Alex Jones on Joe R...
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Alex Jones on Joe Rogan Experience #911

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So I've been exploring the depths of conspiratorial topics for awhile now and I've mostly stayed away from Alex Jones. The only time I really paid attention to him is when I first got into conspiracy and looked at his bohemian grove and bilderburg group material. I've considered him a shill and controlled opposition for awhile now, but I found his latest Joe Rogan interview quite interesting.

They talk about pizzagate in this video and it has over 2 million views. Since I learned about pizzagate (and I'm a comment junky), I've been scouring the youtubes, reddits, voats, alt media, MSM news articles (to keep myself "grounded"), and I've come across a couple of people who learned about pizzagate from this interview.

I know there is a lot of material in this almost 4 hour interview to condense in a few sentences, but I thought overall pizzagate was presented fairly here. Not saying this means AJ isn't controlled opp, but I was really surprised by some of the things said by AJ this interview. What does anyone else think?

Posted : February 8, 2017 9:29 PM
Posts: 349
Bossman Admin

Personally, I really liked it. I've always thought of AJ as a shill too. Someone is controlled opposition and he's got to be the #1 suspect. Still, it was fun seeing him party a bit, and just hearing that Pizzagate section, knowing how large the JRE audience is, was pretty wild. Sometimes it's best not too think too hard, and just enjoy the ride. I definitely found this to be one of those times. I would totally add this to the Media section. It's a great compliment to he forum, where we can just keep a library of cool videos.

Posted : February 9, 2017 6:26 AM
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Haha cool, I didn't even realize you had a media section until i listened to the end of the Ryan Zimmerman interview.

Posted : February 11, 2017 5:43 AM
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TheCarlwood wrote: Personally, I really liked it. I've always thought of AJ as a shill too. Someone is controlled opposition and he's got to be the #1 suspect. Still, it was fun seeing him party a bit, and just hearing that Pizzagate section, knowing how large the JRE audience is, was pretty wild. Sometimes it's best not too think too hard, and just enjoy the ride. I definitely found this to be one of those times. I would totally add this to the Media section. It's a great compliment to he forum, where we can just keep a library of cool videos.

Not to mention Alex Jones smokin' a doob. Truly epic.

Posted : February 14, 2017 4:30 AM
Posts: 146
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I just about shit my pants when I got the notification that Rogan was going live with Jones & Eddie Bravo! Alex did what he does (talk a lot without saying much), but it was fun for me. If you're looking for a serious discussion, this isn't it.

Posted : February 14, 2017 1:07 PM
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I listened to this a second time after hearing about Jerry Sandusky's Son being arrested yesterday (02/13/2017) for child sex abuse charges...

Posted : February 14, 2017 4:10 PM
Posts: 196
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I thought it was great to hear AJ call Joe out on how much Joe knows but doesn't talk about. Joe has pulled way back on most conspiracy/fringe topics than what he used to talk about. It's as if he learned enough to the point he didn't want to admit he delved deeper into them and found out some really crazy shit. Now he takes more of a skeptical view on things and pretends he doesn't know anything. Good for Alex on calling him out on it.

I think Joe has uncovered enough evidence to KNOW a lot of crazy things but is at the point where he would rather live a good life and sit on the info instead of sharing it and taking a chance on comprising his life. I don't necessarily blame him but the least he could do is not act like everything is BS and just "conspiracy theories."

Posted : February 20, 2017 4:08 AM
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Guys, guys, you don't all have to preface every thought or mention of Alex Jones with 'shill'. We're among friends.

The guy's a true American hero. But even heros are human. I found the JRE 911 fascinating, for a few reasons. Not the least of them being how real Alex came across. (Guess that's what a little weed and whiskey will do!)

Your average JRE episode is achingly dull. 3 1/2 hours of let's chat with my buddy the MMA dude or my buddy the comedian. There's a reason why every minute of buddy's HBO special is carefully tuned. Comedians are just as boring as everyone else in the world... Alex Jones, as he is so fond of bragging, is unscripted, and let's just say his scope is a little more broad than your average MMA guy.

