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Best Alt News Sources?

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Good Afternoon All! I find it challenging any more to find "news" sources that aren't trying to distract us from the truth and lead down a fabricated path. What are some of the best sources to research all of the various topics THC covers?

Thank you!


Posted : February 6, 2019 10:52 PM
Posts: 1026
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The above page does not agree with the viewpoints expressed by zerohedge (which is often toxic tripe). They link there because of quite a few stories which have interesting information that doesn't bubble up to the mainstream. So like a mountain of salt for zerohedge.

Curried alternative news:

Sometimes interesting stuff will pop up on slashdot:

Those are my main sources on a daily basis.

Posted : February 7, 2019 5:49 AM
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Hey Shamangineer! Thank you for the links. I really appreciate the info!

Posted : February 7, 2019 8:27 PM
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A general rule, I try to diversify my sources so I can corroborate details on a given article. Over the years, I've come to think that even dis-info campaigns often have "nuggets" of truth hidden within them, a sort of trickster's inversion.

My favourite (for lack of a better word) mainstream media is RT (available in English, French, Spanish, etc.).
Some of you may scream in horror, but I'm not there to read Russian news. Sure, they have obvious zionist biases, but you its still much more objective than say, NYT (or any *Times). Plus, they have a track record of actually doing journalism, like reporting continually (and since the beginning) the Gilets Jaunes movement in France (Yellow Vests), which only a minority have done (and still today).

I actually use Twitter for a lot of quick glances from the people I follow. Journalists I like generally tend to be anti-war/imperialism, folks like Abby Martin, Ben Swann, We Are Change, Lee Camp, Jimmy Dore. Many of these journalists have their own Youtube pages as well.

I also follow French outlets for news in France. As is the case with English newspapers, most of the big papers (LeMonde, l'Obs,..) are co-opted by zionist war-mongers, but still worth a look to see what narrative they're pushing you.
For investigative journalism, Mediapart is good one, though most of their content is subscribers-only. Others include RT France, Le Media.

For Japanese news: Japan Times (once again, caveats) or Asahi Shimbun.
Investigative journalists I follow: Jake Adelstein, author of the book Tokyo Vice.

For more alternative news, I mostly go to podcasts, like THC or Joe Rogan.

  • Collective-Evolution does a pretty good job, and they even have a Netflix-like subscription platform, which I haven't tried, but looks cool.
  • Edge of Wonder is a recent, but growing and entertaining Youtube Channel on many stories (SSP, etc.)

That's about it, really. The mainstream tech sites and blogs, like Engadget or Gizmodo are quite depressing (and so backwards given what we know what's cooking in the back) that I almost stopped going altogether.

Posted : February 8, 2019 12:58 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member
Great list enjoypolo. Drink a little drink.

Posted : February 8, 2019 4:14 AM
Posts: 1026
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Gizmodo: All the comic-con news you never wanted to know.

Posted : February 8, 2019 4:29 AM
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enjoypolo wrote:

I also follow French outlets for news in France. As is the case with English newspapers, most of the big papers (LeMonde, l'Obs,..) are co-opted by zionist war-mongers, but still worth a look to see what narrative they're pushing you.
For investigative journalism, Mediapart is good one, though most of their content is subscribers-only. Others include RT France, Le Media


For French news, I would add Nexus Magazine, the French version which has no link to the original nexus magazine (Australian based) since many years. It’s I’m French only but often times have good investigations. And they are independent as far as I know and only rely on magazine purchases (no ads).

Posted : April 16, 2019 10:22 AM
Posts: 1354
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fayt76 wrote: For French news, I would add Nexus Magazine, the French version which has no link to the original nexus magazine (Australian based) since many years. It’s I’m French only but often times have good investigations. And they are independent as far as I know and only rely on magazine purchases (no ads).

Nexus Mag is awesome indeed, although I haven't checked them in a while. I didn't know they had a french version 🙂
While I'm at it, I'll take this opportunity to add some links and updates.

French News

  • Le Media's publishing director, Aude Lancelin resigned last week after what looks like internal conflict (a "putsch" in her own words) against the coverage of Yellow Vest. Sad story since Le Media was one of the few existing non-corporate paper that was sympathetic to the movement.
  • Le Monde-Diplomatique is well-written french paper as well, though unfortunately most articles are behind a paywall.
  • Sud Radio on Youtube are really the only radio channel that frequently invites alternative thinkers, including Etienne Chouard, Juan Branco, Maxime Nicole. They've really upped their game in recent weeks with longer-form conversations. The closest to a french Joe Rogan I found:p:D
  • Personality wise, I follow Didier Maïsto (President of Sud Radio); Juan Branco (Assange & Gilets jaunes lawyer, and author of Crepuscule).

