Duncan Trussell FH: Paul Selig - Wicked episode!

Hey y’all,
I listened to the last episode of Duncan Trussell’s podcast (DTFH) with Paul Selig the other night before my sleep, and was just blown-away, hardcore.
Paul’s a channeler and the two discuss a wide range of philosophical topics, but best of all, Paul starts channelling live on the show with a message from beings from another civilization (at least that’s how I get it). The thing is, it was beautiful and so much wisdom and insights containd within.
I’m not big on the channelling subculture, but I did read the Law of One series, and personally, I just think those two instances are amazing events. Which is why I’d recommend y’all to check it out.
I also thought it’s pretty cool to literally be live podcasting across the Cosmos with some of our cousins.
Talk about a revolution.
Here’s the link for the episode thru iTunes:
PS: if you wanna skip commercials and get right into it: jump to 15:00

I loved Paul on Duncan's show and I would certainly be curious as to how he would do on THC

I submit this for Peer Review. If you can see where I'm wrong, please let me know.
The story Trussell begins with is about a guy practicing "Radical Inclusivity" and meeting the pyromaniac. He thinks "How do I integrate people with such destructive tendencies?" He claims that the solution is to spontaneously combust- to become them, or to make yourself the result of their inclinations. Why? Because it feels good. "Little fiery hands massaging you."
How does this apply when you meet the 900 lb man who really likes McDonalds' food? Or the heroin addict? Or the child molester? Or the Illuminazi? To do things that make you feel good, without analyzing the potential results can be a recipe for disaster.
"Step into your own knowing and stop just listening to other people."
I agree. That is why it is my patent response to anyone who tells me they just got some great "channeled information." Etheric entities that implant thoughts into your head aren't always good (archons, wetiko, etc.). In fact, I have never seen a good one. They can be Master Manipulators that implant enslaving lies among a lot of good truths in the hope that you will swallow the message whole.
"All that you put external to you (or god), you call to you."
This is wrong in my experience. I used to drink way too much. I put drinking external to myself and eradicated it. I don't even hear it's call now. I have always put child molesters external to myself (and god) and I can see no evidence of it "calling them to me." Kinda sucks, because my Bucket List contains the item "Meet a child molester in a dark alley." Can't find a single one a those punks. And I still have no urge to rape a kid.
"Let go of the need to blame."
Without blame, there can be no forgiveness (which is a powerful healing strategy). There can be no guilt (which is your internal mechanism that allows you to acknowledge wrong-doing and motivates you to rectify the situation).
"You can learn from the path of fear, but it is a hard teacher and a longer path"
One can only learn this way if they can "own" (take responsibility for, or "blame" themselves for) the bad shit they've done. One cannot even learn from others mistakes if he cannot say "He did this, it caused so much pain, and I'm not going to do that." (acknowledge the perpetrator of the bad act or "assign blame," recognize the act's effects, and decide that those effects are undesirable). If you can't assign "blame," then it could have been the weather, or the fact that Trump's president that caused the negative behavior. There is no reason to change things about yourself if the behavior is seen as the "natural result of unavoidable circumstances."
I can't correct a personal flaw (procrastination, or rage outbursts, or excessive drinking) without acknowledging that I am doing it- assigning the blame to me, rather than saying things like "Other things came up," or "He really made me mad," or "It was a rough day and I need a drink."
One of the biggest reasons to have moderators on a forum is so that they can identify problems and correct them. Without the ability to identify the problem (assign blame- whether technical or user-based) they are left with no ability to keep the forum from degenerating into unproductive chaos.
The final "Attunement" is hypnosis. It is designed to make you "Step into and reclaim what you have always been."
I don't want to reclaim what I have always been. I want learn and grow into something new and more perfect. Why have I incarnated on this earth if not to learn new things and become something more useful, loving, beautiful, and perfect than I had been before I started?
Polo- Please forgive me if it feels like I'm taking a dump on your parade. It's not my intention. I do think their are some useful truths uttered in this interview. I just seek to eliminate all that threatens to poison and destroy my brothers.
If I am wrong, please let me know how.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote: I submit this for Peer Review. If you can see where I'm wrong, please let me know.
The story Trussell begins with is about a guy practicing "Radical Inclusivity" and meeting the pyromaniac. He thinks "How do I integrate people with such destructive tendencies?" He claims that the solution is to spontaneously combust- to become them, or to make yourself the result of their inclinations. Why? Because it feels good. "Little fiery hands massaging you."
