DEMOCRACY (the God that failed)

hisich wrote: Where does your belief in democracy & statism come from? State schools that were meant to turn you into a manageable, obedient 'citizen' (serf/slave)!
Serf - perhaps for now, obedient - not really.

This video reminded me of the above Monty Python clip regarding the granting of authority.
Declaring yourself President is about as legitimate as strange women lying in ponds distributing swords as a basis for a system of government.

shamangineer wrote: Learn the history, that video I linked gives a good summary as a start. Don't believe it? Look at the results where it has been tried.
LOL...I love it when other people try to tell me what my philosophical position is...its like I'm telling you I'm opposed to slavery & you're trying to convince me that I actually support slavery.
NAP, self-ownership, voluntary-interactions...I can't make it any clearer than that!

The account of how the Semco company abolished bureaucracy and increased democracy in the workplace to unleash the potential of their employees:

shamangineer wrote: The account of how the Semco company abolished bureaucracy and increased democracy in the workplace to unleash the potential of their employees:
Socialism-influenced vegan restaurant goes out of business — and the reason is satisfyingly comical

shamangineer wrote: The account of how the Semco company abolished bureaucracy and increased democracy in the workplace to unleash the potential of their employees:
Democracy w/i the context of a voluntary arrangement like this company is fine. Its involuntary arrangements like the govt./state where its unworkable (the bigger the govt./state, the more unworkable it is).
Also, Shaman, how can some people vote to give other people powers that none of them individually (outside of the political system) possess in the first place?
Examples: neither of us has the power to "tax" (i.e., extort) others, so how is it that we can bestow this power on others? We can't pass/enforce "laws" (i.e., kidnap or kill others for simply disagreeing w/us) so how can we bestow this power on others?

Upon realizing that the sheep is in fact a wolf wearing a disguise, do we still call it a sheep?
That’s how I interpret so-called democracies (which are anti-democracies in reality) which are based upon siphoning energy (soul & money) for the very few at the top.
In that context, voting to elect politicians is like turkeys setting the table for Thanksgiving, to use a David Ickian analogy.
I love the novel ideas mentioned around prosperous workplaces, without being trapped into a communistic framework.
Learned a lot by working/interning at some organizations, including NPOs that gave everyone more trust, and responsibilities to create a synergistic work environment.
A while ago, in one of Erich Fromm’s book, he mentioned the example of a small French business that kickstarted a movement that empowers employees to develop their talents/skills at the workplace. These included workshops and classes in physics/engineering/gardening/financial literacy/physical exercise/ philosophy; arts, to really create a wholesome human being.
But also, bonuses that would be given based on the economical impact of each worker (capped at a certain amount), and a two-way feedback debriefing at the end of each trimester.
Even Google employees used to have their 10% side-interest time allotted to a project (an initiative that supposedly spawned GMaps; Gmail & more). Though now its become the digital guestapo..
I had never heard of something like that, it made a huge impact on me at the time. Unfortunately, the company no longer exists today, but I’m sure the torch has been passed.
Another one is Walter Russell’s book called THINK, outlining ethics in the businessplace and his work with IBM and its founder T. Watson. It’s almost ironic or rather, idealistic looking back half a century later given how much Russell is praising Watson’s efforts of a creating true Ethical Global paradigm. But the basic gist being balance between Inner (Mind) and Outer (Material) thinking ability.

enjoypolo wrote: Upon realizing that the sheep is in fact a wolf wearing a disguise, do we still call it a sheep?
That’s how I interpret so-called democracies (which are anti-democracies in reality) which are based upon siphoning energy (soul & money) for the very few at the top.
In that context, voting to elect politicians is like turkeys setting the table for Thanksgiving, to use a David Ickian analogy.
I love the novel ideas mentioned around prosperous workplaces, without being trapped into a communistic framework.
Learned a lot by working/interning at some organizations, including NPOs that gave everyone more trust, and responsibilities to create a synergistic work environment.A while ago, in one of Erich Fromm’s book, he mentioned the example of a small French business that kickstarted a movement that empowers employees to develop their talents/skills at the workplace. These included workshops and classes in physics/engineering/gardening/financial literacy/physical exercise/ philosophy; arts, to really create a wholesome human being.
But also, bonuses that would be given based on the economical impact of each worker (capped at a certain amount), and a two-way feedback debriefing at the end of each trimester.Even Google employees used to have their 10% side-interest time allotted to a project (an initiative that supposedly spawned GMaps; Gmail & more). Though now its become the digital guestapo..
I had never heard of something like that, it made a huge impact on me at the time. Unfortunately, the company no longer exists today, but I’m sure the torch has been passed.
Another one is Walter Russell’s book called THINK, outlining ethics in the businessplace and his work with IBM and its founder T. Watson. It’s almost ironic or rather, idealistic looking back half a century later given how much Russell is praising Watson’s efforts of a creating true Ethical Global paradigm. But the basic gist being balance between Inner (Mind) and Outer (Material) thinking ability.
At this point the word "democracy" has largely become meaningless...most folks use it as a synonym for "good". People love democracy until a vote doesn't go their way, then they go whining to a judge to overturn it, LOL.

Bribery is legal, corporate subsidies outweigh public services, and those that represent corporate interests over constituents needs are set for life through the revolving door. Wealth owns most of government today. These same moneyed interests fund the think tanks that peddle the symptom of poor governance in place of the cause which is largely unrestrained and poorly regulated business interests as they scream over-regulation.
Abolishing democracy will only make the world into a sprawling series of slummy mill-towns with cloistered corporate overlords and factories that resemble prisons with a dictator put in place to ensure their needs are met. Look at South America to see what they want to do here with witless fools like yourself preaching freedom the whole way into the shackles you forged with your own tongue.

Let me add my 2 cents. (disclaimer I didn't read all you guys back and forth)
The democracy needs to be revised in 2 easy ways. We need to make sure that the people voting have sufficient informayion on what's being proposed by the people they'll vote for. So some type of easy quizz before voting....
Secondly since politicians are not held responsible for not honoring the electoral promesses they should step down if they don't honor we they told us during the election circus. So they would have to set to paper what they hope to achieve during their term. Everyother major decision would have to be done by referendum or something.
Also my easy captilism fix (since i currently hold ALL the answers 😉 ). : SALARY CAP FOR ALL. People would stil be earning different salaries but as soon as you reach (let's say) 5 million in one year you can't earn more. Same for compagnies you business has made sufficient amount to pay all employees for the year they should direct their business to competitor or who pick up to task.


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