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Free Will or Cause & Effect?

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genxgemini wrote: Free-flowing thoughts are my favorite kind!!!
Fortunately, I have my swimsuit on. So,
I'll jump in your flow with you,if you don't mind the company.

~~~~~If,in fact, that is true. Some good always comes getting hurt. It is the catharsis that contains the crown. Therefore, the hurt is vital & necessary in order to evolve.
The taking away of that catharsis is one of the main problems we face today. The banality of anything and everything sacred & the glorification of all things simple, backwards and perverse are a revealing sign that
The ever-more-obvious&desperate attempts of the current power structure to retain control lately make complete sense.
Perhaps the massive projection of a dystopian future isn't because it's inevitable. In fact, THE OPPOSITE is truly true. THAT UTOPIA actually awaits us on the other side-where they have no control & ,like the rise in good you mentioned, there is absolutely nothing they
Can do about it. It is THEIR END & OUR true BEGINNING~~~~

Mmm, nothin like a good swim~ Care to join? Hop in.

Posted : July 27, 2018 6:17 PM
Posts: 638
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flowing thoughts. but bad news it travels fast. if its about yo you will probably hear about it last. i fell on the way here

Posted : July 27, 2018 9:16 PM
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Pink monkeys eat savory dishes from bone china on Sunday.The schnozz berries taste like schnozz berries and I can smell the Coors Lite from here but don't worry I'm not judging.I hope you are okay. I hope you were wearing your safety googles,you wouldn't want to get gravity in your eye I do declare this is all nonsense. Sense or dollars,most people usually have one more than the other. I don't understand your message because I don't speak beer but I hope you are having fun at the Water Park.Cheers!

Posted : July 27, 2018 9:41 PM
Posts: 638
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i was swimming in the river and i was riding a scooter and fell. kinda fun except my arm hurts and i drank a 12 pack. the bad news travels fast is from a rapper lyrics born. i guess bad news travels fast is the beer going down and the falling to the pavement. i need to stop drinking.

Posted : July 28, 2018 2:51 PM
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sirujux wrote: i was swimming in the river and i was riding a scooter and fell. kinda fun except my arm hurts and i drank a 12 pack. the bad news travels fast is from a rapper lyrics born. i guess bad news travels fast is the beer going down and the falling to the pavement. i need to stop drinking.

Glad you are okay =)

Posted : July 28, 2018 2:53 PM
Posts: 638
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thanks. i had to tell a mainstream forum not to be in the system yesterday. if thats all i get is a hurt arm and a hangover then cool. im moving back to my dads where theres not really internet. in the front room there is, but thats basically my dads room. life gets better without it, but its lonely. its in the national forest. better then here. i cant stand having people always annoying me. you cant go a day, in the mountains theres non of that.

Posted : July 28, 2018 6:24 PM
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Nature has the best wifi anyway. You'll surely be able to connect much better
in a National Forest.
Ya know, I'm not far from one myself &
those Ponderosa Pines provide incredible bandwidth. Not much of a drinker but if
you ever need a buddy to bong rip & talk about your problems.I'm your guy. You'd be
amazed at what having someone on your side will do for the quest of alcohol withdrawal. Even if it's just here in the forum.Best wishes!

Posted : July 28, 2018 9:19 PM
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sirujux wrote: i was swimming in the river and i was riding a scooter and fell. kinda fun except my arm hurts and i drank a 12 pack. the bad news travels fast is from a rapper lyrics born. i guess bad news travels fast is the beer going down and the falling to the pavement. i need to stop drinking.

Fyi: Kyle Sullivan has a pretty inspirational Youtube Channel if sobriety is a serious undertaking for you right now. Check it out:

Posted : July 29, 2018 6:29 AM
Posts: 638
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i sometimes quit for a couple months but its not easy when everyone drinks and life isnt very kind

Posted : July 29, 2018 3:47 PM
Posts: 638
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chemical imbalance. what is balance, feeling ok? thats all that counts

Posted : August 1, 2018 7:09 PM
Posts: 474
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Booze culture is just that - peer pressure and cultural norms are hard to get over than the alcohol.

Posted : August 2, 2018 5:32 AM
Posts: 638
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how nice would that be to not have dumb civilization. not being stuck in one area because of language or other reasons

Posted : August 5, 2018 10:44 PM
Posts: 638
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so weird i made this video this morning with this music in it and listening to the music more, thom york says it is all and i didnt notice that. in the video i made i said is that all? because something showed up on the screen and the camera shuts off because something is wrong with it. but it shuts off and a little after is when the song says it. amazing song, i listened to it when it came out six years ago. i dont know id this is the right thread. i didnt think it needed its own thread.

Posted : August 6, 2018 4:00 PM
Posts: 57
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genxgemini wrote: Care to expound on your statement?

You are it. You are the creative power of the universe made manifest.

Posted : August 9, 2018 6:15 PM
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hugh johnson wrote:

You are it. You are the creative power of the universe made manifest.

Thank you,Hugh =)
Delicious vids,btw.

Posted : August 9, 2018 6:31 PM
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