How does this apply when you meet the 900 lb man who really likes McDonalds' food? Or the heroin addict? Or the child molester? Or the Illuminazi? To do things that make you feel good, without analyzing the potential results can be a recipe for disaster.
"Step into your own knowing and stop just listening to other people."
I agree. That is why it is my patent response to anyone who tells me they just got some great "channeled information." Etheric entities that implant thoughts into your head aren't always good (archons, wetiko, etc.). In fact, I have never seen a good one. They can be Master Manipulators that implant enslaving lies among a lot of good truths in the hope that you will swallow the message whole.
"All that you put external to you (or god), you call to you."
This is wrong in my experience. I used to drink way too much. I put drinking external to myself and eradicated it. I don't even hear it's call now. I have always put child molesters external to myself (and god) and I can see no evidence of it "calling them to me." Kinda sucks, because my Bucket List contains the item "Meet a child molester in a dark alley." Can't find a single one a those punks. And I still have no urge to rape a kid.
"Let go of the need to blame."
Without blame, there can be no forgiveness (which is a powerful healing strategy). There can be no guilt (which is your internal mechanism that allows you to acknowledge wrong-doing and motivates you to rectify the situation).
"You can learn from the path of fear, but it is a hard teacher and a longer path"
One can only learn this way if they can "own" (take responsibility for, or "blame" themselves for) the bad shit they've done. One cannot even learn from others mistakes if he cannot say "He did this, it caused so much pain, and I'm not going to do that." (acknowledge the perpetrator of the bad act or "assign blame," recognize the act's effects, and decide that those effects are undesirable). If you can't assign "blame," then it could have been the weather, or the fact that Trump's president that caused the negative behavior. There is no reason to change things about yourself if the behavior is seen as the "natural result of unavoidable circumstances."
I can't correct a personal flaw (procrastination, or rage outbursts, or excessive drinking) without acknowledging that I am doing it- assigning the blame to me, rather than saying things like "Other things came up," or "He really made me mad," or "It was a rough day and I need a drink."
One of the biggest reasons to have moderators on a forum is so that they can identify problems and correct them. Without the ability to identify the problem (assign blame- whether technical or user-based) they are left with no ability to keep the forum from degenerating into unproductive chaos.
The final "Attunement" is hypnosis. It is designed to make you "Step into and reclaim what you have always been."
I don't want to reclaim what I have always been. I want learn and grow into something new and more perfect. Why have I incarnated on this earth if not to learn new things and become something more useful, loving, beautiful, and perfect than I had been before I started?
No worries man, I always enjoy when conversations turn around, so feel free to post whatever comes to your mind.
I can't say that I have a big interest in channeling per se. For the longest time, I thought it was horse-shit, like the materialist-reductionist I grew up to be. Though even that was a result of cognitive dissonance, since as per my shinto background we always pay respects to our passed ancestors (which I think is a form of channeling, praying at very least).
It was not until a few years ago when I came across David Wilcock, and his research into the Law of One series, and when I got my hands on the books, and read through the lengthy series, that I started digging deeper into the process.
My discerning diagnostic is the same as always: a message that resonates with me usually contains a touch of humility, life-lovingness and service-to-others attitudes. Anything that remotely feels like it's trying to bind you into something, or advocates for fear-mindedness is a red-flag in my book.
"All that you put external to you (or god), you call to you."
That's an interesting meditation man. A wise quote from Alexander's Solzhenitsyn's book Gulag Archipelago, a powerful biography of his experiences in the soviet gulgags, read something like:
“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”
The hardest thing to think about is, to figure out a path that leads to stop the flow of pain, ideally forgiveness, even for someone like child molesters. As opposed to simply "otherizing" them as monsters, only to exterminate them.
It's the same thinking behind Hanna Arendt's seminal book on Eichman and the Banality of Evil. Aka we're all actors playing our parts in this play.
Maybe it's like the direction and speed of both spins upwards, and downwards, and the infinite potential in between those polarities is always present.

enjoypolo wrote: No worries man, I always enjoy when conversations turn around, so feel free to post whatever comes to your mind.
I can't say that I have a big interest in channeling per se. For the longest time, I thought it was horse-shit, like the materialist-reductionist I grew up to be. Though even that was a result of cognitive dissonance, since as per my shinto background we always pay respects to our passed ancestors (which I think is a form of channeling, praying at very least).
It was not until a few years ago when I came across David Wilcock, and his research into the Law of One series, and when I got my hands on the books, and read through the lengthy series, that I started digging deeper into the process.
