curve on this massive ball.
Nature will take the least amount of space for any object - look at the round raindrop - it's the same with planets.
Yes there's tonnes of anomalies in observed measurements. It does not logically lead to the earth is flat.
PS I read that the majority of people in a university flat earth society voted for Hillary.

I appreciate all the responses and comments regarding my experience. There's not to much more enjoyable than being able to talk about trippy shit without being ridiculed and bullied for one's personal thoughts and opinions.
1. I'm not completely sold that the earth is flat, nor is it a sphere, I think there is a lot of evidence to disparage the thought of a spherical earth, and the same for the flat theory. If I had a gun to my head and had to choose, I'm more likely to choose an "eye" shaped earth with the entrance To the center at the retina.
2. Although I don't entirely disregard the thought of hallucinogens altering your state to open you up to different realms/dimensions, I find it highly unlikely. Especially knowing LSD was created by the CIA for, what I assume, mind control methods and other operations to fuck with the will of the people. Shrooms and DMT I wholeheartedly believe are good beginnings to free your mind, I just wish I knew the next step albeit meditation, or whatever it might be.
3. It's funny how in multiple cosmologies/religions there is always the same "characters" being portrayed or comparable to another of the same likeness. Is it possible humans as a whole had a greater consciousness and were able to communicate with one another telepathically via thought, or have we all been set up to fail in the modern world with these supposed scholars "translations". Maybe the biggest "coyote" of them all is cosmology/religion. In my opinion, I believe the only one's to get it right we're the Sumerians. I believe we were created to be slaves and nothing more. If you look at the history throughout time we, as a human race, have been pretty good at it. Whether it be a slave for a King trying to conquer more land, a slave for an Alien race trying to save their planet with our Earth's minerals, or a slave to the corporations to feed their own pockets. In any result, we're all slaves to someone or something with more power/control over us than any of us would like to see.
Hell, for all I know South Park could have gotten it right and we are all just one giant reality show with the writers scripting all the drama trying to save us from getting canceled from their network. The best part is we will never know until we all pass and hopefully get enlightened with the "truth". If there even is a truth..we might all just die and give our bodies back to the earth without the theoretical pain of the chains holding us back from actually "knowing".
What I do know is I will continue searching for, and studying all the possibilities of "life" until my name or number is chosen and I'm gone. Hopefully not too soon though because the thought of this ride called Life makes me want to stand in line even longer for my chance to ride.
PS..i actually voted for Trump, but looking back I kind of wish Hillary won just so we could all be put in those FEMA camps together and talk in person instead of an internet forum. Hopefully, with a little luck, and a couple "bad hombres" in the white house I might actually get my wish!

Well, you certainly bring enough to this conversation to make it expand exponentially, with infinity not out of its bounds.
1. To say this Earth is perfectly spherical is not in question. It would be like saying it is perfectly smooth. These things can be measured, not perfectly, but damned close. But as an example, we could use smoothness. If our best machining capabilities were to make a one inch ball bearing, and this ball were expanded to 8,000 miles in diameter, we would find for ourselves a spheroid so rough and craggy as to be beyond the heights of the Alps and Himalayas, and the depths of the Marianas Trench and Great Rift Valley over its whole surface. Shrinking our Planet Earth to one inch would make a ball smooth beyond our best abilities to machine and polish steel (or so I was told by a top scientist).
2.The CIA did not create LSD. Read: Acid Dreams: LSD, the CIA, and the '60s Rebellion. In my opinion, the very best history of LSD.
3. Makes me think you were listening to George Knapp last night with Tom DeLonge and Peter Lavenda. So there are similarities between ancient cosmologies... What two top scholars will, after a lifetime in the library stacks, have the same takeaway? No description of anything will be the described. What will ghostly shapes in the distant past be able to convey of what is now? The closer we get to now, perhaps the more defined the images, but still, the symbolisms are only that, and the writers of the times had the limitations of the languages of the times, and ours now are not better, except only for the moment perhaps. The Tao that can be told will still not be the Tao. It's a real load off to admit it, and much of that load is only our arrogance and pretension.
Why wait to die to understand the possibilities of life? Just understand that the possibilities are infinite, but our reasoning mind is not. Our body/mind perspective isn't up to the task. The only way I can see forward is transcendence. We have to transcend identification as separate entities, i.e., our names or numbers coming up. Those are our illusory limitations, believed into virtual life in our own personal faux realities. If that old divide and rule modus operandi has us in camps, mentally, philosophically, whatever, it succeeds. It loses its grip when we understand that oneness underlies the multiplicity.
Nothing is, or ever will be, what we think.
So, when I write about the physical plane of existence, it is only to attempt reasonable hypotheses in terms that are no more as eternal than the universe we see. Even the galaxies will all have their endings. It goes with the territory of having had a beginning.