Some good Science, including alternative science news websites:

  • Resonance Science Foundation: Their news section regularly publishes Unified Theory; Vacuum-related topics. It looks like they have a new design as well (the old one looked better though..)
  • Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE): This is more academic in nature, but it focuses specifically on non-mainstream topics. I actually found it through William Bengston, the energy healer guy who was on THC two years ago (who is the president of this organization). They have so much free content (just need to create an account) and presentations about anything from ESP, Quantum mechanics, Consciousness, Energetics, UFO, etc. I check it less now, but it's always a good resource.
  • Water Conference for anything relating to Water. Presided by none other than Dr. Gerald H. Pollack. Including free videos of their last annual conference.
  • I posted this in the blue economy/biomimicry thread, but essentially, this is a database of nature-inspired designs and strategies. It's by no means exhaustive, but you can find some surprisingly inspiring articles, whether you're an engineer, scientist, artist or just curious.

By the way, I don't like to dwell on instagram too much, but Robert Grant's page is full of incredible sacred mathematics/geometry/Walter Russellian philosophy and images. Daily. It's very inspiring, and he's no doubt a true polymath. I like that you can subscribe to certain hashtags (like #viktorschauberger or #permaculturedesign). Consume with moderation:cool:;)

On the other hand, I wish I knew of a good Canadian media, because I have to admit the quality of news outlets here is appalling. Sure, every once in a while I'll read something interesting from The Star (Corporate; Toronto-based), and CBC. But even then, most of it is just bare bones and heavily biased towards the establishment (not a surprised, as they are all co-opted). Canada has this Press Corp called The Canadian Press and they, like Reuters, would write a story, and virtually all big corporate media just relay that. It's very medieval to say the least.

My advice for good news in general though, is to go local, where I usually find juicier content, and a different take than the larger outlets.

Posted : April 16, 2019 3:46 PM
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Regarding the French news, I think it’s important to know who owns which media. Le monde diplomatique made a diagram with at the center the rich family and/or industries and on the outer ring the media they own. Le monde diplomatique was honest enough to include himself 🙂

See attached picture.


Posted : April 19, 2019 7:58 AM
Posts: 474
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Nexus newsfeed!/1

Signs of the times

And I also check RT daily. Less western elite bias.

Strangely daily mail in the UK run a few fringe topics - but they are few and far between all the other utter bile.

Posted : April 19, 2019 10:38 AM
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Listening to this episode of the JRE with a former Mexican spec forces, Ed Calderon. Chilling witnessing accounts of the Cartels, the gang wars, the corruption, the occultism at the higher levels. It’s a mind blower.

Wasnt the former president of Mexico connected with NXIVM cult’s Raniere?
Regardless, strap your belts.

Posted : May 23, 2019 2:32 PM
Posts: 1354
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Nothing like a good Bilderberger's Conference to find out who's-who, especially media-wise (only a few journos report on it).
In this year's series, Luke Rudowski, Dan Dicks and a few others report from Switzerland:

As always, lots of silences and bland statements o_O:cool:

EDIT: Notice how frail Kissinger looks, still attending these meetings:

Posted : June 2, 2019 4:28 PM
Posts: 1354
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I just watched the original 1984 interview of Yuri Berzmenov, a russian KGB defector who was interviewed by G. Edward Griffin. Its surreal how he got his predictions right about the future, and whats unfolding now.
Watch only the last 20 mins if you want the predictions, before that its his incredible background of how he ended up defecting from India where he was stationed, disguised as an American hippie in the 70s;, as well talking about the Soviet harsh reality behind the masks.

Kudos to Dan Dicks for reporting on it.

Posted : June 19, 2019 4:29 AM
Posts: 1354
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Always enjoy listening to Abby Martin discuss current events.
This time, she’s announcing her upcoming film about Gaza genocide.
Some of my favorite pieces from her include her reportings going boots on the ground in Palestine, and interviewing people in Israel. Considering the risks involved, shes got balls of steel.

The recent tidal wave of censorship only reinforces the awakening of the masses, and I can feel that especially with JRE as well. The whole push to go to war with Iran is kinda failing, as did the Venezuelan coup, and its a real shifting of the tides.

PS: I need to include this latest one here. Never of heard of Hotep Jesus until this morning. But I’m enjoying every second of it: from censorship landscape; spiritual awakening; parenting, etc. dope!
Changed my mind, spoke too quickly..

Posted : June 27, 2019 4:43 PM
Posts: 318
Reputable Member

nickzeptepi wrote: Strangely daily mail in the UK run a few fringe topics - but they are few and far between all the other utter bile.

you can take the boy out of Luton, but you can't take Luton out of the boy... ; )

I second nexus - they have a news aggregate site which I like for maximum info on one page.

To see what the normies are thinking about I use

For the lulz I sometimes read The Saker,

Of course, there is Solari Report, which is amazing, but it's a subscription service

Posted : July 10, 2019 10:42 PM