Dr. Wallace Wong, t...
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Dr. Wallace Wong, trans con man

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I've tried a million times to post this but it keeps getting auto-removed. I understand the reasons why but so far it's worked in the interest of TRAs, not women. Or children, for that matter. I removed all links but it turns out that even mentioning the names of the sources is unacceptable. More on that in a minute.

Dr. Wallace Wong, of Sandcastles, runs a clinic in British Colombia for "trans" kids. He has speaking tours and books that supplement his income. He has six doctors under him. Of his clients, 501 of them are children in foster care. That's about 10-20% of children in foster care in BC. Why the hell one gender quack is the only man who can help 501 children for a previously unheard of disorder should be red flag #1. Of these 7 doctors, just the ministry children alone would mean about 71 children per doctor. The average psychologist sees 25 patients a week, which means they can't possibly be seeing these children on a frequent basis.

There are several issues with Dr. Wallace Wong. He's been recorded saying that his youngest client is not even three years old. He's also been recorded instructing parents to pull the suicide card if the department does not immediately agree to puberty blockers and cross hormones.

501 foster care children are about to have their fertility and health destroyed with no one to defend them. One client not in foster care was court ordered to receive hormones against her father's wishes.

This is Catholic Church level abuse. It is a scam, a racket, and should involve not just license stripping but JAIL TIME.

I'm not linking to the news stories because only the conservative media is reporting this. I understand why we don't want to give them clicks, but for me, it just made GC communication and awareness more difficult, more policed, and worked to the benefit of TRAs, and no one else. Their facts came from Dr. Wong's own public statements at the Vancouver Public Library. Since progressive media has pretty much abandoned us for the sake of wealthy AGPs we may have to plug our noses and get our information where we can, while we build up our own outlets. (That get banned).

He's already shut down his personal website for speaking tours and books, but his clinic is still up and open for new clients.

Canadian citizens really, really need to seek transparency for how their foster care system functions, and how quacks are able to acquire tax money. They have a right to know what safeguards are missing. I really, really don't want to be asleep at the wheel and pay more attention to makeup names than mostly foster girls being sterilized and pumped with testosterone.


Original source

I know that TERFs are motivated mostly by hatred of men, but they are right about this.

Posted : April 4, 2019 9:50 AM
Posts: 318
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Oh come now Hugh. You're over reacting.

A white man can be a tranny cyborg hindu woman with a penis, and saying other wise is transphobic.

Posted : April 10, 2019 5:38 AM
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Ok, i feel a bit bad about my previous (slightly) snarky comment on this. This is a dangerous and important issue, and Hugh is braver than me for raising it. I only really meant to point out the absurdity of our current cultural predicament. 2+2 = 5 and all that.

I realise it's uncool to say this and no doubt I'll get haters - but the trans agenda hurts women and children. Not most trans people per-se (although,see the TERF wars links below), but the trans agenda is damaging as hell. It erases women; politically, biologically and socially. It performs radical experiments on vulnerable children. Fucking Tavistock Institute, people!

I get why Greg doesn't want to touch it. The same reason why all the people on the r/genderCritical thread use throwaway accounts to avoid getting doxxed.

It seems saying basic statements of fact is 'violence', for example, stating that men who 'feel like women' aren't actually women, is violence. However, for some reason, threatening ACTUAL violence against ACTUAL women is pat on the back A-ok! Tumblr stars for all of you! Threatening to rape lesbians with your 'lady-dick' makes you like a progressive hero.

And take this person, for example. He's a fedora wearing, beard-sprouting dude-bro who 'feels' like a woman because he likes My Little Pony, although claims to be totally comfortable with his very manly body. He starts of by saying, "as a trans woman... as a woman..." and goes on to be offended by a hypothetical professor hypothetically saying 'good morning ladies and gentlemen'. It makes a mockery of our very language. All meaning is destroyed.


I do not want to share a bathroom with this guy. He may 'feel' like a woman, but looks and acts like a big hairy privileged man. The danger of the trans agenda is that I would probably get more heat for just saying that than a man would get for actually raping a woman in a bathroom. Language and ideology are being rigidly policed in order to silence rational discussion. Truth does not fear open dialogue.

