Does your mobile phone have a consciousness?

Soul, spirit, self, a consciousness, call it what you will -
I have over the years replaced the manufacturer operating system of my android mobile phone with a custom ROM - like cyanogenmod (now discontinued) or Lineage - and the various offshoots of that -
I suspected before but this time I noticed more of the subtle changes when I changed the ROM of my latest new phone.
I had to keep the manufacturers ROM for longer than usual as no decent stable alternative was available.
So I had Stock ROM but it was rooted and I got used to it and the "feel"
I found that I was staring at the screen for longer and longer, even if I was watching a movie I had to pick it up and look, I wasn't even doing anything with it just looking at the home landing page - like narcissus looking at his false self-image.
Maybe its my em-path abilities that I can pick up these subtle energies- or my paranoid delusions - pick which label you want to apply.
But I got round to removing the original Stock ROM and putting a Lineage based ROM on it - and within the first 24 hrs I noticed a big change in my behavior toward the phone - less staring at it - it was easier to just put it to the side and forget about it not always checking it.
It felt different it felt like there was no Soul, or life in it. it felt like the plastic, metal and hardware that it was and nothing more.
You might have had a similar feeling - after you return home after a long holiday you house feels empty or not lived in. the same goes for when you first move into a new house or apartment - people talk of a house feels welcoming or lived in.
Try it out yourself - do you have a older phone sitting in a draw - boot it up get used to it again, how it feels. Then remove the ROM and put Lineage on it - Its fairly easy to do Loads of tutorials online and I promise you, you will feel a small bit of liberation once you've finished.
The super-ego and its social conditioning will kick in first - (you're not allowed to do this!, what if you turn it into a brick? etc - but once its done its like the techno- shackles have been loosened and you've shut the door to that personal archon.
I'd be interested to hear peoples feedback if you want to try this experiment.
Well it felt like that for me with the phone - there was nothing extra there.
Here's the woo woo bit
If this is the case what is that life force simulacrum - Archons! or course. from all accounts they are plasma - electromagnetic entities - so they will use electromagnetic devices to stare into our own consciousnesses - if there are gaps (there will be) in your being as a whole its like a door they use to access and live vicariously through your flesh body - like a meat suit incarnation!
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