David Wilcock.. I've enjoyed all his books but should we trust him?

I feel like he has an agenda with his sidekick Corey Goode lol

There are already a couple threads on this.
Try the seach button for the forum?
A link:
Also try adding content beyond lol. Everybody would like to see more proof in confirmation or rejection of the Wilcox/Goode claims.

Reincarnation of Edgar Casey, channeler of Ra.... colleague of Giorgio Tsoukalos and Ben Fulford
IMO, he hasn't qualified a damn thing that he's said or been right on a single prediction in 10 years of public speaking, he's a prototypical Charlatan, skilled in the worm tongued art of telling people things they want to hear and making them feel good.
Just heard about Corey Goode for the first time yesterday... sounds like apropos company for Wilcock

Honestly, I'd have a tough time trusting anybody that's featured on gaia.com.
I've always been a pretty shameless new-age hippie guy myself, but...come the fuck on. Gaia's whole wheelhouse has a garbage vibe, straight off the cuff. They're pulling on all the mystic/alien/psi-phenomena/conspiracy buzz-words and concepts they possibly can, and putting it with a sleek, attractive design scheme to try to get people to pay for what amounts to absolutely nothing of value.
People from that vein make it really difficult for anyone with any real information or insight to gain credibility. I think that's probably the true agenda behind gaia's ilk. They're trying to build a cozy little coffin for alternative theory.

gunshy wrote: Honestly, I'd have a tough time trusting anybody that's featured on gaia.com.
I've always been a pretty shameless new-age hippie guy myself, but...come the fuck on. Gaia's whole wheelhouse has a garbage vibe, straight off the cuff. They're pulling on all the mystic/alien/psi-phenomena/conspiracy buzz-words and concepts they possibly can, and putting it with a sleek, attractive design scheme to try to get people to pay for what amounts to absolutely nothing of value.
People from that vein make it really difficult for anyone with any real information or insight to gain credibility. I think that's probably the true agenda behind gaia's ilk. They're trying to build a cozy little coffin for alternative theory.
I actually disagree with that. I've been subscribed to Gaia since around July. It's true that it started off with little content, mainly David Wilcock and Corey Goode shows–Wisdom Teachings and Cosmic Disclosure, which are great resources by the way–but they've really amped their portfolio by producing some great shows like The Buzzsaw (Sean Stone) and more recently Truth Hunter hosted by Linda Moulton Howe.
I'm sharing the link to that last show below for everyone to make up their minds.

I think you hit on something really profound there Gunshy,
The veneer of a slickly produced "alternative consensus", articulated by "experts" (pseudo as Wilcock and Braden - two names who I know have a well established brand, may be), appeal to newcomers and the less discriminating "love & light, new age hippie people" (to use your lingo) in a way that co-opts the viewer and the subject matter in to an easily reconcilable demographic.
Furthermore, it perpetuates the conditioned mindset that further serves co-opting forces and stagnates the individuals' need to develop the will, discernment and context required to sniff out bullshit like analysis/narratives utilizing the Gregorian Calendar timeline or the Cartesian Physics model - i.e. Imposed Reality
Finally, as you say Gunny, it obscures organic/authentic material that is less available/visible and hence requires effort from the individual to find, vet out and integrate into their own cosmology. It is taking away from the "Real Reality" consensus that needs establishing.
TPTB certainly are experts in subterfuge and the cultivation/application of Charlatan messengers, stay vigilant!

@diogenesofsinope I just saw your lame attack on lol get a life. I forgive you though it's not your fault.

i actually dig his work. i've been following his stuff since he was on about being the reincarnated edgar cayce. which was over 20 years ago at this point.
now, i'm not saying a 100% 'believe' everything he says. but i will say that in my research of high strangeness type subjects i utilize as many sources as i can find to make up my own mind on what i think is going on.
i do think the high strangeness community would do good to open up their mind more to the 'new age hippy stuff' as it were and in general think the stigma against the new age material in the high strangeness community is just repeating the same dynamic of how the mainstream paranormal disciplines view the high strangeness community.
now with goode and his claims. i certainly dont 'believe' that (ie- 20 and back super solider stuff)...as i argue it simply isn't possible to 'believe' something like that unless one goes through the experience. it is just 'beyond belief'.
but i came across an interesting video from the farsight institute (RV group) and the leader of the org. was saying how he was skeptical of the whole super solider stories but when he had his remote viewers look into it they picked up on the reality of what they were saying. which he says surprised him.
also, i do want to point out that ive been reading and listening to the 'channeled' messages from the Pleiadians as channeled by Barbara Marciniak since the 90s and listen to every one of her new channellings. pretty much everything they are saying is exactly what the guests on THC are saying. so again, i like to get info from as many sources as possible to make up my own mind. and when i'm hearing the same thing from multiple alternative sources i tend to 'believe' it.... although again, i'm not sure anyone can 'believe' this stuff as it is simply beyond belief.
in anycase, thats my 2 cents.

Get a life loser LOL
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