If trans people were merely wanting to do their beautiful thing, so be it. I'll lend you some of my rad dresses. But they also want to redefine who and what I am. I am no longer a woman (that is like, totally cis-sexist). I am a uterus-bearer, an AFAB, a pregnant person, a cis-female. No one gets to define who I am, or my daughters. Fuck all that shit.

tl:dr :
Please check out this reasoned and rational argument on the sex and gender issue. https://sexandgenderintro.com/
If you did want an episode on this, I would highly recommend Rebecca Reilly-Cooper, brave soul that she is.

Posted : April 11, 2019 5:37 AM
Posts: 474
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Yes it's child abuse.

After feeling abandoned and rejected by the world the kids will do anything, even against their own want & will to feel accepted.

They will have split psyche - a survival self takes over to get them through upheaval and disconnect they feel. And it will do anything that pleases caregivers, doctors etc.

Their true self - want & will - bows out only to return once they feel safe, wanted, accepted.

This analysis is from winnicott & kalsched both highly respected Jungian analysts.

Posted : April 11, 2019 11:30 AM
Posts: 318
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nickzeptepi wrote:
After feeling abandoned and rejected by the world the kids will do anything, even against their own want & will to feel accepted.

They will have split psyche - a survival self takes over to get them through upheaval and disconnect they feel. And it will do anything that pleases caregivers, doctors etc.

Oh wait, it's almost like trauma based mind control.

Please also check out my (new) favourite female cockney philospher on the matter Magdalen Berns

Posted : April 12, 2019 12:12 AM
Posts: 318
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I would also like to address the logical fallacy that talking about transagendas damages some hypothetical willowy teen who is confused about their gender. The opposite is true because dun dun DUUUUUH! it's a conspiracy! That trans teens disproportionately commit suicide has been thoroughly debunked.

Not talking about it is dangerous to children and YA's. We should be telling kids that almost NO ONE feels comfortable in restrictive gender roles, and we should teach them to love and accept themselves, not to turn to radical surgery. And it is radical, because they are making it up as they fucking go.

Normalising castration and a life times dependence on artificial hormones is child abuse. It leads inevitably to sterilisation and life long medical challenges. (See Dr Michelle Cretella, head of American Paediatrics Association on the health risks) It ONLY benefits ideological oligarchs like Jennifer Priztker (net worth 1.9B) and Martine Rothblatt , both transgender, the latter also transhumanist, both HEAVILY invested in biotech, standing to benefit massively from the push to medicalise normal childhood behaviour. (see here for full money train)

Allowing men into women only spaces put women and children at risk. They risk exposure to men like 'Karen White'

This is Karen. Hello Karen! Karen raped three women, including a pregnant woman and stabbed his elderly neighbour. Then, because he is 'trans' and the world is totally fucking bat-shit, he was remanded in a womens prison where he went on to rape two more women.

Or 'Lauren Jeska'. Lauren tried to murder 3 athletics officials who ruled that as a man, Lauren's winning of a fell-race three years in a row was null and void. Again, this violent man was placed in a women's prison. The other fucked up thing about this is that his crimes will be counted in the statistics as crimes by women.

"Sentencing details from the Crown Court indicate that this violent crime will be recorded in female crime statistics rather than male, as Jeska is listed as female. In 2016, Ministry of Justice statistics reveal there were only 6 women convicted of attempted murder in England and Wales (presumably including Jeska), meaning that Jeska’s inclusion has effectively distorted and increased the female crime statistics in this category by 20%."

Cheryl Partsch was punched in the face by 6 foot 3 martial arts expert David Hagan (pic below) because she questioned his use of the female bathroom. David Hagan's meaty fist knocked out five of Cheryl's teeth. Very, very feminine.

Oh, I could just go on and on all day, because there are literally no end of examples to cite, but I think I'm going to go have to have a shower.

Men who 'feel like they are women' is just a ridiculous concept. I can 'feel' like I am an African-American man, but I can only ever project my own notions of what that experience is like because I have NOTHING to base it on other than cultural stereotypes. Men putting on shit tons of make up and flicking their hair around to 'perform femininity' is sexist as fuck, and I reject it.

And in the immortal words of Magdalen Berns "Your minds are so fucking open your brains fell out"

another lovely, lovely lady

Posted : April 14, 2019 8:02 AM
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nickzeptepi wrote: Yes it's child abuse.

After feeling abandoned and rejected by the world the kids will do anything, even against their own want & will to feel accepted.

They will have split psyche - a survival self takes over to get them through upheaval and disconnect they feel. And it will do anything that pleases caregivers, doctors etc.

