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Blackbelt in Being Wrong

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Being wrong is a coveted prize. It shows you the flaws in the foundation of the castle you're building. My oldest buddy and I think of debate as shoring up the cracks in your foundation. Looking to be wrong about something. Still putting up a fight and pushing your case. But if you sleep on it a couple nights after and you come to the conclusion "Fuuuuuck... He's right." You can't ask for a better gift than that.

Noticing the flaws in your model is a godsend. Many people can't be wrong. They refuse to repair the cracks in their castle's foundation because they can't admit to having any. Everybody's got cracks. Realizing and remedying cracks in your foundation is an art form. The less time it takes for you to recognize problems and correct them, the sooner you can be back in the game of building castles.

The desire to be right all the time blinds you to opportunities for strength and growth. Nobody's right about everything. You're gonna be wrong sometimes. Get good at it. Get lotsa practice. If you learn to do it well, you can be wrong ten times and still come off like the smartest guy in the room.

"God Damn, man. That was fucking brilliant. I had not even considered that. Thank you."

"Ok, well, I ain't sold just yet. But you make a really heavy point. I'm gonna sleep on it a few."

"Fuck, man, I could totally be wrong about that. Cause I see what you're saying."

"You just chopped me off at the knees. Jesus Christ! Thanks, man! Keep me from looking even stupider. I was out on a limb on that one. I had not thought that through."

Everybody falls. How do you recover?

Being wrong is a gift that shores up your defenses. If you can learn to take it that way, you look like the smartest asshole in the room. You adapt, overcome. You are a processor of new and conflicting information. Not a database of all there is and ever was.

Maybe some people are- I ain't. I can't do that yet. I can't access any database of all there is or ever was. Not yet. And frankly, I don't trust you to do it for me. I am forced to play down here in the mud where fuckers get a little wrong on them from time to time. It's part of the game.

Become adept at it. Got me a blackbelt. I'm taking all comers. Please point out the flaws in any of my models. It would be extremely valuable to me.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 27, 2019 12:53 AM
Posts: 1354
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Good of you to share that, I’ve definitely learned the lesson the hard way.

Pain is often times the most valuable catalyst for learning the lesson.
Unless you start to get comfy dwelling in it..

PS: Bruce Lee tells it like it is:

Be Water, My Friend

Posted : June 27, 2019 12:56 AM
Posts: 422
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enjoypolo wrote: Good of you to share that, I’ve definitely learned the lesson the hard way.

Pain is often times the most valuable catalyst for learning the lesson.
Unless you start to get comfy dwelling in it..

PS: Bruce Lee tells it like it is:

Be Water, My Friend

That lesson can be fucking painful. Do you think shit written like this could make the road any less painful for the dudes coming up behind us? Or is it futile? Can it only be experience that teaches this lesson?

Loved the Bruce Lee. Brilliant, man.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 27, 2019 1:39 AM
Posts: 1354
Member Moderator

I definitely don’t think it’s futile.
But it’s also one of those “you have to experience it to really understand it” type of thing, I think.

When/If I’m in this confrontational/stressful situation, I find taking a few deep breaths, before taking any position, very helpful to take the edge off.

Posted : June 27, 2019 1:55 AM
Posts: 14
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So those that hath ears to listen may hear.............. i do believe that the words that one writes, coupled with the good intent (that i feel from your words) do make a difference in our vibrational fields. Pain has been the greatest catalyst for changing my own paradigm and as a person with Fibromyalgia (chronic pain throughout the body) i have had to evolve my relationship with pain to avoid going insane.

Everything is but varying degrees of the same thing i.e hot and cold water, all is water but the varying degrees change its physically perceived state. Well if we use that analogy, looking at our own mental aspect on the physical plane, anything negative or positive in this world can be transmuted by varying degrees of our own thought to give the desired outcome, all one needs to do is raise or lower there mental vibration to the correct 'temperature'.
So next time your angry, sad, frustrated or in pain remind yourself you are only a few degrees away from where you want to be.

Anyways sorry if i went on a rant, I appreciated your post and think its so pertinent . Cheers

Posted : June 27, 2019 2:34 AM
Posts: 422
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enjoypolo wrote: I definitely don’t think it’s futile.
But it’s also one of those “you have to experience it to really understand it” type of thing, I think.

When/If I’m in this confrontational/stressful situation, I find taking a few deep breaths, before taking any position, very helpful to take the edge off.

Agreed. Nobody's gettin through unscathed! Just less scathed? Hopefully.

Deep breaths is masterful. Lotta fuckers count to ten. But I think if you focus on your breathing, you are tapping a mind-body interface mechanism much more effective than counting numbers.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 27, 2019 2:36 AM
Posts: 14
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So true, counting is the last thing i would want to do when trying to release myself on this material construct.

Posted : June 27, 2019 3:02 AM
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wazzalicious wrote: So those that hath ears to listen may hear.............. i do believe that the words that one writes, coupled with the good intent (that i feel from your words) do make a difference in our vibrational fields. Pain has been the greatest catalyst for changing my own paradigm and as a person with Fibromyalgia (chronic pain throughout the body) i have had to evolve my relationship with pain to avoid going insane.

Everything is but varying degrees of the same thing i.e hot and cold water, all is water but the varying degrees change its physically perceived state. Well if we use that analogy, looking at our own mental aspect on the physical plane, anything negative or positive in this world can be transmuted by varying degrees of our own thought to give the desired outcome, all one needs to do is raise or lower there mental vibration to the correct 'temperature'.
So next time your angry, sad, frustrated or in pain remind yourself you are only a few degrees away from where you want to be.

Anyways sorry if i went on a rant, I appreciated your post and think its so pertinent . Cheers

You're a tuner. You've spent a lot of time tuning your mental state. No? When you tell my people to tune to a high frequency, they don't understand what you're talking about. They have no stories and pictures in their head of what that looks like. You've got a leg up on everybody. Check your privilege, buddy.

My guys need pictures and stories that honor giving up the fight in order to ascend over it. Because for most of us, it don't feel like vibration- it feels like a fight. Either that, or we need more information on tuning. Little a both couldn't hurt.

Wazz, brother, you just lit up my day! I agree with everything you said and because I already like you, I wanna nit pick it.

only a few degrees away from where you want to be.

It don't feel like just a few degrees for my crew. It feels like getting em to break sails and turn around. When they were spoiling for a fight. It feels like massively switching gears.

I normally hate Aussies, but I've liked every one I've met in this place. Go figure. Thank you for going on a rant, brother, you have free reign as far as I'm concerned. Who'd a thought this place would have beautiful croc jockeys sprouting from the trees?

Get Wazz a battleship.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 27, 2019 4:05 AM
Posts: 14
Active Member

Mate i get you and you rock! Thanks for the kind words, this community seems great and much love to all.
In regards to the ever impending doom plaguing us all........... your right, we are so far off a few degrees in getting it right that some days i think we should just let the bridges we burn light the way but i like to stay positive especially around new peeps. lol

Posted : June 27, 2019 5:38 AM
Posts: 14
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and im really high atm so stay tuned for a further rant tomoz lol

Posted : June 27, 2019 6:07 AM
Posts: 422
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wazzalicious wrote: Mate i get you and you rock! Thanks for the kind words, this community seems great and much love to all.
In regards to the ever impending doom plaguing us all........... your right, we are so far off a few degrees in getting it right that some days i think we should just let the bridges we burn light the way but i like to stay positive especially around new peeps. lol

“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”
-HL Mencken

Tune me up, Wazz.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 27, 2019 8:51 PM