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Accepting and Rejecting Thoughts

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The single greatest action I ever took along the path of ascension was to engage in a game. For 3 months I would treat every thought in my head as an offer to be either accepted or rejected.

Your mind tends toward chatter- good or bad. Decide the chatter you like and the chatter you don't. Accept the chatter that leads to profitable places (like happiness and a positive mind state), and reject the chatter that sabotages you.

If played with tenacity, it won't take 3 months. You will rewire your brain in a way that will curtail, and eventually end, much of the negative garbage that had occupied your mind space for so long.

In my view, this game should be standard issue to all new grunts in the field. It is one of the things that turned down the difficulty settings in my life.

I can think of no better technique for a person to "look into" ascension, without having to go very far.

The enemy possesses vast amounts of terrain in your mind. From these positions, and positions outside of you, thoughts are launched at you that are not your own- and not good for you. They are the spawn of false information and are the weapons the enemy uses to take more of your ground. Vigilantly accepting and rejecting thoughts will help end enemy encroachment and take back ground you had previously ceded them.

Accepting and Rejecting thoughts is the opening fusillade in many men's mindwar. The man who accepts and rejects his thoughts well, has to Surrender less often. He ends the chain reactions along synaptic routes that trigger patterns of anger and fear. Effectively dodging the battle before his troops are even mobilized, let alone already engaged and needing to be talked into Surrender.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : July 17, 2019 8:08 AM
Posts: 638
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I get some weird thoughts, like yesterday the word abortion went into my brain then befor bed I hear you are killing yourself. but I never think much about it. sometimes I think a little bit about it though

Posted : July 17, 2019 10:08 AM
Posts: 422
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sirujux wrote: I get some weird thoughts, like yesterday the word abortion went into my brain then befor bed I hear you are killing yourself. but I never think much about it. sometimes I think a little bit about it though

I think we all "think a little bit about it though." That's why accepting and rejecting can be so useful.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : July 17, 2019 11:18 PM
Posts: 638
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when you have a few beer you don't get that, its only when you are stressed or something I think when stuff like what you have been passing through in your day that comes in your mind. I had a few beers and I know the flip the coin test, you can make the coin do what you want if you aren't drunk, it worked when I was buzzed like now after two beers. who knows

Posted : July 18, 2019 7:21 PM
Posts: 12
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Playing accept/reject with internal verbal noise, even outside the context of practices like meditation, seems like a healthy idea. I do much the same thing, although I've never explicitly formulated it as such, or deliberately played it as a game.

I do personally try not to be too paranoid about the thoughts I allow to pass, however. The idea that questionable thoughts come from "the enemy" seems a little extreme to me. Though, it does lend an appealing touch of drama to the question of "dealing with thoughts"! To each their own, I suppose. 🙂

Posted : August 10, 2019 8:26 PM
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I appreciate where you're coming from. I am in agreement that some of your negative thoughts come from your own mind. I am also comfortable with denying the archon hypothesis. However, when entities use subliminal messages and psychologically manipulative tactics to implant thoughts and reactions into your mind, one cannot claim to be the "source" of those thoughts.

I would also ask that when the belief structures that you use to make decisions are founded on lies, who is making the decision? If someone lies to me and tells me that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, and I join up to fight them, who is making that decision? Is my thought that Iraq needs to be dealt with solely my own? I would argue that I require my own decision making process AND the lie in order to think the thought. Take away the lie, and the thought does not occur.

When a person or institution consistently lies to me about science, education, economics, food, medicine, politics, and history in the hopes that it will alter my decision making process to their own benefit - and my detriment - I have a hard time seeing them as "friendlies." Or even neutrals.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : August 11, 2019 10:21 PM
Posts: 638
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ive gotten weird things said to me basically saying this planet is like a laboratory. then ive had a conversation with voices and it was fun.

the first time I heard them was in 2017 and it said if this happens the monsters will never forget you.

it could be from the medication I had to take at a young age sorta started it. but I find it hard to believe things that are so interesting could be coming from my head.

Posted : November 21, 2019 2:46 AM
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sirujux wrote: ive gotten weird things said to me basically saying this planet is like a laboratory. then ive had a conversation with voices and it was fun.

the first time I heard them was in 2017 and it said if this happens the monsters will never forget you.

it could be from the medication I had to take at a young age sorta started it. but I find it hard to believe things that are so interesting could be coming from my head.

Yeah, me too. Sometimes the feedback I get seems like it's coming from something smarter than me. Or at least "different" from me.

I did a meditation one time to attempt flight. Hell bent for leather. Took the time and built me a pair of astral wings. Then I decided that birds need to flutter their wings to take off from the ground. Those wings hafta beat in synchronicity at a high rate to achieve lift. So the meditation becomes trying to "feel" these wings pounding for dust off.

What I told myself was- If I experienced my ass coming up off that seat cushion in the slightest amount, I'd call it a success. So I paid attention to the weight of my ass on that chair. It didn't change. But during one particularly well concentrated flutter, I clearly felt that pit-of-your-stomach altitude change. Like you get on airplanes. I repeated that result a few times.

I would never have thought that that would be an option. That stomach drop, altitude change feedback- from my own body- came from something other than me. Something more creative than me. And something that could understand what I was trying to do.

It is hard to believe something so interesting came from me. I was just trying to fathom what the possibilities and measures for success might be. Stomach drop never crossed my mind. Something else picked that response. I think it was my subconscious mind, starting to get in the game with me.

I just don't trust disembodied voices. I think alot of 'em are mobbed up. Guard against archons with good humor, brother. But I'm stealing that line. "The monsters will never forget him."

For a song lyric or a quote below my name to make it look tougher. You think there's a Tarot card for "The monsters will never forget him?" Is Arch Angel Michael the only archetype for that?

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : November 21, 2019 9:45 AM
Posts: 638
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I thought swimming was cool but flying would be really cool. a week ago I was listening to c2c at night and then I entered a place where you can make anything and I was mowing a lawn for some reason then the mower flipped over and a guy there made the lawn into a big pool. I jumped in and was like cool I can breath under water and while this was happening I was still hearing the radio. I found a door and opened it up and went inside and it was a small hallway.

Posted : November 21, 2019 5:29 PM