Their true self - want & will - bows out only to return once they feel safe, wanted, accepted.

This analysis is from winnicott & kalsched both highly respected Jungian analysts.

Yep. All this stuff is a mental illness or a personality disorder. They are transing 3-year olds. Sometimes 3-year old think they are cats for God's sake. I suggest just getting out of the way and enjoying the trainwreck, because this is really an internal fight between two feminist factions.

Posted : April 14, 2019 10:40 AM
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hugh johnson wrote: I suggest just getting out of the way and enjoying the trainwreck, because this is really an internal fight between two feminist factions.

How exactly is a bunch of filthy rich sociopaths giving chemo drugs, I mean 'puberty blockers' to children a fight between two feminist factions?

Men are now women, and violent male oligarchs are now feminists, are they?

I am disapoint, Hugh. Did you just troll your own thread?

Posted : April 16, 2019 10:34 PM
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rani wrote: How exactly is a bunch of filthy rich sociopaths giving chemo drugs, I mean 'puberty blockers' to children a fight between two feminist factions?

Men are now women, and violent male oligarchs are now feminists, are they?

I am disapoint, Hugh. Did you just troll your own thread?

Pretty much all the support trannies get comes from feminist factions. It's left wing, feminist aligned parties and organizations that enforce this. Those few oligarchs are irrelevant. It is feminists and their allies that attack anyone that questions the narrative. Just look at any protest, these are not oligarchs or paid protesters doing this.

Posted : April 17, 2019 6:12 AM
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hugh johnson wrote: Just look at any protest, these are not oligarchs or paid protesters doing this.

No they are mind controlled like so many other belief/hate driven movements.
Speaking out against children being experimented with big pharma benefiting for the rest of their lives...hmm why does that sound familiar.
It's exactly the same as the vaccinations, it's now being forced upon people so where is this agenda heading??
And is it just me or has this got absolutely nothing in common with Gay rights??

Posted : April 17, 2019 9:02 AM
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thwolf wrote: No they are mind controlled like so many other belief/hate driven movements.
Speaking out against children being experimented with big pharma benefiting for the rest of their lives...hmm why does that sound familiar.
It's exactly the same as the vaccinations, it's now being forced upon people so where is this agenda heading??
And is it just me or has this got absolutely nothing in common with Gay rights??

Gay rights are fundametally different. You could even argue that trans stuff is conversion therapy. However I don't think you can just say people are mind controlled, because people do have agency.

Posted : April 17, 2019 10:58 AM
Posts: 318
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thwolf wrote: hmm why does that sound familiar.
It's exactly the same as the vaccinations, it's now being forced upon people so where is this agenda heading?? And is it just me or has this got absolutely nothing in common with Gay rights??

Spot on! I think this is actually the two cultural vectors of vaccinations and 'liberalism' colliding in a horrible, violent mess. One theme says 'medicalise your children or face the consequences' (vaccinations, adhd meds etc). The second theme is a 'turn the other cheek' abrahamic philosophy that prompts you to love your enemyeven when he's a violent skinhead in a skirt, walking the streets with a baseball bat threatening to turn you into the police for 'misgendering'.

It has nothing to do with gay rights. Many gay people, especially lesbians are protesting that the trans movement has hijacked years of activism. LGB is about being free to be yourself and love who you love openly. the "T" that has been tacked on to the end (plus all the other ridiculous letters) is not about loving yourself, it is about hating yourself so much you turn to the medical industrial complex for the chance of release from the disconnect with your natural body. It is about being so hateful and confused that you attack lesbians for not wanting to have sex with a biological male because he has put a skirt on and called himself 'Karen'.

Just because Martine Rothblatt does not appear at a rally does not mean that the puppets of the Tide Foundation are not the ones orchestrating it. Tides net worth last year was over 150 million dollars. In the UK, the newly minted Mermaids charity (govt funded by over a million a year) also organises AstroTurf rallies seeded with demented individuals, but that does not make them feminist. They are also keen on setting the cops on anyone who disagrees with them.

Both feminism and gay rights have been co-opted and erased by the trans-agenda. The agenda is anti-gay and anti-feminist to it's very core. Please do not confuse the groups just because a bunch of trans activists come and gatecrash. Just think to yourself how quickly trans rights have been codified into law? And how those same rights have literally erased women?

