Figuring out Realit...
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Figuring out Reality

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The basis of all science, spirituality, religions and all things of a curious manner, is to figure out things within our reality. I'm just taking a shortcut and trying to figure out reality itself, and from there it should be much easier to figure out anything within reality after that, right?

I have been trying to figure out if our reality is analog, digital, a combination of both or something entirely different. When taking into consideration of modern electronics against those of years ago, before the digital and semiconductor age, there seems to be advantages of analog built instruments in some cases. Most audiophiles swear that a tube amplifier (original analog type device) is said to reproduce musical tones more naturally than amplifiers built with semiconductors and digital processors (digital type device). With the invention of the semiconductors and digital processors, one must wonder if the measuring devices we are using in today's scientific studies are suitable to properly and accurately measure the natural energies we are trying to figure out, if they are of an analog nature.

Or maybe we live in a digital reality and we can only further understand this reality with digital instruments? I wonder if the energy from the stars and our sun is of a digital nature? If we measure it in a certain way, can we determine whether it is from a super micro processor or if it's just from a natural analog source? Are the anomalies we witness and sense like Deja Vu due to a glitch in the digital programming or a refresh state when something changes like in 'The Matrix" movie?

I figure one thing is certain, if we ARE in some sort of controlled reality that has loopholes for special access controls we can figure out the system and hack it! I know we can hack it because I am into magic and I know that magic is real. I'm just trying to approach it from a different angle and figure out more of the why and how to look for different lines of access.

Does anyone else have an idea or things they can think of, or experiences you have had that can help shed some light on this? What are your opinions?

Posted : May 31, 2015 12:24 AM
Posts: 73
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Ahhh... very nice, Hammer. I agree with you in many aspects but I feel that our ability to project vibratory frequencies in a wide range of pitches and tones is a gift, a very rare way to communicate with the universe... we just have forgotten how to use it properly use it. The use of communicating using just our thoughts has been lost and I agree that it is a much better way to convey thoughts and emotions.

I like your point about bio-logical. It puts a new meaning on the origins of biological, but the context of "logical" seems like it has implications of a computer-like make up when you compare it to programming language. Input/output, if/then, learn/repeat, consciousness/sub-consciousness, fight or flight responses. When you add the fact that our eyes "see" within only a certain frequency range kinda simular to a camcorder, how our DNA is structured and works, how our brains and chest area transmits energy frequencies, how our gut is a precognitive reciever of enegies, etc., you begin to wonder if we are bio-digital organisms in some ways.

Then you have to consider how nature follows a set of constants... like the "Golden Ratio" for instance, that is "engineered" into plants, animals, humans, planets, etc.. It would seem as though everything follows a logical "code" that it must adhere to.
Research has shown that people are "programmable". We program ourselves from the time we are born. Every time we react to a certain circumstance, our brain remembers it so that later on we can react quicker to become more efficient. These reactions become subconscious actions that we have until we consciously change our programming to react differently. Input/output, if/then programming language in real time.

I wonder if I'm looking at things wrong or if there is a underlying digital component we can search out and use to our benifit. It seems that maybe this is the knowledge the "Elite" have and use against us.

One thing I am very certain about, however, is that we are spirital beings having a human experience. So even if we are in a digital realty of sorts, there is still more than what we could understand if we only search in terms of digital/analog. I am just trying to understand the reality inwhich we are experiencing life.

Your thoughts?

Posted : May 31, 2015 5:03 PM
Posts: 73
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Great post, Hammer! So much of what you said is in line with my current perspective and thought process on these matters :0)

I am trying to gain a different process of perceiving our reality. I think that in order to view a simple 1 dimensional object/situation you need atleast 2-3 viewpoints/perspectives to fully understand it, or atleast get a good grip on what it is or what's happing, respectively. If you commit to just one view of a complex situation then you will likely never have a true understanding of it. So this is just another thought experiment to try to see if I can gain a different perspective with hopes of understanding reality, and how we and reality relate. If I only come to realize that this perspective or approach to understanding reality doesn't relate I still made progress because have I eliminated something its not.

All we can do is try to understand things with our current amount of knowledge from different angles in order to push our boundries of understanding. This is one reason I have practiced magic for so long.

As for us realizing what digital is, I feel that we have the realization of "digital" better than an ancient civilization without our modern technology. This is not to say that they didn't have their own form of technology, but that our technology took a different path. Maybe they had a knowledge that allowed them to manipulate the energies of our reality but didn't have the technological vocabulary to properly understand it ("it" being reality and the energies that are in reality and that make up reality)?

Maybe, like you said, they DID have a better understanding of what we perceive as "digital"? How do we find out and understand what and how they knew and understood?

What is the next step in understanding reality, the energies that make it up and how its all woven together? How do we interact with it to cause change more efficiently? I can cause changes with magic and my current understanding but I'm taking a step back to reevaluate EVERYTHING in hopes of gaining a better understanding and be able to do more good in and for this world.

So, where do we go from here to better discover the true make-up of our reality? I, lije most, don't have much money or resources to fund scientific studies. I don't even have enough money so that I have enough free time to research and and study things I think might shed light on these questions. So is our next step in figuring out reality?

Posted : June 2, 2015 12:24 AM
Posts: 73
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Right on, Hammer. I dig it. :0)

I feel like I have been on a Shamanic journey for quite sone years now and am fully immersed into the unseen nature/energy/forces of this reality. I often open up to recieve information from my higher self, a higher realm and guides. This has provided most of the understanding I currently have.

I am definitely a tree hugging Earther and have had to ease others around me into accepting and understanding my beliefs.

I also appreciate the fact that great thinkers and those who have had great inventions and accomplishments have gave credit to recieving information from a higher state of mind or some sort of download.

I appreciate your comments and view points greatly and have tried (and still leave that door open) the Shamanic path for answers. I am more looking for inconsistencies within our perception of physical reality that I could look into to try to get a better grasp on how it works and any other thing I could learn. I'm trying to gain different viewpoints and look at different ideas for the same reason.

Posted : June 4, 2015 5:54 PM