My discerning diagnostic is the same as always: a message that resonates with me usually contains a touch of humility, life-lovingness and service-to-others attitudes. Anything that remotely feels like it's trying to bind you into something, or advocates for fear-mindedness is a red-flag in my book.
"All that you put external to you (or god), you call to you."
That's an interesting meditation man. A wise quote from Alexander's Solzhenitsyn's book Gulag Archipelago, a powerful biography of his experiences in the soviet gulgags, read something like:
The hardest thing to think about is, to figure out a path that leads to stop the flow of pain, ideally forgiveness, even for someone like child molesters. As opposed to simply "otherizing" them as monsters, only to exterminate them.
It's the same thinking behind Hanna Arendt's seminal book on Eichman and the Banality of Evil. Aka we're all actors playing our parts in this play.Maybe it's like the direction and speed of both spins upwards, and downwards, and the infinite potential in between those polarities is always present.
No worries man, I always enjoy when conversations turn around, so feel free to post whatever comes to your mind.
I think statements like this are the mark of an advanced mind. Thanks, man.
as per my shinto background we always pay respects to our passed ancestors (which I think is a form of channeling, praying at very least).
I've heard many people talk of this practice in glowing terms. I have no experience with it, but it seems like an effective technique from the perspective of the model I use. I wouldn't call it "channeling," though. What I know as "channeling" would be likened to "acting as a mouth-piece for the entity involved." Do your ancestors "speak through you?" Or is it more of a "Hey guys, I remember and respect you," and they kinda watch out for you in return?
David Wilcock, and his research into the Law of One series,
I have not read the Law of One, but I am familiar with David Wilcock. I consider him to be to the king of false hope and unfulfilled promises.
Before 2012, he was telling us that after 2012 things like telekinesis and clairvoyance would be common, everyday occurrences. Just wait for 2012 and shit will get better. Then he wrote an article about "Avenging Hippies from Outer Space" which I loved. About an alien race of hippy-minded do-gooders that was coming down and destroying Deep Underground Military Bases, with a vibe to it of "Just hold on and wait, and these guys will solve things for us." Then he hooked up with a guy - Benjamin Fulford. This was a story about a group of Asian "good-guy" Illuminati that were going to save us from the "bad-guy" Illuminati.
His central theme seems to be "wait for your savior to show up and put things right."
In my opinion, this is stagnation programming. What if we all decided to take responsibility for cleaning up this mess, ourselves? Can you imagine what the human race would look like? Can you imagine a better story than that one? The Redemption of Mankind, rather than humanity as the helpless Damsel in Distress?
I think the phrase "You will know them by their fruits," is incredibly useful. Wilcock's assertions have born no fruit for me. In fact, if anything, they have cost me valuable time.
A lot of people need a gateway drug. Like you, Wilcock was mine. But since then, he has abused my faith in him.
a message that resonates with me usually contains a touch of humility, life-lovingness and service-to-others attitudes.
This can be extremely useful for you. You have just identified the types of things that lull you into a state that won't critically analyse information packaged within it. We all do it. I did it with the "Avenging Hippies from Outer Space." I liked the idea and "heart and soul" of it so much, that I did not examine the underlying message- "Wait for external forces to save you."
Anything that remotely feels like it's trying to bind you into something, or advocates for fear-mindedness is a red-flag in my book.
You have just identified the types of information that can lull you into a state that will cause you to unthinkingly dismiss a useful truth.
Is the man who uses force to stop a rape acting out of Fear or Love? What about the man who takes up arms to free his enslaved brothers and sister? I know I come off like a warmonger most times. Is my drumbeat one of Fear or of Love? This is absolutely necessary for you to decide.
“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”
Me. I will. If there is a part of my heart that only causes pain and suffering to myself or those around me, I will cut it out, burn it away, or heal it into something more perfect.
You listen to this podcast and don't believe there are evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds? What to do with those people- everyone must decide for themselves. We're not in a place to carry out those plans, yet. When we get there, we should have those discussions. But I will definitely attempt to destroy the institutions and systems they have put into place to commit their evil.
As opposed to simply "otherizing" them as monsters, only to exterminate them.
I can "otherize" without making someone into a monster ("He's just a young soul") and I can see other methods than extermination (Healing being one). But I do advocate the extermination of the behavior (child molesting) rather than "Integrating it" or "Finding Balance with it."
Maybe it's like the direction and speed of both spins upwards, and downwards, and the infinite potential in between those polarities is always present.
I agree with this. This is the Law of Polarity, one of the 7 Hermetic Principles. It's what a lot of the ceremonial magic boys use to describe the laws of nature. I've found it highly useful.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.
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