anyone play video games?

right now im playing dink smallwood the disciple (2d top down game) and gzdoom edge of time ( lots of jumping fps)
both are old games that have been upgraded and the mods are new.
also angels of death, its a 2d top down anime game.
im really slow at playing games so if I finish them all ill be surprised. the whole pc gaming thing was cool at first but it like a big old machine sitting in the middle of the room with a tv hooked up to it. the fun about video games is having the good old cabinets and having a bunch of friends playing. smoking weed and drinking.
I had a friend that had one and we would listen to loud rock music while playing games and chill. a console would be cool but Im not into newer games.

i just got done making my setup into a video watching and music playing thing.
i forgot i had a free old mac mini and i hooked up my exturnal dvd player to it and a usb to it. to use the internet i already have a couch keyboard and mouse setup. now I'm going to try and get some money for some weed. I'm not sure if I'm working today or anything, all i know is the dream i had when i just woke up was the worst thing I've ever seen. crazy shit. i had two beers in the fridge and i was like i want those, weed sounds good right now too though.

i had $2:50 and the beer was like $2:59 and there was enough pennies in the dish to get it. the dream that was so real of someone slowly killing themselves and no one could do anything just watching. i way up in a building watching spikes going through him. anyways, i need to lay off the gaming pc probably and screw working. work is pretty stupid also. but sometimes its something that you should do to make life better. i feel sorry for people that have to work, if they stopped they would be homeless. i at least get to not work because of disability. crazy world.

well nintendo is still not ready to play dvd's. i thought it was going to work because it works on the shield and that is the same hardware
today theres news about classic doom coming to the switch nintendo console. thats good just because its good to have classic games especially a fast paced fps, they don't have those on consoles anymore. they have a bunch of indie games. some day metered prime 4 will come out, its kinda like the new tool album its taking very long. lots of good games just have been gone forever it seems.
but kids that don't know what gaming was like buy all the new games and thats pretty much what keeps this billion dollar industry from not dyeing. theres many things that are not good with gaming that its doing good but who knows if it will just die.

i did release all the things building up. i am the devil may cry? ok I'm being a stupit fucking bloke. well if wasn't for things being we electric.. that is obscure in the mass of things. billions of people here ( just heard a screem randomly) if that wasn't a weird thing thane ...
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