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Correlation between conspiracy thought and political views?

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I have noticed over the years, and especially recently, that there seems to be a pattern in regards to those who are interested in conspiracy thought. Most people who are vocal about it all seem to be of the same political alignment. I find this interesting for a few reasons; subscribing to the two party system is only feeding the beast for one, but also those with alternative beliefs about the nature of reality or who talk about truths that those in power don't want the public to know have alway been kept down by the church and the state, so why do so many seem to align themselves with politicians who base their decisions on religion and outdated world views? Doesn't that only hinder progress toward global awakening?

Posted : October 29, 2018 3:49 AM
Posts: 1026
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The #1 conspiracy podcaster in America is essentially a fire and brimstone evangelical preacher. This all ties into the deep faith-based thinking that permeates most of the country.

Posted : October 29, 2018 2:01 PM
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Is there anything that can be done about that? I'm at a loss when dealing with people (who I often know for sure have no idea what a podcast is) who have confidence in Alex Jones. He does have a bizarre hangup on things like "Satan" and a variety of concepts that have no place in rational discussion. Why anyone on "The Right" is willing to show allegiance to Jones is beyond me. It seems like his screaming and crying does nothing but make him a person to distance one's self from. Besides that, he is the billionair head of a media corporation (the LAST person anyone should get conspiracy news from) and even said under oath in his divorce case that he is only playing a character. I have had major fallouts with several people over this sort of thing and have a hard time engaging in any way with older family members as well. I can't be the only one who has experienced this.

Posted : October 29, 2018 10:28 PM
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It's a mix of indoctrination, heuristic thinking, and willful ignorance which is practically intractable. I don't know if it is possible to make proles think critically at this point, as the illusions are very deeply entrenched. As your experience bears out faith-based thinking is extremely widespread. Most people are willing to overlook just about anything that would discredit the sources they like as long as they are told what they want to hear. Those who are "woke" to a small degree like the majority of Jones' audience can often be as bad as the sheeple as they still harbor many illusions. Jones is the first-layer mental trap for those starting to wake up a bit.

The only ways out of something like this are:
A) Major institutional failure.
B) Societal collapse / the perception of the breakdown of "the social contract".
C) Revolutionary ideas and thinking bringing about a change in the fundamental assumptions on which our culture are based.

A begets B begets C. The difficulty is that this pattern has been weaponized by elites using the Hegelian dialectic. This has resulted in a series of perceptual band-aids covering deep cultural chasms separating our culture from the deeper reality. Rather than allowing society to evolve as deficiencies are discovered the impetus for change has been muted when it challenges the status quo. This in turn has brought about the deeply polarized society fueled by apocalypse porn and organized bullshit we see today. Although at some level the populace are all aware there is corruption and lying going on, they are simply incapable of fathoming to what degree it is actually happening. It will be very painful when the lattice of latex and gauze falls apart and the wounds lie exposed as it will be very sudden and unexpected by most people.

But by then the elites will be well insulated underground with shock collars on their armed guards. I can only hope that gets old real quick for their guards and the elites find their bunkers to be tombs.

I have also grown weary wasting breath on these morons, so I have stopped trying. If I see the opportunity to drive a wedge on one subject or another I will. But most people find the prospect of having their mind blown to the point of picking up the pieces and cobbling a new personality out of what remains both daunting and terrifying, but this only acts to defer and eventually intensify the degree of transformation required. I can attest that most people would literally rather die than change their mind at a fundamental level.

Posted : October 30, 2018 2:37 PM
Posts: 97
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I remember Ronald Laing once say that people are afraid of their own minds.

The term Deep State is a synonym for the shadow. If people can't rely on the external world, they freak out. They don't see this as a problem but rather throw all kinds of accusations around (verbally and non-verbally) and see if they can make suspicious outsiders feel guilty (responsible for flaws in the external world). They don't make me feel flawed, but it hurts that way too many people (societies) have fallen this low and that it's useless to try to either talk to them or get upset, because they stand up for each other, consciously and unconsciously. Mob rule. No emotions. Reptilian brain. Fear, fear, fear.

Despite having a respectable job, family and everything else, people still feel they can't take care of themselves.
They have NO imagination and feel like they're dying if nothing fascinates them. That's sad.
Isn't that why people crave either a left or right wing collective?

Posted : October 30, 2018 4:02 PM
Posts: 97
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What, at least, Christianity (religion) teaches is that people murder/betray whenever spirituality shows up. People should thus realise religion (HOPE ONLY) is not the answer to their problems.

But they don't, they can't afford to see themselves as murderers - only infidels are murderers.

Do they have something in their shadows that pertain to criminal acts in past lives?

Posted : October 30, 2018 4:56 PM
Posts: 97
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Just before people totally lose it, "Russia" will probably fire up another rocket, the Mexican army join their fellow countrymen into America. NATO then runs into Scandinavia while Saudi Arabia moves into Europe. Total chaos, and at some point a staged alien invasion to introduce Scientological mental help (absolute demon possession).

Posted : October 30, 2018 7:25 PM
Posts: 97
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When people see their friends grope women, they keep quiet about it. They know it's dangerous to get upset at authorities. They don't know how to deal with evil, especially because of its progressive attributes.

When corrupt people feel the society they operate in is crumbling they pull off their sheeps clothing:
When seemingly benevolent societies start to crumble, they help its corrupt employees to behave in corrupt ways:

This scares ordinary people to their core, and they dissociate - society crumbles.

Aggression in order to gain authority isn't the answer. But rather force to empower empathy with both positive and negative energies:

Posted : October 31, 2018 6:12 PM
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its a good tool but sometimes tools are a little powerfull and they arnt fun but instead not safe

Posted : November 2, 2018 8:18 PM
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I believe the Know Nothing Party has a great deal to do with some of what the OP was asking about.

Posted : November 6, 2018 1:49 AM
Posts: 1026
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Happy voting on the 'morrow, vote with your heart not with your hate.

Posted : November 6, 2018 1:55 AM
Posts: 97
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Why does personal development have to happen within the confines of systems?

Posted : November 6, 2018 9:10 AM
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