Posted : April 18, 2019 12:56 AM
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rani wrote: Spot on! I think this is actually the two cultural vectors of vaccinations and 'liberalism' colliding in a horrible, violent mess. One theme says 'medicalise your children or face the consequences' (vaccinations, adhd meds etc). The second theme is a 'turn the other cheek' abrahamic philosophy that prompts you to love your enemyeven when he's a violent skinhead in a skirt, walking the streets with a baseball bat threatening to turn you into the police for 'misgendering'.

It has nothing to do with gay rights. Many gay people, especially lesbians are protesting that the trans movement has hijacked years of activism. LGB is about being free to be yourself and love who you love openly. the "T" that has been tacked on to the end (plus all the other ridiculous letters) is not about loving yourself, it is about hating yourself so much you turn to the medical industrial complex for the chance of release from the disconnect with your natural body. It is about being so hateful and confused that you attack lesbians for not wanting to have sex with a biological male because he has put a skirt on and called himself 'Karen'.

Just because Martine Rothblatt does not appear at a rally does not mean that the puppets of the Tide Foundation are not the ones orchestrating it. Tides net worth last year was over 150 million dollars. In the UK, the newly minted Mermaids charity (govt funded by over a million a year) also organises AstroTurf rallies seeded with demented individuals, but that does not make them feminist. They are also keen on setting the cops on anyone who disagrees with them.

Both feminism and gay rights have been co-opted and erased by the trans-agenda. The agenda is anti-gay and anti-feminist to it's very core. Please do not confuse the groups just because a bunch of trans activists come and gatecrash. Just think to yourself how quickly trans rights have been codified into law? And how those same rights have literally erased women?

They have not "literally erased women". Figuratively perhaps. In many spaces where feminists are completely dominant, like college campuses, trans agenda is the strongest. Feminism is a strong movement quite capable of destroying people who challenge it, and they could easily crush even the entire LGBT movement. But they are the ones supporting trans agenda. Just because you say "No True Feminist" does not mean they are not feminist. 150 million is peanuts compared to the millions committed feminists around the world capable of changing government policy and cultural norms. And those feminists are the power base of the trans movement, and the LGBT movement. The Tide Foundation does not ostracise you on the college campus for disagreeing with trans agenda, it is actual feminist women.

Posted : April 18, 2019 3:55 PM
Posts: 474
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Jasun Horsley did a 8 part blog series about the trans topic - covering the things like social conditioning and the significantly increased suicide rates etc
Its well worth the read, his research is unbiased but slanted towards the social conditioning agendas etc.

here's the intro

and first

the first bit extract
“In contrast to the relative lack of controversy about treating adolescents and adults, there is no expert clinical consensus regarding the treatment of prepubescent children who meet diagnostic criteria for what was referred to in both DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10 as gender identity disorder in children and now in DSM-5 as gender dysphoria. One reason for the differing attitudes has to do with the pervasive nature of gender dysphoria in older adolescents and adults: it rarely desists, and so the treatment of choice is gender or sex reassignment. On the subject of treating children, however, as the World Professional Association for Transgender Health notes in their latest Standards of Care, gender dysphoria in childhood does not inevitably continue into adulthood, and only 6 to 23 percent of boys and 12 to 27 percent of girls treated in gender clinics showed persistence of their gender dysphoria into adulthood. Further, most of the boys’ gender dysphoria desisted, and in adulthood, they identified as gay rather than as transgender.”

— Drescher J, Pula J., “Ethical issues raised by the treatment of gender-variant prepubescent children

Posted : April 19, 2019 1:04 AM
Posts: 318
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hugh johnson wrote: They have not "literally erased women"

When a man can declare himself a woman, with full protection of the law, "woman" as a category becomes meaningless. Women are erased as a political entity. There is also a push to 'trans' history. Women who out of necessity dressed as men to survive and be granted the agency of a full and competent human being are now being described as 'early trans-men'. This is erasure of our achievements and struggles.

Regardless, gender dysphoria exists in a special category of mental delusion. It is protected by law and encouraged at all levels. We do not grant gastric by-pass surgery to body dismorphic anorexics. Nor do we remove limbs of those with body integrity dismorphia who believe that they were meant to be amputees. Instead, we treat them with compassion and attempt to heal their minds to accept their natural bodies.

That gender disphorics are treated so radically differently should be an indication that a deeper and more nefarious agenda is at play.

Posted : April 29, 2019 4:12 AM
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