Area 51 Architect

On the eve of Maybon as we ring in the Autumnal equinox The supreme esoteric architect of you're forlorn reality dares you puny meat sacs to breach the walls of Area 51, you will be mutilated, eviscerated and disintegrated.

if area 51 didn't have anything to do with how we live †oday (that was weird, i guess i pressed alt ant and got a cross) we want to know why we are typing on forums and waking ourselves up? they are like because we love you, ya its all about you.

fuck spelling. if i spent half my life learning about life instead of this word shit id maybe be less crazy. ok maybe not, there is nothing that could make me less crazy. sorry cut out wall of text. no one is going to read that. this is where i get irritated with words and then try to pretend to be fine with not being well fine.

i thought i was typing this on Facebook and i was waisting time. maybe someone will read this on this forum and learn something. i really hate Facebook and I'm drunk, i only post things to Facebook when i really hat that site. its ultimately a wast of time though. because you need to be a robot to compete with zuckerberg. spelling said i spelled it wrong and it was like ill spell it exactly the same for you. your welcome. ill kill humanity to be polite shut up do as i say..

what you going to do with this freedom..
I'm going to speak till my throat soars.

fire right here... rage and they say the say the sun isn't death the death is me i die before because I'm becomining all that i am

the proplex isn't easy. shattered glass in damascus wondering why this is my mind at max? should i give my sorry.. this is the rewrite. because everything ing my live has gone wrone theres.

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