I too think the sumerians had it going on as far as a early, workable cosmology, the Egyptians kinda distilled it in a more straightforward but animalistic way.
That we are a slave race? HMMMMM, maybe. That most of our race are sheeple, slaves to their baser needs and desires, and needing an authoritarian figure to tell them what to think kind of rings true. But if that is the case, it's kind of a failure as an experiment, as we can also be the most pernicious, hard to control species around. Kinda like making cats a slave species. I think to begin to find the truth of humans on this planet we must go way beyond the "recent" history of Sumeria, and go much farther back into antiquity. The dearth of surviving information then becomes problematical, but maybe someday we can piece it together.

Thought I would check and see how big the equatorial bulge actually is. Wikipedia says the equatorial diameter is 42.77 km greater than the polar diameter. That's 42.77 km against 12,756.27 km. (.003 of the whole, or .03%). Not too far out of round, eh? It's just over double the additive difference between the Mariana Trench and Mt. Everest. So, Planet Earth is not a whole lot more out of round than it is at maximum lumpy. Still a fine one inch ball bearing. I mean it's going to roll along pretty nicely under normal machine tolerances.

The wage slave was the boss's best invention ever. Pay them less than a living wage and they have to provide themselves with all the McDonalds burgers we can poison them with. They still have to get there asses to work on time and sleep wherever they can. Ha ha. It's good to be king!

satyagrha, with all due respect, I am currently really embracing the "drink a little drink, smoke a little smoke" ethic of the higherside chats forum.
If I wasn't, we could get into the whole economics/politics/globalism vs free market capitalism/left wing corporate group think/ my vibration is higher than your vibration thang.
But if we did, we would sound like the recent ATS forums which is kinda sad.
I hope that someday we can share a spleef and a nice single malt scotch, compare our world experiences and our take on our consensual reality, and part as friends and fellow travelers on the road to enlightenment.

Just a quick note to ponder on, (I'll try expand later)
For those who have mentioned slave race.
Consider the hidden teachings in the nag hamadi texts (secret book of John and apocraphon of the archons) -and it's hinted at in the Bible.
There are 2 types of humans on earth the original pre-adamic race been around for aeons, then we had the cataclysms & the fall of pre-adamicthe separation of heaven and earth, bi camerial mine etc.
Then the archons wanted a servant class to till the field and give praise to them, they created a copy from clay but it was a lifeless souless golum until they were tricked into giving it the breath of life and a LIVING soul - not immortal spirit which belongs to pre-adamic.
The 2 types can only be distinguished in the immaterial realm.
Ask yourself are you a slave? Do you have a soul or a spirit? If you have a soul, have you germinated the seed of the immortal spirit that's in you.

nickzeptepi wrote: Just a quick note to ponder on, (I'll try expand later)
For those who have mentioned slave race.Consider the hidden teachings in the nag hamadi texts (secret book of John and apocraphon of the archons) -and it's hinted at in the Bible.
There are 2 types of humans on earth the original pre-adamic race been around for aeons, then we had the cataclysms & the fall of pre-adamicthe separation of heaven and earth, bi camerial mine etc.
Then the archons wanted a servant class to till the field and give praise to them, they created a copy from clay but it was a lifeless souless golum until they were tricked into giving it the breath of life and a LIVING soul - not immortal spirit which belongs to pre-adamic.
The 2 types can only be distinguished in the immaterial realm.
Ask yourself are you a slave? Do you have a soul or a spirit? If you have a soul, have you germinated the seed of the immortal spirit that's in you.
I am honestly not familiar with the nag hamadi texts. Can you point me to a resource? I can and will google, but wish to know YOUR favored resource and point of view.
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