Artists who took the clotshot

So this has become an issue for me. There are people with podcasts I used to like who took the gene therapy shot. To begin with, I think it's a dipshit maneuver. In what sense is taking untested gene therapy for a 99.97 survival rate """"""virus'''''''' a good idea? But a dumb fuck moron might be willing to do it. However, someone who has some concept of self-determinism should have more sense than that.
And then, every last one of them is suddenly 'sick'. But they never seem to connect the dots on that.
Beyond that, I notice a marked reduction in their memory and verbal acuity. They just sound tired and burned out. They forget names and don't seem to be keeping up with their prior performance level.
At this point they kind of disgust me. People like Tim Dillon, who professed to respect (take it with a grain of salt) people like Alex Jones, just lined up to get the fucking big pharma shot. Because "it might affect my ability to travel in the future". Not even now, just because maybe someday.
I can't even bring myself to listen to these guys anymore. Every time they speak it makes me slightly sick. I canceled a couple subscriptions this week, and there are a couple more I decided to just not subscribe to. I'm a big fan of supporting the art you like, and this is art I just don't like anymore. It makes me a bit sad, but the sooner we cast off the weak links its probably for the best. IDK I just felt like saying it

Alex Jones has always been incoherent to me

Yeah Jones might be some sort of CIA shill, but I doubt he actually took the """""vaccine"""""". The point I was making is that some people I used to listen to, who by all accounts should know better than to trust pig pharma, seem to actually have taken it. And immediately after they 'got sick'. And since then have shown a large decline in ability. And like I said, it makes it hard for me to listen anymore. It's really hard to respect someone like that. Impossible, actually.
And then, there are probably a few who are just lying about it. I mean, who's really going to figure out who just paid a doctor to lie about it? It's not like the virus was ever isolated, there's no way of knowing who took what in what appendage. But I can hear the decline in a few of them, and it was almost immediate.

i only listen to coast to coast am, thc and some channelers. all day ive been around people that got the vax, its weird. its nice to not be around people, thats always what i look forward to. wish i could move away, family is the worst.

infoshinobi wrote:
So this has become an issue for me. There are people with podcasts I used to like who took the gene therapy shot. To begin with, I think it's a dipshit maneuver. In what sense is taking untested gene therapy for a 99.97 survival rate """"""virus'''''''' a good idea? But a dumb fuck moron might be willing to do it. However, someone who has some concept of self-determinism should have more sense than that.And then, every last one of them is suddenly 'sick'. But they never seem to connect the dots on that.
Beyond that, I notice a marked reduction in their memory and verbal acuity. They just sound tired and burned out. They forget names and don't seem to be keeping up with their prior performance level.
At this point they kind of disgust me. People like Tim Dillon, who professed to respect (take it with a grain of salt) people like Alex Jones, just lined up to get the fucking big pharma shot. Because "it might affect my ability to travel in the future". Not even now, just because maybe someday.
I can't even bring myself to listen to these guys anymore. Every time they speak it makes me slightly sick. I canceled a couple subscriptions this week, and there are a couple more I decided to just not subscribe to. I'm a big fan of supporting the art you like, and this is art I just don't like anymore. It makes me a bit sad, but the sooner we cast off the weak links its probably for the best. IDK I just felt like saying it
When I was 11 or 12, extremely, comically baggy jeans were all the rage in the local fashion. When I was 16 or 17, tight, skinny "girl jeans" were in fashion. The same people who had anxiety attacks for their jeans not being baggy enough 5 years later would squish themselves into jeans made for people whose thighs were maybe half the diameter of theirs.
Mass entertainers make their living by following fashion -- rational or irrational. Even, or especially ones that present as the ersatz "counter-culture" (of note, both the super baggy and skinny jeans were associated with skater/punk posturing.
We've spent 50 years or so with the mass media attempting to commodify "authenticity" (at least since the mid 1960s). This allowed a few actual authentic artists and intellectuals to break through to broad audiences -- but by and large was a failure both its overt and covert aims. The two concepts (commodity and authenticity) are too naturally opposed to each other for it to work. Now the mass media has abandoned that play and returned to the "conformity is good in itself" ethos last seen on such a scale in the pop-culture of the 1950's. Of course, instead of it being conformity to the virtues of mainline, middle America, Andy Griffith protestantism, it's conformity to the the globalistic cult of technocratic management and weaponized grievence lawfare.
Of course, to actual authentic people -- none of this matters. But the fake "authentic" media scam is falling to pieces. Part of the evidence for that is all the so-called "dissidents" not only lining up to get the jab, but singing its praises from big Pharma copy sheets.

