Crypto-backed platforms: What's your take on it?

Hey THCs,
Lately I've been exposed and following, as I'm sure some of you did, the cryptocurrency scene, with the explosion of Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) which basically acts like a stock you own. There are many different flavours and it's certainly uncharted territory for most.
And even while the main players like Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin have been talked ad nauseam, I've been more curious about the ones that have been relayed or mention by a few influential people to me.
On the other hand, with the increasing decline of the big social media cartel crumbling (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube), there is a vacuum being created for platforms that offer places promoting free exchange, embedded with transparent, open source systems, and where content disseminators are rewarded by the community usually in forms of crypto-tokens.
My interest in cryptos lie mostly in my interest for the blockchain tech, and to have a foot in the game. And yes, I believe NSA is in some degrees responsible for the founding of bitcoin, and I also believe it opened up a whole new industry that could potentially be beneficial, the same way the Internet stands today (though I suppose one could always make the argument for whether the internet has been/is beneficial to us today).
The idea was for me to hear what y'all think about that, if you have feedback or tips to share.
Here are some that I've been following lately. Keep in mind, some have not yet begin circulation.
1) Steemit
Perhaps one the most popular alternative platforms for the fringe subcultures and various content creators is Steemit, which is a perfect example of how creators can be financially rewarded through Steemit coins by user votings and shares. It's also hosting a video platform called D.Tube which is the Video portal arm. People like Ben Swann, Jordan Sather and even Greg from THC are using D.Tube & Steemit to my knowledge.
2) Nanogold
This one came from a recent interview of Robert David Steele (RDS) on his trip in Japan meeting with Benjamin Fulford. Nanogold is yet-to-be-released crypto that is/will be backed by physical gold from Bougainville, in the Papua New Guinea region. Though who is behind this crypto remains secret, it is one that is espoused by RDS for working towards an Open Source Ecology. Again, this one isn't out yet, and is due for sometimes Mid-2018.
3) On Stellar
Now this is new one that I've only come across since last week. It was advertised by Jimmy Church on his show Fade 2 Black, and by others in the community including Sphere Being Alliance (Corey Goode). Like Steemit, it aims to be a platform where creators from a variety of fields can come, share, collaborate and be rewarded for sharing information. The ICO token sales are going live soon. I will say this though, even if I follow Corey and others, that this could always be used for deceitful intents, in some sort of project bluebook type of way.
4) Solaris Coins
Now this one I'm not sure, but I think Solari coins were created, or is an offshoot of/by Catherine Austin Fitt's financial-media publication called the Solaris report.
5) Tesla Coins
This one I follow less, but it was an interesting take on what ICOs could offer. A platform for like-minded individuals to come together and create a currency of exchange based on common values, like Free Energy and Tesla related information. It was first mentioned by Aaron Murakami from Energetics Science.
It's hard to predict what the market will look like just in a few months from now. But that's also part of the excitement. History in the making as they say. Looking forward to hear from y'all.

There are so many new enterprises in this new economy most will fall away, some will be amalgamated into the next global mega-corps like Google, Apple etc. It's like the start of the internet revolution - what was promised what was imagined and what was delivered were quite different.
I agree Blockchain tech WILL remove a layer of old school money makers, middle management, semi professionals and also make a load of early adopters a tonne of money.
Catherine Austin Fitts analysis on Blockchain and this new economy is very interesting

One possibility that popped to mind recently was that it may be a giant sting designed to catch those who do not want to deal with the corporate banking system:
To follow on the heels of prosecutions would be a huge push for corporatized blockchain tech, which would be what Catherine Austin Fitts is talking about. Just one possibility.

Blockchain will be like the internet
Some of it can control and enslave you - some of it can liberate you.
Some will be used by the controllers to capture those without proper self determination - the followers of fashion & celebrity
People with there wits about them and self motivated will truly benefit from it after a bit of a learning curve.
it might cause a larger gap between those groups of people
I pondered some more, consider how easy it will become for the tax man. Everything is recorded on blockchain, every user has a unique tax ID, every purchase will be automaically allocated into tax bracket, Tax will be automatically taken from your account.
This might be good at getting tax out of mega corps like facebook and starbucks. But for the individual they can see how much you officially earn how much you spent or saved officially. But what did you spend that missing £1000 on this year? something in the black market of anonymous coins?

I wanted to post this new video from a new crypto platform called Aragon. This motivational video does a good job at illustrating the blockchain powered utopia.
As for the risks, and something hard to fathom for me, is the digital transformation of lifestyle that these crypto platforms promote.
Like nick mentioned above, every aspect of my life being archived on some digital ledger isn't necessarily a utopia in my mind.
Though this may be an instance of cognitive dissonance from my part. And yet it's worth considering if the Akashic records (or aether field) isn't doing the same thing already (recording all information folded within the quantum field itself ad infinitum)
Having said that, I truly think a crypto-based decentralized platform could do wonders within a community like THC and other "truther" movements. It will probably take a few years before this becomes more accessible, the same way it only takes a few clicks to create a Facebook group nowadays)
A colleague at the farm I volunteer, who did his phd research on sustainable development and alternative and complementary currencies, told me of this belgian fella Bernard A. Lietaer, an economist and pioneer of complementary currencies. While I somewhat follow the crypto alt-currency scene (at least I used to), and had heard of local currencies in the context of boosting local economies (like Transition Network), I was basically ignorant about this field (and about money, really).
Lietaer has a knack for explaining in laymen’s term how money works, why the monopoly on currencies is destined to create crises and scarcity, and what solutions to bring to the table from concrete tested examples.
In the short lecture video below, he mentions for example, the case of Switzerland’s: while their official currency is the Swiss Franc, they also have an electronic complementary currency called the WIR ( issued by privately owned bank), used widely by small-and-medium businesses across the country. This currency has helped the Swiss economy become more resilient to crashes, including during tough times in WW2 (1:1 exchange with Swiss Franc).
There are other examples of
complementary currencies in the lecture, including insightful ideas on how to revitalize communities (great stuff!).
It all makes great intuitive sense, and seems like an idea whose time has come. Combined with an electronic ledger like a blockchain, it seems promising.
I also started reading his book: Rethinking Money: How new currencies turn scarcity into prosperity (2013). A real gem at breaking down the complex money system: how fiat works, fractional reserve system, and all the things the powers that be dont want us to know. The preface is also written John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
Anyhow, great stuff! It’s incredible how much money affects human civilization, and yet almost no one really understands it . True dark arts, alchemy stuff!
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