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Arthur M Young's Theory of Process

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Reflexive Universe Documentary (1981):
Arthur M Developed the first Bell helicopter in the 50's, but went on to develop his own reimagining of science and how to dissolve the barriers between the different branches of science with an all-inclusive theory he called The Theory of Process.

Posted : July 12, 2020 8:14 PM
Posts: 1354
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Thank you for this link @shamangineer! Watched the first quarter and the rest later, but very inspiring stuff, this man reminds me in many ways of Buckminster Fuller: both visionary architects and philosophers. In fact, I was impressed that he had come to conclude of the Torus as the cosmic shape!

The doc mentions Young developed the helo in 1941, no doubt under the stresses of WW2, as many great inventions have.

I've pondered a lot about the War we're in at the moment–since I would indeed argue we are also in the midst of one; a worldwide informational war– and in many ways, gives an opportunity, a catalyst, a launchpad for innovations, and for new leaps of inventions, and perceptions, out of the sheer necessity for us to figure out alternatives to our current methods that led us to this point (i.e., a sinking ship).

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."- Nikola Tesla


Posted : July 13, 2020 7:38 AM
Posts: 1354
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Gordon White’s latest episode with Carol Sanford is a treasure of wisdom and insights.

I’m posting here because she mentioned mentors who’ve reformed her mind, including Arthur Young, and many others. Fascinating podcast and highly recommended!

Will check her books in the near future

Posted : July 31, 2020 3:47 PM
Posts: 1354
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shamangineer wrote: Reflexive Universe Documentary (1981):
Arthur M Developed the first Bell helicopter in the 50's, but went on to develop his own reimagining of science and how to dissolve the barriers between the different branches of science with an all-inclusive theory he called The Theory of Process.

Brilliant stuff, mate. It took me until now to watch it in full, and boy I'm glad.
The Chevron (inverted triangle model) of evolution reminded me of the works of Itzhak Bentov on the process of evolution of consciousness, too.

I recently launched myself into basic chemistry, and the way Young compares words with molecules, and elements with letters, that's mad genius, mate!
In fact, it makes sense why language is so fundamental to thinking (i.e. as tools for engineering thoughts).
This also reminded me of David Bohm, in his book, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, where he deconstructs common language structure (SVO) as a barrier to wholistic thinking, and comes up with novel ways of going around it to express things as flows (rheomode).

It reminds one of the masonic symbol as well (compass and ruler).
Thanks a lot for sharing this, this is going to make for a good reading time!

Posted : August 3, 2020 9:05 PM
Posts: 1026
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enjoypolo wrote: Brilliant stuff, mate. It took me until now to watch it in full, and boy I'm glad.
The Chevron (inverted triangle model) of evolution reminded me of the works of Itzhak Bentov on the process of evolution of consciousness, too.

I recently launched myself into basic chemistry, and the way Young compares words with molecules, and elements with letters, that's mad genius, mate!
In fact, it makes sense why language is so fundamental to thinking (i.e. as tools for engineering thoughts).
This also reminded me of David Bohm, in his book, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, where he deconstructs common language structure (SVO) as a barrier to wholistic thinking, and comes up with novel ways of going around it to express things as flows (rheomode).

It reminds one of the masonic symbol as well (compass and ruler).
Thanks a lot for sharing this, this is going to make for a good reading time!

Glad you liked it!

Posted : August 5, 2020 7:36 AM