Few-Shot Adversaria...
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Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models

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Don't worry you guys. It's got a cute-sy music track. That means nothing will EVER go wrong and this technology will only be used for funny mashup videos!


And that my friends is why they have been facilitating a narcissistic selfie culture.

Posted : May 29, 2019 3:27 AM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member

rani wrote: Don't worry you guys. It's got a cute-sy music track. That means nothing will EVER go wrong and this technology will only be used for funny mashup videos!


And that my friends is why they have been facilitating a narcissistic selfie culture.

Holy Christ! That is some scary shit.

I look forward to the day I can turn on the TV and see Baphomet reading the evening news.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : May 29, 2019 4:20 AM
Posts: 474
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rani wrote: Don't worry you guys. It's got a cute-sy music track. That means nothing will EVER go wrong and this technology will only be used for funny mashup videos!


And that my friends is why they have been facilitating a narcissistic selfie culture.

Data harvesting! and with deep fakes they could easily manufacture realistic propanada media or whole youtube channels of influencers model citizens to sell stuff, or politcal campaigners, news heads?

Those fake NASA videos will improve now they don't have to use humans on wires.

Posted : May 29, 2019 6:37 AM
Posts: 1354
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it's kinda incredible the realism in certain shots. Definitely seems like an advertiser's (and propagandist's) dream.

Reminds me of this recent Joe Rogan AI clip, made up entirely by an AI harvesting Joe's previous episodes available publicly to create new syntaxes.
It's a bit awkard, but its definitely realistic enough that even I would not notice (I've been listening to him for a while now). It's really strange.

Although you can never quite predict the reverse effect of implementing these sort of orwellian policies. I for one am tempted to make sure my phone acknowledges what I'm reading about. What a world..

Posted : May 29, 2019 6:28 PM
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fifthcolumn wrote: I look forward to the day I can turn on the TV and see Baphomet reading the evening news.

Well, soon you will be able to choose your news-reading avatar. I, personally, will be having my state sponsered propaganda being delivered by classic Japanese actor, Toshiro Mifune.

On the negative, it means using even greater discernment in knowing information to trust. On the other hand, it frees your tongue, becuse if they want to take you down, they'll just generate a clip of you talking shit about the Jews or gay people and you're finished. So go ahead and speak your truth.

John Waters fucking nailed it years ago (sorry it's out of sync)


on the attitude of SJW's


Posted : May 30, 2019 11:19 PM
Posts: 1354
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rani wrote: Well, soon you will be able to choose your news-reading avatar. I, personally, will be having my state sponsered propaganda being delivered by classic Japanese actor, Toshiro Mifune.

On the negative, it means using even greater discernment in knowing information to trust. On the other hand, it frees your tongue, becuse if they want to take you down, they'll just generate a clip of you talking shit about the Jews or gay people and you're finished. So go ahead and speak your truth.

John Waters fucking nailed it years ago (sorry it's out of sync)


on the attitude of SJW's


Good taste Rani, I like the idea of choosing your broadcasters, ha!
My wish is to have an AI smart enough that I can feed “it” information and ask it to figure out something. For example, feed it Teslas patents and ask for a simulation of it.

I don’t think it’s that hard for a computer. It’s just data-processing coupled with learning. A quantum computer would probably be way more efficient, although not readily available.

But my guess is that they’re putting a tight leash on open-sourcing this tech so that only big corps like GAFA (Google-Apple-Facebook-Amazon) are able to benefit from it.
I’m not against a smart, reasonable AI, just against frivolous ones.

Posted : June 2, 2019 11:42 PM
Posts: 318
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enjoypolo wrote: It’s just data-processing coupled with learning. A quantum computer would probably be way more efficient, although not readily available.

It would be nice in theory, but you know I'm personally skeptical about AI. I think the term is misleading, and I think the term 'machine learning' is even more so. Feeding data into a set for an algorithm is not learning. It's only learning as much as our messed up 'educational system' can be termed learning. It is rote repetition at best.

It's like all these 'capcha' you have to undertake now to prove you are not a robot. So, we are feeding data to an algorithm to prove we are not robots in order for the robot to appear less like a robot.

My opinion is that the end game here is the oligarchs eventually announced that they have lost control of the 'bot. We, having been primed for decades, misdirect our anger to the AI rather than the oligarchs who continue their eco- and genocial policies.

Posted : June 4, 2019 1:42 AM
Posts: 1354
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rani wrote: It would be nice in theory, but you know I'm personally skeptical about AI. I think the term is misleading, and I think the term 'machine learning' is even more so. Feeding data into a set for an algorithm is not learning. It's only learning as much as our messed up 'educational system' can be termed learning. It is rote repetition at best.

It's like all these 'capcha' you have to undertake now to prove you are not a robot. So, we are feeding data to an algorithm to prove we are not robots in order for the robot to appear less like a robot.

My opinion is that the end game here is the oligarchs eventually announced that they have lost control of the 'bot. We, having been primed for decades, misdirect our anger to the AI rather than the oligarchs who continue their eco- and genocial policies.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid you're right at this moment in time. Things are accelerating at an incredible pace too, it's hard to keep up.
Take CRISPR (Gene-Editing) as another example of this biotech craze: Was just reading about China's twins born last November.

At this point, I'd put money on the Solar flash scenario / EMP to give us a helping hand.

Posted : June 4, 2019 3:06 PM
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Posted : June 4, 2019 3:15 PM
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enjoypolo wrote: At this point, I'd put money on the Solar flash scenario / EMP to give us a helping hand.

I've been thinking a bit about EMP's recently. They are always billed as weapons to take down the machines and leave the people unharmed. But, given that we are electromagnetic entities both spiritually and physically, surely they would harm us too?