He also gave a few insights into some subjects that he rarely broaches on his show: Apollo, breakaway civilisations, higher dimensions...

One that resonated with me was when he said something about Apollo not necessarily making it to the moon. I can't quite remember the details, but the jist of it was that they got there with black budget tech. I've always thought that, and it's something I've always wanted interviewers to ask moon hoax guests, but to no avail. I'm sick of hearing that the lunar lander is a tin can, Van Allen Belt, faked photos, yada yada. There are two tiny references leading me to think this, that I've heard in all my years of conspiracy binging. 1) John Lear, once only, when asked how Apollo did it, said "We had help." 2) Alex, possibly in the last year, when someone expressed doubts, said quite simply, "No, we went." Absolutely confident, and without explanation, as if to say, That's beyond the scope of my show, but trust me. Let's face it, why would his insiders stop at purely political information?

Posted : February 21, 2017 2:02 PM
Posts: 196
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I know what your talking about, uno, I kept listening for the "inside baseball" but he just stammered, beat around the bush and then mumbled that we went but they showed us the fake footage they shot in case things went wrong with the real mission. I think he held back or just didn't know and stammered out something so it didn't seem like he didn't have "the inside baseball" about something.

I just don't buy it. If we went I think it would have been before they announced it to anyone. NASA is an arm off from the Department of Defense, not a happy, open-to-the-public, tell the world everything we do, type of organization. If anything it's a giant mis/dis information and propaganda machine that legally has the right to mis-inform, persuade and straight out lie to us, used to make siphoning tax payer money into black projects easier while shoveling us lies any time its convenient for them.

I guess it could go only as deep as what Alex let on, but it just seems like they used it as an excuse to say they spent millions of dollars in the development of a pen that will write in zero gravity to funnel money into the real technology that they were developing, all the while using a #2 pencil to sketch out their particle beam death ray... or whatever they were ACTUALLY building. But, I could be wrong. It's been known to happen before.

Posted : February 21, 2017 3:31 PM
Posts: 204
Estimable Member

Pretty good analysis and guesses there, Chromer. NASA is the military-industrial-security-state-MSM complex. Pretty much every real part of power is as well. We're allowed to think and say anything about it we want... until we start becoming effective. Then our asses are on the line. It's like, don't tell the truth, reach too many people, and drive a new Mercedes, or you too might go out in a blaze of glory.

Posted : February 21, 2017 6:25 PM
Posts: 1354
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I have to bring this thread up since Alex Jones came back on the JRE yesterday.

What do y'all think? Normally, I don't even bother with Alex Jones, but I still give him the benefit of the doubt. So far, he seems sincere to me (like he usually is with Joe). I still think Sandy hook is shady as shit, and until someone convinces me that Wolfgang Halbig is a phony, I'm questioning the events. But who cares? This almost 5-hours episode was like a conspiracy-fest.

I usually can't stand Eddie Bravo (the irony, right?) because he's another one of those I-dont-believe-in-anything types, which frankly, I have empathy for, since we've all been trauma-programmed since birth. It's a normal reaction to go to the other extreme. Been there, done that.

But, you just can't live in denial saying space is fake, the earth is flat, and aliens don't exist. I mean you can, but that doesn't help your credibility (especially when he's supposed to be the conspiracy guy..)

Anyhow, I'm loving this episode so far, I think it's got a lot of truth-nuggets hidden in the dumpster.

EDIT: Anyone noticed the in-ear earphone Alex Jones is wearing? I noticed it, and I couldn't help but wonder.. who is he communicating with?:cool::p Or is that a hearing-aid..?

He also mentions quite a few anecdotes from his childhood: grandparents (of German origin) who have worked in black projects and knew Von Braun* (53mins, and *2hr10mins)

EDIT 2: I found this rather amusing Forbes editorial about the podcast episode, and apart from the obvious rebuke as wild imagination, it seems to be quite empathetic to it. Interesting times.

Posted : March 1, 2019 12:11 AM