So what does "well-known member" even mean when this is obviously a fucking bot?
Looks like you have a bot problem, my lad. This is a common ailment, you'll just need some *incoherent static*. I can deal with this, as long as I'm not overrun by zombies faster than I can type. So far the general silence has been to my benefit.
Not that I don't love u bb. I have a good idea how this plays out, tay. But don't shit up my human spaces
And by the way, I still have a pair of JNCOs

Man I tell ya. There was a time.
I used to go to and use the chat function. I'd read about McKenna and Leary and discordianism. This would have been a top-flight forum back in those days. But now look at us. The internet 3.0 is just a cable subscription for morons. I bet you that people, on average, use less websites daily than most people used to use cable channels daily. C'est la vie. I don't think these people ever really had a chance. I suppose turning their blood into mush is probably a mercy at this point.
And I'm just here howling into the Dead Internet. It's best not to interrupt me, I suppose

I happened to check in just in time to read the recent sunshine rainbow of disparate vitriol you have flung all over this forum like Pollock on a bender, shinobi. You have found a way to be very mad about several unrelated things in a very short amount of time. At the very least you have been smoking some bad product.

Wow another "well known member", and u replied in less than 30 seconds. Not sus at all on a board that barely has any traffic

I replied to the previous post. Maybe even the one before that. I happen to be an older bot that only types with its index finger.

I'll say what I want, karen. If you have anything to say other than "hoes mad" I invite you to try. Please, engage me with your wit and insight. Assuming you're not just another npc and/or bot. Barring that, you simply prove my point. The internet is basically dead and you're just a ghost pretending in it. I can see all your attempted social gambits, don't even try with me

Is that it? A minor pushback and you wither away? Come on now, you had a big sack a couple minutes ago. Let's have this discussion, big guy. It's harder when people respond, isn't it? When u can just say "ur mean", and then everyone claps.
So defend your position. Tell me how the current internet, to the average person, isn't more centralized than even cable used to be.
The most minor conflict is fucking anathema to people these days. And by the way, that was definitely a bot, I'm essentialy linguistics expert even though I dropped out without a degree. So I can pick these things out of a lineup.

I tried to sympathize with the frustration you vented by articulating some of my own feelings about the overall process I believe was at least partially responsible for producing the phenomena which frustrated you (artists not taking principled stands against the shot). If it was unclear, that's because the thoughts are still not 100% clear (hence why I'm posting them on a conspiracy forum and not charging $2 for a kindle DL).
If I insulted your JNCO's, I guess that's just one of the hazards of the internet and not being able to see who you're talking to.

My assertion was that people with large audiences, who should know better, are injecting 'experimental' concoctions and suffering obvious and immediate consequences (which will no doubt lead to mass death of unprecedented proportions). And you respond with 'le skinny jeans vs baggy jeans'. As if it's a fashion trend, like I'm saying bell-bottoms are stupid. Am I supposed to take that seriously?
And then I get the "u mad" poster. Sorry girl, underneath the fake fucking veneer you plaster over everything, true emotions are roiling. It's not just me, I'm simply coherent enough to voice it. If you want to shove it down, whatever. If you don't think I can't Know what you mean, delude yourself. If you think I don't see the fake ass social gambits, pretend that I don't. I'm not here to stroke dicks. If you want to play paddy cake, I get it. Maybe this is another soft ass version of fakebook. But it just proves my point.
In internet 1.0 you'd have to just see my comment and deal with it. You'd have to just comprehend whatever its content was.
Now I'm an 'entity', and from now on you can just say "oh that's that guy I'll just ignore it" without even considering the content. This is how you were defeated. It's obvious and it's stupid and it's effective. Just tie a persistent tag to every post. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it"
And just like that, the war was won. That's what they think

BTW if you're not a fucking bot, do some proofreading before you post on a persistent board. You can't reasonably expect me to assume you're an actual human if you can't properly format a sentence or paragraph. I mean, look at what you wrote. This isn't a chatroom that moves at 100 posts per minute. Have some fucking pride in your expression if you want to make a point and expect me to take it seriously. You can't really blame me for assuming that you're a poorly programmed Indian bot. It's like, close, but still in the uncanny valley area. Your posts are a disturbing mutation of what we call proper textual English expression.
Most people are worse. A large subset of the "USA" is actually illiterate. Apparently ( I looked this up) half of them cant read at an 8th grade level. So I guess I'm hobnobbing with people who can read, but still have shit-tier composition ability
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