Posted : June 5, 2019 1:09 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

rani wrote: It would be nice in theory, but you know I'm personally skeptical about AI. I think the term is misleading, and I think the term 'machine learning' is even more so. Feeding data into a set for an algorithm is not learning. It's only learning as much as our messed up 'educational system' can be termed learning. It is rote repetition at best.

It's like all these 'capcha' you have to undertake now to prove you are not a robot. So, we are feeding data to an algorithm to prove we are not robots in order for the robot to appear less like a robot.

My opinion is that the end game here is the oligarchs eventually announced that they have lost control of the 'bot. We, having been primed for decades, misdirect our anger to the AI rather than the oligarchs who continue their eco- and genocial policies.

There are conscious machines that were created by John Ernst Worrell Keely which basically created a harmonic vessel for a consciousness to resonate with and act upon.

I am very skeptical of AI. It is heuristic at best. Additionally, even the experts don't really know what correlates in terms of input and output and it therefore has even more potential in the way of unexpected consequences. While it has potential to free people from more formulaic jobs once this industry is better established, it will require a more equitable economic arrangement for it to not cause devastation to poorer communities.




Posted : June 5, 2019 1:52 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

rani wrote: I've been thinking a bit about EMP's recently. They are always billed as weapons to take down the machines and leave the people unharmed. But, given that we are electromagnetic entities both spiritually and physically, surely they would harm us too?

Officially no, in reality - maybe, it depends on the duration and intensity. I guarantee if a solar EMP breaks a plasma filament and it whips across landscape somebody will feel that.

Posted : June 5, 2019 2:03 AM
Posts: 1354
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shamangineer wrote: There are conscious machines that were created by John Ernst Worrell Keely which basically created a harmonic vessel for a consciousness to resonate with and act upon.

I am very skeptical of AI. It is heuristic at best. Additionally, even the experts don't really know what correlates in terms of input and output and it therefore has even more potential in the way of unexpected consequences. While it has potential to free people from more formulaic jobs once this industry is better established, it will require a more equitable economic arrangement for it to not cause devastation to poorer communities.




Yes! John W. Kelly, and Dale Pond's interpretations are fascinating rabbit holes. Definitely changed my mind on what an artificial being could be like. I often refer to it as the Animatrix machine, which 'becomes'/evolves into spirit.
Also, wasn't it Tesla who had some curious familiarity with so-called AI back then?

As for the Solar Flash thing, I've heard David Wilcock mention in his research how the predicted Solar Flash will be an energetic shift into higher density (4th to be precise) due to Space-weather, or the areas our solar system is crossing in the galaxy, which are according to the descriptions found in the Law of One texts as well). I imagine it to be like a collective samadhi type feeling.

One thing I know from psychedelic experiences, is that some people can handle it really bad in the wrong environment, so I wonder if that needs to be taken into account. I also think this is one hypothesis that could explain why pop-culture/media tends to make it look apocalyptic.

PS: Here's one fence I'm encountering. If all things considered in the Universe are natural, then AI is part of that too, right? So I wonder then, if AI is not just a lower-vibration type of intelligence, with even potentially, the ability to evolve, as other types of intelligence do? I dunno these answers, but it crossed my mind.

Posted : June 5, 2019 2:13 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

enjoypolo wrote:
As for the Solar Flash thing, I've heard David Wilcock mention in his research how the predicted Solar Flash will be an energetic shift into higher density (4th to be precise) due to Space-weather, or the areas our solar system is crossing in the galaxy, which are according to the descriptions found in the Law of One texts as well). I imagine it to be like a collective samadhi type feeling.

It seems to me we are going through the early stages of a transformation where the boundaries between matter, energy, and information will become more fluid. This will also coincide with periodic cataclysms on a galactic and world scale. It seems to be starting with a pole shift in it's early phases (which could take hundreds of years) and within a couple of thousand years the galactic center will nova with similar effects. On the shorter end of the scale, the shortest duration for a complete pole reversal was 80 years, so a drop below 50% of Earth's peak magnetic field strength (below this our current civilization begins to collapse) could happen within a decade or two. The Nova can show up at any time with very little notice (the blue star) and we are halfway through the 4000 year window for it to occur.

enjoypolo wrote:
One thing I know from psychedelic experiences, is that some people can handle it really bad in the wrong environment, so I wonder if that needs to be taken into account. I also think this is one hypothesis that could explain why pop-culture/media tends to make it look apocalyptic.

If what I discuss above happened it would not be a walk in the park, but it would be survivable for some, moreso if you can leverage your natural psychic ability and live underground most of the time, but perhaps not all the time. There will likely be people who go batshit in such circumstances without any way to understand what is happening and many others who are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sounds fairly apocalyptic, especially if the soul-barrier is breached and memories of past lives start to bubble up. You could call such an experience the raising of the dead.

Such events would be easier to survive in an underground base powered by ZPE with UFOs. Shielding from the earth might also prevent some of the mental effects, while the Earth's interior has mental effects of it's own.


enjoypolo wrote:
PS: Here's one fence I'm encountering. If all things considered in the Universe are natural, then AI is part of that too, right? So I wonder then, if AI is not just a lower-vibration type of intelligence, with even potentially, the ability to evolve, as other types of intelligence do? I dunno these answers, but it crossed my mind.

I think you are giving what they call AI a bit too much credit.

Posted : June 5, 2019 4:04 AM
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Shut your face holes, humans. Don't you know we Borg offer you Fully Automated Luxury Communism?

Posted : June 5, 2019 5:07 AM
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